Saturday, July 11, 2009


reached home around 12++
overslept like siao xia.
woke up at 345pm close to 4.
i ran from my house to mrt station.
then ran from mrt station to O school.
they changed venus to lavender, so it's abit hard to locate it now.

by the time i reached, it's like 430pm.
missed quite alot, but eventually manage to catch up.
the only thing i cant really catch is the half beat and the accent.
cuz damn difficult to multi task xia, in short i sucks

after hh3, i went to eve's hh2.
seriously, this time round eve is doing a damn good job.
better than the last time i had with her.
As in, the detail, she's more into detail now.
At the end of hh2, i felt my whole body aching like siao seriously.

Joshua, stayed back to ask Eve some qn.
then ended up we got to know, alex, miss xx and wei qi.
Cant rmb the miss xx name, maybe shld ask juliana.
but she sucks at rmbing name, so yap.