Saturday, July 11, 2009


dinner with joanne & juliana at suntec.
from there, i think i agar agar get to know juliana better.
not say better la, but at least i know she's not lidat in front of them.

we had a headache of choosing what we wanna eat.
cuz one wanna eat korean, the other wanna eat jap.
but both wanna give in to each other, then one say she wanna eat korean n the other insist she wanna eat jap.
as for me, being the middle man, of course i'll side with Joanne rather than with juliana, cuz this is call bang li bu bang qin.

Ended up, we walked around food fountain one round and really had no idea.
so we had the Korean fast food instead.
stupidly me, i ate Japanese food at the Korean fast food chain.
Cuz i like Japanese curry, and really am a sucker.

I was actually late for my next meeting, but i didnt say.
So we stayed there until 830plus then i ran off to go home and change.
Reached home at 9+, then they push the meeting time from 9+ to 10+