Friday, July 24, 2009

Fouth day in school

1 week has gone by, pretty fast i guess. As time goes by or rather tick past, i realised i'm behaving more and more like an ergo-maniac, in simple term it's a workaholic. But probably i didnt go to those more havoc classes, thats why my impression for this job is still good.

Mdm Imelda wasnt here, so my job was to invigilate for 3 classes.

I love giving tests, because that's the only time when i can see and feel the serious attitude in them. Only during this period of them, everyone will be scribbling something on their script, trying their best to score well to do well for their paper.

Of course, there's always afew people with blank script or rather scribble afew lines then let it be. Come to recall & abit of flashback, i couldnt remember anything bout taking test. The only think i can remember is handing up empty paper for geography, so from here, putting myself in these student's shoe. I want to understand why they rather hand up 0 for the script rather than write afew craps get a few marks.

Last time i did that because i hated my geography teacher, so is it that they really hate their geography teacher? or because they really didnt study because they played too much? Probably will start talking to them when i get to know them better :)