Thursday, July 23, 2009

third day in school

3rd day in school:

i'm still carry my small file/folder walking around in school, quite a signature i guess, cuz among the rest of the relief i'm the only one carrying files around. Inside the file, i put my marker, my Japanese notes, my red & blue pen and pencil to do maths for my students.

first class of the day was 3T8. Walked in the class, relief their maths teacher, so i went thru their Maths equation with them and after that had to invigilate their Maths re-test. It wasn't as bad as what i thought, as majority of the students are quite hardworking and willing to learn.

But those who didnt wanna learn, were, hmmmm, rebellious i guess. The choice of the words they used weren't very pleasant too. Abit pissed, but i told myself i have to be patient. A rock can never win against a rock, if u try to cut the rock, the scissor will break. The only way to win a rock, u need to wrap it with paper. But paper is so weak that scissor can cut it effortlessly. So, i dont think by scolding them, it will work. The only way is to be patient.

Had quite a long break, but i forgot what i did during the break. Probably staying in the Homec room with Jacky or something close to that. Because i couldnt rmb anything bout walking around in school, because we're not encourage to do so. The rest of the time i was surfing web, doing research for history, about Maritime trade and spice route.

Relief them for history, quite an active bunch of them. But overall it wasnt that bad, they said i look abit like Ji hoon and Yoo Bin from boys over flower. I'm like totally shocked. . . . Lost for words (totally). Despite all these, it was a wonderful experience. Now, i had a different opinion on sec1 kids.

History once again, the same piece of assignment. But i have more active people like TIM!!!! The whole lesson, i'm Tim-ing around. Tim, why u like to walk so much? Tim, why are u still walking? Tim, what u doing there now? Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim!!!!
Mingle around abit more with the rest of the class.

relief them for racial harmony speech. Tell them, on a racial harmony day, what should we do and what should we not do. Our view and prospective regarding racial harmony, consequences of racial conflicts and how riot has changed the life of Singapore. At the end of the lesson, i was asked to ask them to do a Racial Harmony pledge.