Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Had lunch at Seragoon garden with Jia wei and Eelin. Wanted to rush my subject but ended up i couldnt make it, the stupid server take like forever to load. Totally wtf!?! I waited from 2pm till 245pm then the damn page managed to load. What the hell is the admin doing, such a lousy server. Earn so much money yet the IT system is so screwed up.

So now my time table is Wed evening, 3.30pm to 6pm. Thought of going home with tai, then we can study together. Fri whole day from 830am to 3pm. Planning to apply perm leave with Mr wong, hopefully everything goes well. MSM on sat, 12pm-3pm. Not bad timing, can go play basketball after my lesson.

Missed my value lunch cuz i reached mac around 315pm. Damn sad la, by right can save 3bucks ended up i paid 8+ for the mega mac. Jia wei ate happy meal cuz he wanna get the toy for Sara, he's damn sweet lol. Eelin ate the student meal, filet O fish. Quite sian, wanted to eat the value lunch since damn long ago. Probably cuz it's valued lunch thats all, lol.

At night meet the SKSS bball team for bball game tgt with Wu. But Wu doesnt wanna play match, so he kept shooting at opposite court. Played till quite late then at night met tai for supper at mac. Once again, tai didnt bring his notes instead brought his PSP!!!! NB!!!!