Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy teacher's day

the presents i received excluding cards

thanks Sharon for the prezzie :)
thanks JiaWei & Sara, Eelin & Nichole for the lovely rocher flowers

Declining blog or not?

Anyway decided to update it, cuz Juliana just kan me. So yap, here i am updating my blog. Wanted to update all along, just that i'm quite busy.

Busy doing what?
taking afternoon nap, staying back to teach students, playing basketball in school, Japanese lessons, dancing etc.

I have decided, i going for open classes every sat since Allegra is opening new classes :)

Teacher's day
nothing much thou, helped 3E2 for their floor ball. Sucks at it, like totally. Felt quite bad, but still at least i did done something. If a teacher took part for any competition, at the end of the year there will be points contributed to their year end inter class competition.

After which, there's teachers day performance which wasn't very fantastic. My point of view thou, can be improved of course. I just find it abit slip shot, especially some of the students. I guess, the most important part is everyone comes together to participate, enjoy the process.

Something quite mean and bad happened, dont feel like mentioning. I felt quite bad for him, but still, i must stand firm on my ground. Soft heartedness will only invite more trouble, so it's better that i harden myself and be a big meanie.

End of the day, took photos with Sharon, thankful & appreciate the presents. Took photo with Jia Wei, Sara, Eelin & Nicole too.

thanks guys for the presents, i really love it alot :)