Thursday, January 27, 2011

Travelling around the world

As i start to travel around the world, i start to appreciate how Singapore as it is. I start to understand how some of our systems work, i start to understand why is some of the rulings necessary.

In some countries, can you imagine yourself walking around at night and the next moment what u're gonna get is some one raping you or some one robbing you or some crazy guy from next door tried to shoot u down with his pistol who he just bought yeseterday.
Some places, even when u're walking ard in the day, you have so many people staring at you, sitting by the roadside eying you as you walked pass them. The next moment you realised, there's a group of people following behind u and who knows what's gonna happen next.
Or places where u take a simple public transport and the next thing u know u've been robbed. Or u put ur wallet on the table, and tada the waiter/waitress who's a part-time pickpocket just koped ur wallet.
The lady who's carrying a baby standing next to you can be a very professional pickpocket who tries to distract u using her baby. Next,

We always complaint that traffic jam, this expressway jam, that expressway jam but when we go to countries without proper road system, their road is not only jam but also dangerous. Any time you might get knocked down, any time another car will just cut out without checking their blind spots, and the next thing you see is an accident right infront of you. I experience this first hand!!!

MRT is always crowded, we have people squeezing, we have people rushing in, we have people not giving way. But there's places where people grab each other, pull each other, push each other to get into the MRT. What i meant by pull push grab, i really meant brute force. Not the usual, i push u lightly, u push me lightly and we squeeze in together. Or the next moment you found ur belongings all got stolen!!! Follow by,

In a country where English isn't their first language, and the next thing u know u're lost and you have no idea how to go back to the hotel. Tried asking direction on the road, either nobody is friendly enough to help you out, or discrimination plays a part, or probably we look like some pickpocket in action who's trying to distract them and the next thing we're so gonna rob them.

Seriously, i appreciate Singapore as it is and life in Singapore. I seriously do.. .. ..