Thursday, February 26, 2009

studying at Yishun Mac

at least i feel that its more productive than yesterday.
Since i completed one past year paper and finished studying 2 chapters.

Hope tomorrow be a better studying day thou, damn tired, cant wait to get under the sun =))

Tuesday studying day

Piang Audit assignment the whole day plus after midnight.

ended up playing around with the guys at Mac, meaning didnt complete my Audit assignment.

Conclusion: Nua-ing plus studying doesnt stack. It's either Nua or study or study or Nua.

Monday Blue

Didnt go lecture, doesnt feel like going to lecture.
Damn sianx, whole day quite moody, morning not free, afternoon not free, evening also not free.

Tuition with Shannon, then went foodcourt to study, after studying went to throw some ball.
At night, also like ai mai ai mai lidat. Damn sianx, but ended up i still went out.

Reached Bugis, atmosphere not very nice as well, ended up my plan to go to the beach cancelled. Didnt feel like going too, went home, do abit of project went home to take a sleep.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

SPMS dnd Pageant

Please spot HongWei chao geng
Ang's departing photo
Chloe's fan
candid, NOT
Winner of 2009 SPMS DND
F3 Chloe
M1 Fu JinHe

F4 San San
F1 XiaoHui (she very cute right)

Damn sian, i think that night i look damn plump la. . .
My face like super round la!!!
Stupid new hairstyle, make my face look so round!!!!

There's altgt 5 events, i went up for 4 of it, didnt know whether issit heng or issit suey.

i went up for some aeroplane competition, sadly, me myself had a quite depraved childhood didnt exactly know how to fold a plane. Hence my plane didnt even attempt to take off, n it just went spinning right infront of me. Luckily i'm not the worst, since Edward had his plane doing some U-turn so it wasnt very embarrassing.

Next, i went up to collect this MP4 player for Edmond, which was supposed to be my MP4. The reason i said it's mine cuz the previous night i swap ticket with Edmond n i rmbed the number i swap with him. Fated i guess, whats not mine is not mine. . . .

i got called out for some Audience Pageant cat walk session. Damn SUEY la!!! Suey until teng ko teng sa, pang jio pang sai xia. . .

Nevertheless, i showed them what i got (hohohoho), of course didnt win cuz the winner is determined by the amount of cheerings, and since i had only like 6 supporters? And the rest
had the whole SPMS cheering for them!!!
This sucks big time too. . . . .

Last but not least, my chair had this ribbon tied around it, so i had to go up for some 'Don't forget the lyrics competition', like WTF!?! Of all Dont forget the lyrics!!!! I couldnt even rmb lyrics from 安静, which i had been listening for 8years? Now i had to take part in this Dont forget the lyrics.

What makes matter worst was, they're playing songs from Mambo. Gosh!!! Of all mambo night's songs, if they give me something like "Backstreet Back's alright" or maybe " you are, my fire, the one desire" i believed i can still manage. Mambo, eeek. . . .
Unless songs like "never gonna lift you up, never gonna let you down(or go)"

Ended up whole night didnt really enjoy my food cuz i was busy running up and down the stage and backstage. So shagged. . .
Too much exposure, haha =x

Thanks everyone who came to support seriously, really very touched man.
Edmond, damn shuang kuai, jio him go, reply me 'set cfm no problem'
Same goes for Angeline & Baoli who are damn shuang kuai too, jio them go, reply me 'set cfm no problem'
Tai, although abit financial problem, still jio go 'set cfm no problem'
Hongwei, although need abit more persuasion, but as long as the clique is there also set jio go 'set cfm no problem'

Thanks for supporting my gf man!!!
People like u, make my life more interesting *two thumbs up BFF*

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Hairstyle

Met Kong for some catching up and went Far East to cut hair. He kept telling me how good is the place n how power it is, so we went there. By right we're supposed to go the place Jason recommend, cuz Jo's place had higher rating thats why we ended up there.

Quite like my new hairstyle, will consider going back there i guess. But maybe when my hair get too long or when feel that i need styling.

After everything went Queensway to find Edmond, he's buying a Pedro shoe. The funny thing was, we're on the same bus, reached Queensway the same time, but due to our extreme difference walking speed, he reached there few mins earlier than me and by the time i walked into the shoe he had alr bought the shoes. . . .

Guess i need to walk faster huh!

Quite a challenging meal we had, cuz we ate subway and Edmond doesnt eat any vegetable. The funny thing was, he does eat lettuce, guess it's a first step to the land of vegetable.
P.S skali he eat lettuce since young

Last but not least, never to play MJ on my birthday!!! Never to kiss any other guys!!!!
If not will suey WHOLE year!!!
Lost another 30bucks ZzZ

Dinner@ Hougang newly opened Pasta Mania

Nothing much, but their carbonara was really very nice, much nicer than the ones at PS. The settings more or less same as any other Pasta mania, maybe it's new that's why they put their best chef there. Just an assumption

I love the Banana pizza, my best dessert!! Yum yum

Basketball on Wed

By right should be my resting day, wanna go home and rest and stuff lidat. Ended up went to play basketball after tuition, the worst thing is i even went for supper after basketball


Damn jia lat la, after all the sit up i gone thru every thing is gonna get wasted =((

Friday, February 20, 2009

Birthday Celebration@Le Bistro

Settings@Le Bistro
Entree: Pumpkin soup with Foie Gras Main Course:
French Duckie with French Mashed Potato
French Lamb with French Cheese and French Potato
Couple Shot
Cable car dining remake
forgot the name, but it shld be some 'ce ve bon je mapple taime adore' kinda thing

Tuition cancelled, nuan at home till late evening before i left my house. Had a date with you at Kallang Indoor stadium. Didnt know what we're gonna eat until we reached there. Got problem finding the carpark too, cuz my eyesight damn bad la, couldnt see the signboard clearly.

Le Bistro is the place we're going, only know when you show me the place. Apparently you made a reservation, so everything turns our well. The whole place machiam booked by us lidat, cuz there's only 2 couple there.

The food there was damn nice, seriously the price we paid was quite worth it. The lamb was damn nice la,(sorry, limited vocab so yap i'll stick to godly) it's godly xia. The duck was damn nice too, extremely godly xia. I eat until i wanna cry, cuz i never like duck and never like the smell of mutton. Mutton had this reek which i couldnt stand, unlike the one i ate which was damn godly.

Service was like godly la, never had i experienced this kinda service ever. They are always around, always very attentive, constantly refilling my drinks, constantly clearning the table for us, n when i dropped my napkin they immediately rushed over to change a new one for me. When i start kop-ing her food they immediately passed me a new set of utensils, when she start kop-ing my dessert, they too, immediately passed her a spoon meant for my dessert.

I wasn't only amazed, i was totally impressed. Thanks dear, for bringing me there, touched T.T

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Surprised Birthday celebration@my place

Happi birday to me!!
with gf
ns friend

sec sch friends
Present presentation
couple shot

Thanks guys for organising this. Especially you dear, being the coordinator. Thanks Kun for giving me the mental preparation, n i'm really surprised. I didnt expect all this.


Birthday celebration with parents at Crystal Jade

Parents decided to celebrate my Birthday at Crystal Jade, the food not very nice. The amount of money spend there i think damn bo hua lo. Can like eat nicer things at some Tsu Cha area, where i can order a chicken, Soon huat etc. So much more wu hua.

They bought a Mango cake for me, cake cutting hohohoho

Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthday@O Bar

Dinner at Long John, went home then go meet the rest at PS. Cab down to O bar, ended up open a bottle of Johnny Walker at 200bucks, which was quite ex. According to them, i drank 3/4 of it, which i seriously dont think so.

Had fun, quite a few people bought jug for me, but i couldnt rmb who are they, so thanks btw.
Thanks my dear, cuz you are so nice n sweet!!

Thanks Tai and Wu for coming, since both of u had something on, or on recall list. Ang and Baoli for getting the cakes!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vday Surprise/Kim's Surprise Party

Forgot to mention that i went Kun's house to MJ after the celebration. His friend Jee Peng damn poor thing i think, like 3 of us keep winning 5 tai 5 tai, so ended up we even out but the friend lost like 40plus bucks.

Reached home around 6plus then i realised i had to set my time table at 8am, so i didnt dare to sleep, in cases where i over slept which happens 9.5/10. So better not risk anything, i decided not to sleep. Which isnt very smart, cuz the thing took me 1h to complete. Ended up i managed to rest for 45min before meeting you at Vivo.

We watched Benjamin curious case@Vivo Gold Class, then went HarbourFront Centre to open the present i bought for her. Sat there for awhile, stoning i guess cuz it was still early.

Normally i'll be the one BBQ, but today Melvyn was doing the job. So we just lazed around, eventually i feel bad la, cuz i dont like to sit there and wait for food.

So i went to wrap the corn, defrost the hotdogs, wash the sting ray, marinate the sting ray n wrap it as well, tried to defrost the sotong.. After the BBQ, i went to throw away the rubbish, keep the sting ray, pack the sotong, clear up the pit.

Went back for MJ with the guys after the celebration. Quite shagged, but i guess i just need to do something.

I wonder why

Mr curry@Clark Quay

Birthday celebration at Clark Quay with the class, actually i dont know whether is it a surprised or not but some how it sounded quite secretive. Nevertheless, i met up with Kun and went down to Clark Quay to find the rest.

Tesmmon was waiting for us at Clark Quay, couldnt remember why he didnt go find HanWan and Weimin first.

Walked pass this Jap shop, did some shopping and Kun bought this curry to cook for Clara, SO SWEEEEET!!! Ended up he bought this buy 1 get 1 free after the sales person asking him, again, ended up he gave it to me. LOL, 赚到 =x

Initially I thought, Mr curry is beside Waraku. Then i realised that one is some Curry Udon, different from Mr Curry. So we called HanWan, then she keep telling us it's above Waraku, but whats above Waraku was Kopitiam.

So the guys(as in us la), were laughing at HanWan, as usual, like 不会吧 food court's Japanese food?
Giving the "that's HanWan"'s look. Hopfully she's not gonna read this, if not i'm so gonna get slap by her AGAIN!

Found them at last, the Waraku they're talking about was De Pasta, not the Japanese Cuisine. So yap, had our dinner there, thanks for the treats guys =))

The birthday cake was kinda cute too, like some cookie monster but in muffin form. The candle was cool too cuz it sparkle thou maybe once every 10sec? But, thanks for the effort guys. I totally love it =))

Vday present distribution

Since it's vday season, had the habit of giving out Vday gifts in school. As in since JC had been doing it la, so just carry on the tradition. It be nice if some one gives u a present, right?

Wrap it up, M&M Tabolone(whatever it is spelled) Mars bar and snicker, brought it to Audit class and started giving to my audit lecture mates.

Couldnt give to Larine, cuz i wanna give it to her together with Yi Ping. If not quite weird giving to Yi Ping only =x

Stayed back and study with Ben, but i spent all time copying the lecture notes. Mainly cuz i either sleep during lecture, or i always bring the wrong notes so yap. Stupid!!!

Shopping for Vday present

Supposed to be surprised and can only update this post after Vday.

Tai and i, 2 guys, went to TM to shop for Vday present for you. Quite Pai seh, cuz two guys looking at make up, Mascara.

Know nuts bout make up, so took some time to understand the concept, what's it about, how it works, what kinda Mascara suitable for what kinda dressing and etc etc.

Ended up, bought one from Shu Umera, Brown colour lengthening effect. Actually wanna be Kiasu one, cuz the lengthening & volume effect cost the same as lengthening only and volume only.

Forgot to take a picture of it, but nevermind. All Mascara looks the same in picture, so too bad. Wrap the Mascara up with Chocolate, decorate the wrapper and ta da!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Surprised Birthday Mini Celebration by WT n XF!!

Kbox cancelled, sad, but nevermind, at least i can stay in school to study. Had lunch with WeiTing and Xiaofen, but i ate breakfast so i didnt eat anything instead i was watching them having their lunch.

Chit chat abit, talk bout subject and stuff lidat plus abit of gossiping etc. Then they had to go toilet, so i waited for them then TA DA!!! They took out 2 cakes n started singing me birthday songs, didnt really sing la cuz i was pangseh.

Not long later, they gave me my present and it was a cap from Erika, with i'm no. 1 written at the side. Quite cool, i like the gold edge especially. So yap!!! Thanks for the present girls, n i was totally shocked plus surprised cuz i really didnt expect it =))