Monday, July 27, 2009

fifth day in school

I have been working in school for the past 1 week and time really flies. All this time in school brings back memories of me in school, be it JC or be it Secondary school days. All the mischief i have done, all the prank, trouble i have caused to teachers and my rebellious nature. Getting sent out, see the principal, see the vice principal. Gosh~!

i had assignment for them, but who knows the assignment is supposed to be their homework. Everyone is behaving very rowdy, couldnt help it thou. Because the assignment is a homework, but of course there's some other people who didnt complete their homework.

One thing i dont understand, why must people walked around. I try to recall by then when i was in sec school, did i walk around and stuff lidat. Of course i couldnt remember!!!

Nice and good experience, the class is very well behaved i can say. Maybe because they have work to do, n it's O level, so need to get serious and stuff lidat. At the same time, i ask around and see who is very good in art so i can ask him whether he can help me in designing my friend's birthday card. That's how i got to know Junior Pang, the helpful prefect and some one who is good in designing :)

After that i'm back in 3E4, gosh, they are getting more rowdy now. Practically everyone is standing up walking around and stuff lidat. Ended up i manage to calm the class down, but i'm seriously helpless when comes to girls, lol. Guess i had alot more to learn.

As for me, i feels that sec 3/4/5, i wouldnt wanna discipline them that much because i believed they are young adults. Further more age like this is very rebellious, the more strict you are, the further they will bounce back. I guess what i need to do most is to understand them individually from themselves to family to friends so that i can work things out. A lot of work, but i'm enjoying it :)

Last class was 2E3, i have no idea why i call them jh's class. But yap, they are jh's class. First thing i walked in, they are like 'hi Mr Lee', and i'm like 'huh, how the hell they know me -.-' and of course the next sentence clarify everything.

'Mr Goh asked us to give u more trouble'

i'm like totally 'wtf', obviously i didnt say it out loud. As usual my conclusion is when the class has work to do, everyone will be quiet.

Georgina was crying thru out the lesson, i tried to comfort and console her but it just got worst and worst. Whatever it is, i hope she's feeling better and thanks Joey for helping out to console her :)