Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sixth day in school

Being there before, but went there to write their assignment of the day. Other than that, this is consider my first entry, quite a cheerful bunch of people. There's this guy called mark, n he super look like Show lo, especially the eyebrow.

Had a nice conversation with them, Jiahui, Alina, Mark and Michelle. Today, tse wei didnt come and i unintentionally talked to his favourite student. Because she asked me some Amaths qn, and i solved it for her.

This is the only class where i rmb the students by index no. cuz i thought it was quite fun. 16 is jia hui, 18 is michelle, 21 is Alina and 34 is Mark.

Quite a familiar class, because my basketball friends are inside. They had geography assignment to do, but as usual, most people wouldnt be doing it when relief teacher is in there. I think i was quite nice to their class, but i guess the next time i go in, i'll be abit more strict.

thereafter i took over jiahui for ART. Gosh, after looking at them drawing, i felt so incompetent. They way they paint, colour, n etc etc etc. Sorry, i'm not an art teacher so skip the technical term. Didnt start off well with 4N6, so probably the class still couldnt meet me in the eye. But no choice, couldnt please everyone.
Jacky took over me after that, i heard he forgot to lock the art room door. . .

hou yong's class, he's the captain of compassvale pri who play basketball at 299. I had no assignment for them, but i made them do a revision chapter for measurement. Ended up those who finished i gave them sweets as rewards for finishing their assignment. I dont know whether issit a good approach but hopefully this will give them the impression that doing work is rewarding.

Personally i'm more strict towards lower sec and more lax for upper sec because i believed upper sec are young adult, being a young adult they know what they do is right or wrong. But probably i'll be stricter to sec 3. I dont know why i say so, but that's the impression they give me.

Unknowingly, i gain a nickname in school. Students called me the strict and fierce teacher. Or other than that, they called me the Ah beng teacher. That's good, because that's the kind of impression i wanna create.