Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seventh day in school

School is getting monotonous, repeating the same routine, the same classes and same faces everyday. One thing that doesnt change is the ever-changing attitude of students. The way they try to mingle their way thru stuff, trying to see where the limits are.

There's days i'll open 1 eye and close the other, like what people always say, no matter how good the cops are, they can never catch all the thieves in the world.

Still, everyday, i'll be reading books on how to interact with the class, if not will be books on how to discipline the class, how to let students open their heart to you. It's tiring, but i believe it's my duty as one to act like one.

Like what i said, i love to take test, because that's the only time everyone wouldnt be running around shouting and making noises. Obviously, that means less interaction, but interaction doesnt mean u had to interact with them in class. In my opinion, it will be easier to run the class if you know everyone by their nature. Doesnt mean by intervening their private life, but by knowing them better.

By right, i wanted to play games with 1e6, but too bad their english teach gave them a last minute assignment so tada, no games for you guys. That's quite sad, lol, cuz i was looking forward to it. But nevermind, i had few more months to go, so it wouldnt be an issue.