Wednesday, August 12, 2009

busiest day in school

i have alot of post on pending, havent updated at all. But i wanna update this first!!!

Today, is my busiest day in school ever ever ever!!! So busy that i havent been sittin down at all. Running from room to room class to class. Getting scripts from 1st floor, from 2nd floor, from 3rd floor and 4th floor. The worst thing is, it's not my job.

So why am i doing this?

Cuz i'm freaking too RESPONSIBLE!!!!

By right, i dont have to do anything. But the in charge was taking his own sweet time counting the students present, looking at the instruction paper. But for what sai do one need to look at the instruction paper? If there's not scripts, no matter how many times u follow the instruction, you're not gonna start the exam until u grab hold of the exam scripts.

I got damn pissed, i need to go get the scripts for him. From all levels, not only once but twice.

Whatever instruction pass to him, went out thru the other side of his ear. When i asked him, so what's the next instruction given to you, the answer will be either i dont know, im not sure or let me check. What's the logic? Gosh. . . . .

it's the student's examination!!!!!!

I dont spot a sense of responsibility there at all, none. I detect none at all, sorry to say that. So sick and tired of this nonsense. . . .

Another issue was that papers are only to be collected when it ends. So what if student finish earlier? Doesnt mean you can collect and release them early!!!!

For goodness sake, it's not uni exam or what. Finish can go!!!

2nd examination, never collect the scripts. I collected it in advance, to see whether he will go collect or not. True enough, he didnt collect. . .
So if i never collect the scripts, is he gonna spend another 10mins trying to figure out why the scripts are not there?

When it's about time for the 2nd exam, i went back to the invigilating room, he's not there!!! For goodness sake, he's holding the scripts and yet he's still having his breakfast. . . .
Sorry, i got 0 tolerance for nonsense like this.

After 1010, i c0uldnt help him out anymore, cuz i had lessons going on. So whatever it is, i dont know what's gonna happen. As much as i wanted to help, i couldnt. From 1010 onwards, i had 6periods straight on all the way till 215pm.

Rested for 45mins, before going to Hanging garden to teach Sharon Maths. At the same time Umera, Sakina, Suhairah & haziqah asked me for help on their maths too. So i was running on both sides.

Around 330pm, the sec3s dropped me a call on Amaths & i had to move to the canteen to help them out on Amaths. Some random fellows from 3e4 asked me on Emaths too. Follow by Jacky's 3n classes asked me to help out on their graph. So i was like running from canteen to canteen, from canteen to hanging garden back to canteen. Table to table all the way from 3pm till 6+ close to 7pm.

It was really a tiring day, luckily i slept 11hrs the previous night =)