Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Had lunch at Seragoon garden with Jia wei and Eelin. Wanted to rush my subject but ended up i couldnt make it, the stupid server take like forever to load. Totally wtf!?! I waited from 2pm till 245pm then the damn page managed to load. What the hell is the admin doing, such a lousy server. Earn so much money yet the IT system is so screwed up.

So now my time table is Wed evening, 3.30pm to 6pm. Thought of going home with tai, then we can study together. Fri whole day from 830am to 3pm. Planning to apply perm leave with Mr wong, hopefully everything goes well. MSM on sat, 12pm-3pm. Not bad timing, can go play basketball after my lesson.

Missed my value lunch cuz i reached mac around 315pm. Damn sad la, by right can save 3bucks ended up i paid 8+ for the mega mac. Jia wei ate happy meal cuz he wanna get the toy for Sara, he's damn sweet lol. Eelin ate the student meal, filet O fish. Quite sian, wanted to eat the value lunch since damn long ago. Probably cuz it's valued lunch thats all, lol.

At night meet the SKSS bball team for bball game tgt with Wu. But Wu doesnt wanna play match, so he kept shooting at opposite court. Played till quite late then at night met tai for supper at mac. Once again, tai didnt bring his notes instead brought his PSP!!!! NB!!!!

Supper at Mac

Supper at mac, but some how one way or another Wu couldnt make it so Only tai and I. I thought tai will bring his notes down to ask me, i brought my notes down too. I assume he will bring his pencil case as well, but ended up he came down with only psp.

Plus he has eaten dinner le, so i ate the student meal. Nuan there awhile more before going home.

school holiday day 1

Played basketball with the 2e2 dudes, Dennis, Jorge, Daryl, Jue Hua & Ernest. Seriously i think my shooting is getting better and better, of course wasnt as good as my peak period but at least better than my worst period. We played with some pai kia and we managed to beat them in every match.

It was very fulfilling i guess, cuz everyone of them has size, knows how to play but still we beat them. Before i left i saw the 1N8 boys, one of them said i watched him grew up at 188. Of course i couldnt remember, and yes, i told him i couldnt remember him at all, lol.

6pm plus, left there went to Bugis to find tai. I didnt know Kate was treating him dinner, i thought was just a normal dinner then go K kinda thing. Ended up they asked me over for dinner together cuz the portion was alot and it's enough for 3 people. They were having Korean food, and i think the portion was really alot.

They had stir fried pork and chicken on hot plate, seafood pan cake, ginseng chicken and side dish. The portion was huge, and the price was WOW. All these cost around 90bucks, so each person around 30bucks. Imagine if it's for 2 person, it will be 45bucks each. Damn ex la i think, but the ginseng is real stuff.

Sadly, tai and i didnt manage to grab a bite cuz kate cleared the ginseng away. Telling us there's nothing left so yap, dont have to feel aiwan. Still, tai and i are like GOSH!!!!!

After K i managed to catch the last bus at sengkang and i reached home around 1am. That was damn close, it was really the last bus at Rivervale plaza. But i was prepared to cab home anyway.

Stayed over

All of us share a cab home. Wu, tai Kate & I. She stays near Novena now, but some how i think it's nearer to Farrer park. So sorta on the way, since all on the way then tai came over to my place to stay over as usual like any of our other sessions.

Came my house talk cock session, bout her, bout me. Bout school, bout him wanting to relief anot. Bout gaming, bout psp, bout final fantasy dissidia. Bout school, bout results, bout everything under the sky since the last time we met up.

When he's using the comp, i'll be lying on the bed playing his psp. When he's on the bed i'll be using the comp. This kinda lifestyle, seriously brings back alot of memories. Back when we're in secondary school. The 3 of us, mong tai and myself.

But what's past is past, we need to look foward and keep moving. Time doesnt wait for anyone, nor does it stop for anyone of us. So what i grieved over my last relationship, what's over is over. People do change, and some things never change.

Abit random, but i'll just say here. I'm actually quite ashamed to let people know who's my ex girlfriend. Met my tuition kid's brother at skss, he kept asking me whether she's my ex, but i kept insisting no. Of course i'm not trying to be a bastard telling him what happened in MY point of view. I just said she's just an acquaintance of mine, kinda like hi bye and poof gone from my life.

Told tai that i couldnt open up for another r/s, probably fang bu xia. But what's there to fang bu xia, i really dont understand. All the damn nightmare i'm still having occasionally, really sucks. But life as it is, full of ups and downs.

In my life, there will always be one regret, but at least it will be only one regret. Unlike some one else, who has more than one regret. Lol, bringing up the past again, ti ti niam ti ti niam. Shall stopped here :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

tai's birthday (3)

Ate punggol Nasi Lemak before going to Tai's birthday. He's having his birthday at Shin8 with his cousins and kate. Initially didnt know Kate's going, until i reached there then i found out Kate will be going. Meet Wu at Sengkang mrt, then we took a train down together.

When we reached, not everyone is there yet. So we chit chat abit with tai, open one bottle slowly drink. He opened 2 bottle of Martel, one on him and the other on us. Drank abit, then we thought Wu emo cuz he say he emo. So sorta didnt bother him (only to find out that he wasnt emo-ing like few days later)

The line was drawn very neatly. His cousins one clique, Wu me & kate on the other side of the line. The friends keep prompting them to kiss, to take photo together. I think it's damn awkward seriously, like at least spare a thought for kate. Like she's there cuz she give tai face, yet people are there to make the situation even more awkward.

I was able to hold my liquor, once again extract from Wu 醉翁之意不在酒. Tai was damn drunk, but after the 2nd shot, he puke everything out and he got abit more sober.

Tai came my house to stay, and we chit chat the whole night. By right i didnt wanna go, cuz the cousins were there. But it's his birthday, i'll definitely give face despite the situation i'm in. Same for Kate, she feels awkward going there but since it's tai's birthday. She says 赏个脸,给个面子.

Appreciate that u know im doing this for you, i dont mind being the bad guy. What are friends for? right :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

tai's birthday (1)

it was a tiring day, went fernvale area to eat Nasi Lemak. They say it's the famous Nasi Lemak so i went there for breakfast. But the funny thing is it only opened after 12pm, really wonder why all the famous Nasi Lemak opened at such late timing. Instead i had mixed vege for lunch, in fact i'm not very hungry.

After lunch, went Kovan to play lan, played for 2hrs. Spend the whole day playing CS, & seriously, i think i getting worse and worse. The rest playing dota, usual, i dont play dota and i suck at it. Of course i dont mind getting farmed la. Still, i find it boring, probably cuz i suck at it. Ate selegie tau huay after that, damn sweet la seriously. Actually i ate the grass jelly instead, still it's damn sweet. But i guess the sweeter it is, the nicer it is lol.

Quite fun lan, brings back memories. Wonders how come i can play 9hrs/day and everyday back when i was sec3/4. I think i wasnt as good as before, that's like duh, use to love Mp5, commando and awp.

tai's birthday (2)

I went to compass to find the 4E2/3 gang together with Jia hui and Tse Wei. I was there earlier than Tse Wei, went there quite stood also. Dont know what to do cuz i didnt bring a bag so i had nothing on with me. So i just stare at them doing their work, felt abit pai seh also.

Left BK awhile to walk around at Compass. Luckily there's this Gundam exhibition, walked around looking at different model. Thou i had been through several exhibition like this, but this time's round it's not as kiddish as the one before. Had a more adult feel, the way they exhibit the items.

I went back to BK, sit down nuan abit more. Show them the Gundam pamphlet, disturb Jia Hui abit before i left for Kovan.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Brandon Lee

Our long awaited supper, had been dragging on since june holiday. All the way from then till now, finally we got to meet up for supper. Quite difficult to plan the timing thou, some times i wouldnt be free on fri night, some times Mr Lee wouldnt be free too. Therefore it's very difficult to reach a mutual agreeable date.

Some how we just able to make it realised. But that was after much obstacles thou. Initially it was gonna cancel cuz he couldnt make it, quite a last minute thingy. The funny thing was i smsed tai that the supper was cancelled, and the sms didnt send thru plus i didnt know who i send the msg to. Probably i'm dreaming or what but nvm. At the end of day, the supper was resumed and we met at 1030pm.

Wilfred and his gang was there too, so we just talk cock sing song play mahjong. Forgot to mention, it was tai's birthday too, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Brandon Lee treat us to supper plus drinks and everything. Chit chat until 2am plus, he needs to go home. Got a family to run, the govt is strict there :x

Thursday, September 3, 2009

thanks jordan

I had a wonderful wallet from Jordan, it was really very nice and i was very touched. Thanks alot :)

First of all, it's from him and 2ndly it was a Goldlion wallet. I was surprised when he passed me a present, and even more shocked when i opened the present. Such an expensive gift from a Sec1 boy, and i didnt do much for him. I felt that i dont deserve the gift at all.

The next thought on my mind was my Burberry. Guess it's time to save good bye to it, quite a meaningless wallet which i had taken very good care of it. Every time i mishandled it, i'll feel very ai wan and heart ache. The worst thing ever happened to it was when i spilled water all over it, I was quite sad for a few weeks. A splendid wallet which doesnt suit me, cuz i'm not a very atas person to begin with.

I'm expecting it to rot and wrinkle, since i wouldnt be using it for another 1 year or so? You know, if you put things in the cupboard for too long, it will just wear off.

Goodbye Burberry, thanks for all these years.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy teacher's day

the presents i received excluding cards

thanks Sharon for the prezzie :)
thanks JiaWei & Sara, Eelin & Nichole for the lovely rocher flowers

Declining blog or not?

Anyway decided to update it, cuz Juliana just kan me. So yap, here i am updating my blog. Wanted to update all along, just that i'm quite busy.

Busy doing what?
taking afternoon nap, staying back to teach students, playing basketball in school, Japanese lessons, dancing etc.

I have decided, i going for open classes every sat since Allegra is opening new classes :)

Teacher's day
nothing much thou, helped 3E2 for their floor ball. Sucks at it, like totally. Felt quite bad, but still at least i did done something. If a teacher took part for any competition, at the end of the year there will be points contributed to their year end inter class competition.

After which, there's teachers day performance which wasn't very fantastic. My point of view thou, can be improved of course. I just find it abit slip shot, especially some of the students. I guess, the most important part is everyone comes together to participate, enjoy the process.

Something quite mean and bad happened, dont feel like mentioning. I felt quite bad for him, but still, i must stand firm on my ground. Soft heartedness will only invite more trouble, so it's better that i harden myself and be a big meanie.

End of the day, took photos with Sharon, thankful & appreciate the presents. Took photo with Jia Wei, Sara, Eelin & Nicole too.

thanks guys for the presents, i really love it alot :)