Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wonderful christmas

Didnt manage to take finish all the presents, probably will do it again when i'm free :)
It was a wonderful christmas this year, able to do whatever i want and stuff lidat.


quite bored of Badminton alr, not because i lose interest in it.
Probably because i dont feel the kick anymore.
No one can satisfy my enormous appetite any longer.
My competitive nature has took over my rational mind.
I wanna play with strong opponent.

Guess that's me after all.
Same things goes for Magic, tennis & everything.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas week

It's christmas week!!!
time to feel the christmas atmosphere and embrace this season of celebration.

Have fun and may god bless you :)

Monday, December 21, 2009


Every time i felt that i'm good enough, or when i had the confident that i can play well. Then when i play with Edmond, everything just shuttered. All my confident kinda just vanished. I'll feel so demoralise, besides that i'm only left with 2 weeks. After this 2 weeks i doubt i'll be touching badminton that often anymore. By this 2 weeks, if i still couldnt reach the level i set for myself, I think even by 2010 nov 5th i cannot beat Edmond and will nv beat him.

So near yet so far

lazy to change the font lol

1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they're right & you'll need to shut up.

2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this'll mean half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the football before helping around the house.

3) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t do it!

4) A Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you're an idiot & she wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you about nothing. (Refer quickly to No 9 for the meaning of nothing.)

5) That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. It means she wants to think long & hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

6) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. I want to add a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’, which is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. (Do not say ‘you’re welcome’ - that will bring on No. 7).

7) Whatever: A woman’s way of saying; “F*** You!”

8) Dont worry, I've got it: Another dangerous statement. This'll be something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is doing it herself now. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response, refer to No. 4.

9) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. It means something & you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine”.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Picture speak a thousand words

Jacob to do list for Eugene
James Esprit towel for Ryan (hinting Ryan he needs a bath)
mini speaker (i was praying damn hard i get to get that)
touching dvd from ling to Jacob
my free beer to James
the only exchange among the whole group. Mark and Eugene
Prize presentation to myself cuz Ryan left early
Doris prezzie
My body shop spray XD
strawberry from Doris
Candy bar from Jo
sweet things come in threes, Jo and Tse wei
Ken present to Ang
My 3liter treat :)
ta ta ta ta
another 1 liter of beer
Group photo w/o ryan, Ken, Eugene and James
Playing with Doris's polarised camera
Singing truly madly deeply

-the end-

Saturday, December 19, 2009

3 words what the fuck

3words what the fuck!!!

25th May i had MA & FR!!! kao la.. .. ..

11th May i had PBF and MSM!!! sweee bo

7th May MM.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Friday, December 18, 2009

met up with stanley

Chit chat with stanley, catch up abit. Talk bout Australia my studies and everything. Walked around ION and Raffles city, shop around n meet his compulsive liar friend. Seriously buey tahan, the guy just kept lying n lying n lying. i seriously dunno whether to believe him anot.

Damn irritating

Thursday, December 17, 2009

badminton with ww

Had MA in the afternoon, damn sian, everything he says also dunno what he's talking about. But actually not only me la, lol. Wanted to copy the answers, but Ben is copying so i probably i'll copy it during MSM.

After MA, pass my file to Cresencia and i went to Clementi to play with WeiWan. Initially see WeiWan play so funny, cuz he kept missing all the shuttles. But as the game proceed, slowly he starts unleashing his true self. The smack is damn fast & everything, felt so eager to be in the opposite team as him.

After the game, went to eat pig organ soup before going back to lecture. The whole lecture i was reading Low Kay **** "i believe you", read until the lecture ends. Ended up today nv really listen to lecture too. But i did copy and highlight some stuff.

On the way home, Cresencia Xinyi and i decided to play Badminton on the eve of christmas lol. Which isnt that bad an idea LOL.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Collected my racket

Today, i ate Mcspicy +cheese EVM, Bakuteh + rice, Kindle Bueno, Double CHeese burger, Ba Kwa, Sour Cream chips and a coffee Bun. It's totally omg-ly fattening.

Earlier in the afternoon went Queens to collect my racket from the Uncle. Love the Red string, like totally wow, probably cuz it's red. Now the entire racket looks red, metallic red surface and strawberry red strings. LOL, except for the blue handle. Probably gonna change to Black or light red. PROBABLY!!!

Wanted to buy lace, but i totally forgot bout it. Super forgetful, cuz i was late for lecture.

Reached lecture ard 4+, sat beside mong and as usual we chit chat the entire lesson until break then accompany him & tai to smoke. I just stood there and chit chat while blowing the smoke to the opposite direction.

After school didn't study with tai cuz i had make up MSM, but too bad i nv bring my notes so i was playing with my wi fi the entire 3hrs and couldn't take my eyes off the red string. Can't wait to try it out tml with WeiWan lol.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sat & Sun

following Sat & Sun i spend my time playing badminton. i'm quite confident to say that i had officially improved. i'm quite sure in all aspect i had improved alot alot compared to Nov 5th.

Deep within me, i can feel my sports competitive nature gushing out. Instead of improving or getting better, i had other agenda in mind. The only thing on my mind is victory and victory and more victory, improving and getting better has became a norm to me.

I don't feel content anymore, like it's not enough. This is not enough, that is not enough. Everything is not enough. I wanna take part in tournament, i wanna go for competition, i wanna have more exposure. I wanna be in it and not only playing it.

Enough for now, lol.

Friday, December 11, 2009

lagging behind for MA

think i'm seirously lagging behind for MA. I see Ben and cresencia both like damn zai lidat, while i'm lost there. Actually not really lost ba, just that not confident in what i'm doing, i kept telling myself dont just copy the answers. Must try must try, but at the end of the day, i just dont know whether what i'm doing is correct anot or suddenly he called me i dont know how to answer how.

Kept doing and doing and doing, but still dunno what im doing. How come everyone like know how to do lidat while i'm like lost lidat. The feeling is fking sian seriously. MA MA, die die die.

After lesson went to play badminton at Clementi sports hall. I think my drop and net improved, def too. I brought Edmond's racket to change the grip, but ended up i couldnt find any sports shop at Clementi Sports hall. Quite dumb, but i think cuz i'm not familiar with the place.

Luckily i brought Edmond's racket cuz Eelin's racket's string snap. Damn zai, i used for so long and it didnt snap but she use one time it snapped lol. Muscle girl jiu shi muscle girl, the strength wu fa dang.

Probably, i'm gonna go re-string it with Nano 98 then at the same time consult the uncle what's the difference btw the lbs. Then im gonna string it at 22lbs, hope it doesnt snap since Nano98 is quite a good string hahaahhaha.

another week with Mong

Mong came to pick me up again, so are we bff or ffb?
i dont know, guess time will tell.

We just kept talking and talking and talking, gossip and gossip and gossip. Just like the old days when we're in sec school. Damn funny i guess, like de javu. Everything seems so familiar yet alien at the same time.

Lesson, Mong and i just kept talking. Only stopped when the lecturer asked us to take down examples or asking us to try questions. Other times we're just scrutinising at every single person, talking and laughing at them.

After lesson Mong gave tai & i a lift to RP to study. Finally i starts to know what i'm doing, but every questions i tried, all i got wrong. What the hell lol.

So fri shld i follow Mong to zouk & sat to St James? hmmmm, pending ba lol.

Xinyi's birthday

Celebratee Xinyi's birthday at Ajisen. Abit yao siu cuz i had to wake up early in the morning. Ended up i was 30min late, nothing new i know lol. But Xinyi and Alex was as late as me. Mavis and Eelin reached much earlier than us and they bought a strawberry shortcake for Xinyi.

Alex and I shared a bowl of noodle, I upsized it and add soup.
Mavis upsized hers and she couldnt finish it -.-
Eelin ordered hers and she dont like the ingredient -.-
So actually, Mavis and Eelin can share 1 bowl because Eelin dont eat the ingredient, she can just eat the noodle and drink the soup while Mavis can eat all the ingredient while she still gets to eat the noodle and drink soup.
This is allocative efficiency XD

After breakfast/lunch, went to Cine to check out slots for Christmas Carol, but suey suey the movie is either finished or cine doesnt film it. Sian xia, travelled all the way there but don't have. So walked around Cine then i went to take a look at shoes and saw this Nike Shuttle shoes that cost $99 dollars, quite giam but i didnt buy cuz it isnt red.

Jalan jalan all the way to Taka. I saw this Adidas indoor shoe, cost $89.90. Super like the colour but too bad i think it 's quite ex lol. Jalan some more to Far East, Mavis shop for presents for Yan heng while we just walked around looking at Xinyi's Japanese shuai ge who arent shuai at all.

Mavis and Xinyi left at 6pm while Alex, Eelin & i went to queensway to jalan jalan. Saw the NIke shoes selling at $84 and the Adidas show selling for $69. Seriously it's so much cheaper lo, but since my income is ard $99 i bought this Asics shoe for $95. The original price is $119 lol. Shiok :x

Later at night had supper with Edmond and tai, started talking bout alot of english drama which i had no time watching. Maybe i'll start watching after my Zhong Ji 3an Guo :)

Steamboat & pubbing

Went to had steamboat with Ang & Karris after checking out the badminton stuff. Didnt eat much, cuz they kept eating the things i took. By the time i wanna eat more, they say it's time to leave and i didnt eat much. Sigh~

Maybe i shall return for more steamboat some other time, lol. Quite sian, cuz i really wanna eat alot of meat and ended up didnt eat much.

After steamboat we went to play the new Hyper Bishi Bishi. Damn fun la, and i think it's easier than the older version. Cuz i spend 1 credit and i played until stage 20, total there's 22 stage i think ,couldnt really rmb. While they spend $10 ++ lol.

Later at night, we went TCC to nuan abit before going to one of the KTV pub to drink and relax.

Chit chat and catch up abit with Karris, hopefully next year i'll have enough money to go Australia and visit her since accommodation and everything will be done by her. Like why not right, hope Ang can make it too then we can go tgt :)

re-string my racket

I went Queensway to re-string my racket with nanogy 98@22lbs.
Dont know whether is it the right thing to do, cuz wasnt very sure what kinda tension do I want. But ended up i just string it at 22lbs.
By right had lotsa questions to ask the uncle wan, but i couldnt rmb what i wanna ask.

Purchase, paid and everything. Change grip for Wu, a purple colour grip hope he likes it cuz i think it goes well with his racket.

Wanted to buy the red lace, but i wanna go home to double check whether is there any extra stock before buying. Checked out the shuttle, but didnt know which one i should buy. Ended up didnt buy any and went to Bras Basah to take a look at Badminton stuff again.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday Blue

Stayed at home to wait for my package, Ben and Charmaine came over to my place and studied. Didnt study much cuz Charmaine was playing with her new Iphone while i was kinda using the comp and when Ben came over he was very sleepy or rather my house wasn't very conducive.

After awhile, we accompanied Laureen to Kovan. She went to her dance class and we 'studied' for another few hours and dinner at Kovan. The tsu cha there is good, i like the fish head pot. Next time gonna bring my parents there :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

1month duel

Nuan at home the whole afternoon watching Zhong Ji 3an Guo. By right wanted to leave my house at 4.30pm to kovan to get my shoes. But somehow i'm just too lazy, lazy to travel to kovan then go to Anchorvale for Badminton.

Left home around 5.30 ended up still late, reached ard 615. Couldnt believed it, Anchorvale is so damn near yet it took 45min to reach there from my house. When i cycled it took around 10mins plus plus. See the difference!!!

Edmond was there alr, Tai was late. So i stroke with Edmond first, then until tai came then we started playing 2v2.

At around 7.30, Edmond and i played 1v1. Some how i felt it's still not good enough, i think he still put water. Although i win by a small margin, i don't feel like i won. Guess im going to train abit more so he can take me seriously.

Slowly but surely, i'm improving. My hunger for victory will not end here, my competitive nature will soon over take my hunger for victory. In my mind, Edmond is more than what i had played with ytd.

Looking forward to Dec 20th

I cannot he cannot we cannot

Fri by right play lan with Mong, Dong & Kok Yee. Ended up Mong sicked, venue changed to Katong. Then inconvenient so canceled.

Saturday, play lan again but i got a birthday to attend to. They didnt wanna play so late so canceled again.

Sunday Mahjong, but tai needs to work the next time. So canceled again.

I cannot, he cannot & we cannot

Saturday, December 5, 2009


once i can play properly, i shall get a:

Armortec 900P
nano 98
tension & stiffness 20lbs

Jaiver's birthday

Javier had his chalet at East Coast Park so all of us went. Edmond cmi cuz he needs to go his grandma house. Ended up only Kong, Davin, Andy, Jason, Bryan & gf went.

Damn suey, cuz it was raining and i had to walk from Mac all the way to the chalet. I got damn wet by the time i reached his chalet. Damn sian, and thru out the whole journey i was covering my camera. Scare later kanna water then spoil lol. As usual, i'm the earliest, reached there le and everyone not there yet only me and Javier's friend & family.

Waited awhile, Joe Davin & Andy reached. So chit chat with them while waiting for Kong and Andy to come. When Kong and Andy came, they started suan-ing each other. Bout Davin's JUST finished T-shirt. Bout Kong & Hui Bing & the Bkk trip. Bout Andy & Beri Nice!!! So i just stand at once corner slowly poke them while i can lol. Especially Davin's JUST finished.

Kong got suan by us cuz of his so called fake perry. Actually fact it's real la, but we just suan him cuz damn nice to suan kong.

Later at night, we went to play ban luck and i got triple 7. So everyone had to pay me 7times and i guess i was the biggest winner. Won around $22, covered 30% of my badminton shoe. Sadly, everyone wanted to go home so i cab home alone and my $22 ~~~~~~ gone.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Enriching friday

Met Jiahui & Tsewei for lunch at AMK, then 5pm supposed to go Bugis Bras Basah to look at Badminton stuff. YES!!! i'm seriously crazy over badminton LOL.

Ate Hokkian mee at AMK, and seriously the Hokkian mee there is not bad but i think my mum's one is better. I think only la, cuz i seldom eat hokkian mee outside after i ate my mum's Hokkian mee. Especially my mum's Kway tiao, i seriously dont eat Kway tiao outside except for Hor fun lol.

Rushed down to Bugis and went Bras Basah Complex. This time i'm fully prepared and i know what i'm getting, and the exact location for the sports shop. Sadly aeroplane shuttle is no longer on sales, that's what i heard from the Auntie. Cuz something went wrong with their P&L or Balance Sheet, that's what the sports shop said, I'm not responsible for the above statement:)

After looking around, felt like there's nothing much so i went to Queensway to take a look at the sports equip.

Only when i started playing Badminton only did i realise that it's so DAMN difficult to find badminton stuff. Unlike basketball equipments, it's everywhere. But badminton accessories are like, so difficult to find zZz.

Ended up, i had a few things on my mind. But all this will only realised when i think i'm good enough. Still, first of all i wanna get a proper indoor shoes. Probably for better performance, i know what's on everyone's mind.

"if you can't swim, dont blame the swimming trunk too big"

Maybe it's just me :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009


train up abit on my Badminton, cuz gonna play with Edmond. But some how i just couldnt control the ball as much as i want. Some how i think i'm on a Sin Cos curve, damn sian at times. But I deeply believed in practise makes perfect, especially when comes to sports.

If i wanna beat Edmond, i need to put in the effort so that i can beat him. I played from 12-4pm then went compass to makan porridge. Cuz still a lil bit sick, doesnt feel like eating other things. After that went home and slept till 11pm.

JiaHui suddenly asked me out of supper. Since i'm one of those that had waking up mood swing i didnt feel like going for supper so i rejected him. But after washing my face and everything, i felt more refreshed so ended up i went for Chong Pang Nasi Lemak. Actually wanna call Tse Wei & CheeLin but both of them weren't at home so ended up only JiaHui and I.

Chit chat makan until 1plus then went home le.

Jiahui, u grew up le. No longer the water gun boy taking super socket spraying at everyone. So proud of you :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

wed with mong

Mong picked me up from my house to school. Chit chat gossip and joke the whole journey or rather the whole day.

Brings back to the days when we're in sec school also when we go tuition tgt. When it's only the both of us, laughing chatting gossiping giving everyone nick names in the tuition class. Now in lecture, looking at people walking in and out, laughing at people's attire etc etc.

Plus this time there's Grace besides me, she and i are comparing our bangs, our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and everything that can be compared. Obvious Xy and Cres couldnt bother to entertain us so poor Mong bo bian need to entertain us lol.

Jasmin jio-ed us for dinner, but both of us cmi. So ended up didnt meet up for dinner. Accompanied Mong & Tai during their smoking break and Mong send me home after that.

Seriously, hasn't been gossiping for quite some time alr lol. HAHAHAHAHAHAH

2012 & Ninja Assassin

Watched 2012 with tai, not bad the show. Visual effect is nice and everything, story line etc not bad. Everything is good, the only down side is they're TOO heng!!! Seriously where got so HENG wan, HENG until ba bu liao geng xia.

Ending part damn disappointing too, expected the Ark to kanna humtam left right up down inside out. But all they put is 3months later. Disappointing, but overall good job for the visual effect :)

After movie went Bras Basah to look at Badminton stuff, not very familiar with the place, so decided to go home and google more bout it before going back.
Fish & Co dinner with Wu & tai to satisfy Wu's craving & promotion. He chia abit for the dinner and the rest Tai & I go dutch. Quite sad thou, cuz their promotion item no more, the swiss Fish & chip lol.

After dinner, decided to go home. But forgot who said let's watch a movie and so we went to watch Ninja Assassin after dinner.
The ticket seller thought i was under 18 cuz she said she believe Wu & tai is above 18 except for me LOL. Ended up i used my UOB to buy the tickets then she got convinced (",)v

The show not bad, but abit too boring. Like expected more fighting scene. Overall it's alright for me since i didnt watch the trailer, but tai & Wu are damn disappointed LOL. So yap yap, wanna watch anot is up to you guys :)