Thursday, January 29, 2009

5th Mahjong of the week

Monday Mahjong from night to morning, Tuesday Mahjong in the afternoon then Mahjong again at night, Thursday Mahjong at Claire's place and 3am Mahjong at MingTai's supervisor's place. Mahjong Mahjong Mahjong everyday Mahjong till i'm going nuts. But this doesnt feel as disgusting as New year eve.

New Year eve was totally disgusted and sianx of mahjong, probably cuz i played Mahjong 3 times in a day w/o a break interval so 5 times a week is machiam jia hei bee. Whole week's Mahjong surplus is close to 60bucks, but that's nothing compare to yours 62bucks in A DAY!!!

OMG la, you were damn huat can, winning streak and everything xia. Bet anything win anything, until your surplurs overflood. Can't wait for tomorrow thou, gambling den and everything, hopefully everyone will be there and wouldn't last minute pang seh or what. Damn sianx if got people pang seh wan.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chinese 牛 Year eve

Every year new year also eat the same thing, abalone with broccoli n scallop plus prawn, suckling pig, ducks, chicken and shark fin soup. Quite boring, but somehow got use to it plus i'm not very use to eating with my family too. After when my mum started working especially, family dinner almost cease to exist.

Used to be a very family child, every 6.30pm will go home for dinner with parents n out with parents during weekend. But was hit damn badly during the 98 economic crisis, till my mum had to go find a job so as to enjoy a better life la. If not my dad's take home pay is only possible to sustain the house, car and bills/credit cards.

As usual, not gonna go Bai Nian cuz my relatives were scattered all around the world. Let's see, my mum's relatives are all in Taiwan, my dad's relatives are truly scattered. My Ah ping mummy is at sarawak tgt with Johnny Papa, my da po went Taiwan to celebrate CNY with their in law, zei zei Daddy is in Brunei n the family is in Canada, my xiao yi is at Australia. So no Bai Nian for me every year, but it's okay la, use to it anyway.

At night, you came over to Bai Nian, then after that i went to your house to Bai Nian too. Trying to perform a unique stunt, i decided to do a surprised Bai Nian(1am) so i went to HongWei's house. The parents got a shocked when they saw me of course, then tgt with HongWei we went to MingTai's place(2am) for surprised Bai Nian too.

MingTai joined us and went to Wilfred place(3am) for our surprised Bai Nian, n i wanted to go to Ben's place too but we hanged out at Wilfred place for too long n ended up we left his place at around 5am so we couldnt surprised Ben. But it's okie, i think it's really very surprising, since my aim is to get their parents to curse me and they did curse me so somehow it's an accomplishment.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Once again another after dance activities, this time round it's at MOF@Marina Square. First time call to make reservation so werent sure whats and when's the best time to call in to make a reservation. Whatever it is, i called on that day itself so it was quite heng la, that i got a slot at MOF@Marina.

Of course i made a booking for Love Matters too, HAHA, good organiser right. Everything also prepare in advance n stuff lidat. But this is not the first time anyway, i used to plan for class outing and stuff lidat. Just that doesnt really wanna do it anymore.

Not much of a reason thou, maybe just sick of doing it. Like some times i'll think that people take things for granted and think that 'so he's gonna organise anyway' kinda thing. Let's imagine if i stop organising anything, nobody will bother to organise anything and of course slowly if nobody bothers to do anything everyone will eventually drift apart. Come to think of it, it's kinda sad thou, but on the other hand if nobody bother make an effort the end result is not surprising at all.

I believe everything has it's fairness in it, no matter how lazy or selfish one is la. If some one is gonna do the dirty work, doesnt mean he is gonna do the dirty work forever.
At least try to do it once in a blue moon? Is it so difficult?
I don't think so right? Doesnt mean when some one is active, the passive one should remain passive. At least try to be active once in awhile so as to appreciate what the active one is doing ma.

Anyway, the food was okay okay only but the dessert is superb. If anyone wanna make a reservation, their reservation is only available until 7pm thereafter you need to queue up or walk in lo. But it's better to make a reservation cuz the place will get abit crowded after 7pm.

Movie was okay too, quite funny quite like local productions but alot of people find local productions movie lame. But it's true that we can buy DVD at a lower price n stuff lidat, but what's important is the atmosphere inside the cinema n watching with so many people.

Went for K, then went home after that. YAWN YAWN

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vivo cap viewing session

InkHeart, similar movie to Bedtime stories i guess, cuz i didnt watch Bedtime stories. Damn wasted lo i feel, quite nice i heard from other people. Wanted to watch Ip Man too, heard it's damn nice as well. But nevermind la, Inkheart is just as nice.

Quite interested to wear a cap. Sorta comb the whole vivo finding a nice looking cap, though i did find one at Nike, but that was the last piece n it was a display set meaning alot of dandruff dude might have worn it before so that's like a nono kinda thing. After that went to A|X, saw this cap which looks damn nice, like red colour coated with black outline. But it's like $79.90, damn ex la, like diao. How nice if it's gonna be a birthday prezzie =x

Went Bakezin for their Dessert offer, forgot what's it called. Taste quite alright to me la, isnt that fantastic like what over people said. So i dont think i'll go in just to eat that ba, unless happen to have lunch there but the chances is quite low la.

Went for Left4dead again, initally had problem finding the 4th person but ended up Edmond will be joining us later at night. After solving the 4th person, we had a problem finding a lan shop xia. Went all the way from Siglar to Katong, to Roxy then Meridian. All the lan shop full house la, then the last place we went was Selegie then finally got ourselves afew seats there.
Ended up played till 5am before we took off.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Couldnt wake up for the morning lecture so ended up pon-ing it. Damn tired until i fell sicked, everyday machiam not enough sleep. The most i slept for 6hrs only, like what the hell la, my body needs at least 8-10h of sleep of course during my non-schooling days i'll sleep either 12h or more.

FM in the afternoon, so gotta go, but after that went Clementi to 捞鱼生 with you n your NTU friends. Met Kwee Swee and Edward, quite funny guys. Kwee Swee like very informative and Edward like constantly suan-ing Kwee Swee, some how their actions were very familiar but i just couldnt rmb la.

Damn kia su n everything, we were the only table 捞鱼生 and everyone looking at us like we're bunch of small kids. Besides the point, even the sell drink uncle also teaching us what to do, so ma lu la. Hahaha

So end of the day, they taugh me a new song.
要吃的是你, 要去的也是你,不会去的是你,要order鱼生也是你,要捞的是你,怕pai seh 的也是你。通通都是你啊Kwee Swee!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tennis Tennis Tennis!!!

Left4dead on a Monday night, 10.30am Tennis at Boon Keng! ! !

I'm so gonna

Super lack of sleep xia, from Sun to Mon, Mon to Tues Plus Wed and Thurs Morning lectures. My body so gonna collapse, argh!

That was just a prediction anyway.

Tennis was fun, until i got all burned. Forehand quite unstable, i think cuz my Dunlop racket was too heavy, so not very used to it's setting. Missed my Wilson racket man, if it didnt break, i would be using it now.

Backhand, as stable as usual. Of course not towards the Pro stage la, but at least the strikes and ball route was what i predicted. Should have con't Tennis, so fun man.

But Basketball obviously was quite fun too la, just that Basketball loosen my ankle joint, broke my bloody shoulder, weaken my right elbow joint. So in short, i'm quite fragile, maybe a therapy will strengthen all of it la, but no $$$

Got all burned, didnt feel very right during the MJ session so we played one pod and all of us just went home after that. Supper at my all times craving Chong Pang Nasi Lemak with Edmond and MingTai, then went to eat the nice Tohui there. My treat thou, cuz i won quite a bit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Balls shrunk

KTV session canceled, but at the same time tes jio me to Queensway to accompany him to buy shoe. Quite funny, cuz my outfit was from Queensway, my pants, shirt and shoe. All from Queensway, therefore more or less i feel abit pai seh to walk around there wearing things i bought from there.

As usual, took damn long to find his shoe. When we finally found the shoe he wanted, took us another 1h plus to decided whether should he buy that shoe or not. Ended up he didnt buy his Onisuka tiger, instead he bought this limited edition green colour Adidas superstar. Quite i think, probably cuz i psycho him to buy that pair. Hahaha

I was damn tired, so after buying his show i went home to take a nap. Cant believe i go school for one hour only, and then just go home right after that. Damn stupid lo, waste of my time, bus fare and my beauty sleep. Reached home around 5plus and i straight away dou and sleep all the way till 9plus.

Damn hungry, so went supper with the guys and when going home i got stopped by road block and i was going quite fast la. Seriously man, my balls went up my throat and the 2 thingy below just shrunk and disappeared. The officer talking to me was a Station Inspector, at the same time there's another Senior Station Inspector and Inspector there.

I was questioned, lectured and the car was spot checked by them. As in, i got full confident, cuzdidnt drink nor did i take any drugs la. But skali they found drugs in the car, then ho seh liao i tell u. Confirm more than balls shrunk, straight away melt and evaporate.

Got code X-ray, taken down name particulars and everything before they released me. Seriously i'm praying damn hard nothing gonna happen to the car if not i'm so gonna get it n maybe permanent ban from my dad. Ho seh liao, confirm guarantee chop. . . .

Monday, January 19, 2009

Saturday Fever

Blue Hoppers
Photo taking session outside 711
Before the movie

Another week of dancing, and i'm totally into it. It was damn fun and the dance step is so much better than last week. Although initially i felt that the dance step look funny, eventually after several attempt i totally got addicted to the dance steps. Mainly cuz it resembles move from jazz and it feels like jazz. Even the instructor said i released my hand in a 'too slow motion' manner, and i guess that's supposed to be more of jazz rather than hip hop.

Had our first dance group photo taken, quite exciting and was damn pumped up for it. It was taken by our instructor, and the angle n way she took the photo was quite artistic la. As in that's what i feel la, maybe cuz normally people take photo they will just take, but she squat all the way down just to take a photo for us. Felt very professional. After the dance, You weren't feeling well so you went back home, but ended up you went to Claire's place.

So we met up with Ang and Phy at TianTian steamboat, but before that we were cam whoring at 711, busy taking photos, one after another n goes on for 45min close to an hour i supposed. A few photos was quite artistic cuz there's reflection from the cars together with our face in it. Stayed at TianTian for 3hours, and i didnt know what was i doing for the past 3hours. I dont remember eating much either and tada times up.

Tried this dessert around Bugis, not the usual wan i always eat, it's called 记得来 something lidat if i'm not wrong, cuz it was the girls who went to buy and we are standing outside waiting for them. Guess What? I saw the girl from my lecture/dance class. Damn qiao right? I can't believe it too. lol

By right tot we were going home alr or what, suddenly they wanna watched Red Cliff2, so we ended up watching RedCliff2 and cam whore abit more before the movie started. Quite a touching show, but i was laughing thru out the whole movie and i think Bao was sleeping and Ang was busy leaning forward laughing too.

We did something quite embarrassing thou, that is dancing outside BGH. Did a video of us dancing and after that taught Ang afew basic dance steps and then went home after that. Missed the last 6N therefore damn sianx. Ended up reached home around 520am. . . . .

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Do you wanna play Left4dead? YES MAN

Thats our name during the game *wink*

As u can see from my title, it's a Left4dead season, everyone now is playing Left4dead and everyone is asking me to play Left4dead, and guess what?
are coming and right after Prelims it is?


Right after Prelims it's gonna be EXAMS!!!

So what should I do before Prelims/Exams?


I must mug and mug and mug and study, do assignment, hand up assignment and mug till i drop dead. I'm not mugging but i'm still gonna die.

Why am I dying?


Cuz it's left for dead, that's why i'm so dead

But why drop dead and die instantly?

It's so easy, cuz the right way to do things is to study and to study and to mug. But the butter but the butter but the, i'm playing Left4dead. So technically, i'm not doing the right thing, if i'm not doing the right thing, that means i'm doing the wrong thing. So what's the opposite for right? WRONG, it's left. So, Left for dead, i'm dropping die anyway, anywhere any whatever.

Played Left4dead, not that bad and not very addictive la. Hahaha, Ch*rm**n* yo* s*cks(fill in the vowel urself) la, get addicted so easily. Probably cuz i got very addicted to CS last time, or Maple that's why. But that doesn't mean i don't enjoy playing la, i enjoy playing the game too so yap, thanks for the invitation =))

Overall, although i'm not the top killer or top fragger, at least i'm better interms of incapacitation, hp loss, and best Protector. So overall, the score sheet reflects that i'm a damn humji person, always siam from attack, and always let people chiong first.

Watched Yes Man with you right after Left4dead, quite a nice show and kinda motivation i supposed. Perhaps to people who don't say Yes to life. Those who shut themselves in their own world, saying no to everything. Or people who being deceiving themselves all along till now, cases like people who put on a front like they are cool people but in actual fact they aren't. Or to people who shut themselves and eventually people stop hanging out with them because they aren't spontaneous.

It's an inspiration show i can say, makes me think bout my life and everything. Think bout how i procrastinate, things that i wanted to pick up on, things i did halfway thru n other important n interaction skills. So yap, maybe from today onwards, i'm gonna be abit more

Friday, January 16, 2009

dance step? HAHA

Kinda hilarious when i look back and think bout the video. Like OMG, i'm dancing at the carpark and the Ah neh washing the cars are looking at me, and some half naked neighbours of mine looking at me with an expression like =OOOOOOOO

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dancing class

Just had my recent dance class. Everything is nice n fun, was trying my best to strive for excellence and of course emerge as one of the better few dancers inside. Spend few days researching on other dance classes they get to offer, and i feel that i'm more suitable for Street Jazz and also quite curious bout B Boying. I Bet HongWei definitely will join B Boying with me since he's quite interested in that too.

This couple of days, felt as if something hit me damn hard on my head. Whenever i settle down to study i'll feel like sleeping and this goes on and on. But at least i get my work done at the end of the day so isnt that bad either.

As for now, New Year resolution is to run/jog at least 3 times a week, study damn hard for the coming exam/prelims, improve my dance steps and body flexibility be it the hard style of the softer approach.

Took a few videos of myself dancing, but just doesnt feel right so at the end of the day i deleted it. HAHA, but practise makes perfect and dont tell me nothing is perfect cuz i'm perfect *wink* JUMPSTYLE

Friday, January 2, 2009

Pre New Year Post Christmas Celebration

Pre new year post christmas celebration, so we are gonna exchange prezzie and stuff lidat. I bought this chocolate with liquor inside and a handphone keychain with a F blink blink in it for her.

Exchanged present on that day, was quite shocked cuz i got this tee shirt from Cotton on from Weiting and Xf gave Weiting a teddy bear. As for the lunchie part, we had lunch at yuki yaku or yaki yuku or yaki yaku whatever u spell it huh. The queuing list is damn long la, so we had to wait till 2.30pm before we got ourselve a seat.

Actually Seoul garden makes no different compare to that some more it's cheaper than Yaki yaku. But the cooked food doesnt impress Weiting and ended up she only eat sushi and cooked food from yaki yaku. Quite hilarious i got to say, the funniest was that Weiting doesnt cooked and didnt know how to crack an egg.

After everything went to Cine there to find you and your pageant friends and sang abit of KTV before going home.