Friday, August 21, 2009

it's getting nearer and nearer

Happy!!! I'm now back to the weight before i got attached, i think few more weeks or months later i'll reach my ideal weight soon. The problem is i'm not running yet, if i really starts running, i'll definitely slimmed down.

My goal now is to cut down on sweet drinks!!!
Drink more plain water in school, since there's water cooler everyday. Tml 2e2 asked me to join them for their class outing, i'll probably join them. Skipped my weekly basketball session in school to join them for their outing.

Seoul Garden>lan>Japanese lesson>Acid bar!!!

first pay :)

My first pay i bought:

Red Canon ixus 100 :)
8 shirt
1 blazer
1 pants
1 Hugo boss perfume
1 Bvlgari perfume
1 organ adaptor
1 pair of contact lenses
treat my parents to dinner

abit crazy, and over spend. But this is the first time i really spend so much money, lol. It's like i seldom spend so much money because i dont really have a stable income. For the first time, i had a stable income i'm spending it like crazy.

My wish to have a Hugo boss brief case might not be now, cant picture myself carrying one Hugo brief case to school. But i wanna buy a crumpler brief case, not really brief case thou, like one of those lappy bag, but i think they sure have brief case design. Of course that will be my 2nd half pay of the month :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hyatt Hotel

Due to schooling everyday, my bio alarm wakes me up at 8am every morning. Some times i'll laze around on the bed until 9+ to 10am. But ultimately, i'll wake up very early everyday. Even when schooling, i'll reach the school at 720am sharp, i'm supposed to be in school by 740am. So i'm 20min early everyday.

Nuan at home, surfing web, looking at vids online all the way till 12pm before i left the house. I was 15min early, so i walked to Hyatt Hotel to jalan jalan first. Sit there, nuan abit, wait for the rest to arrive.

I think it's around 145pm, when everyone starts coming in. Straits kitchen is like any other hotel buffet i guess. The variety doesnt differ much, but the service is slightly better than other hotels plus they do serve drinks unlike other hotels which serve coco, coffee and tea. So, not that bad.

Some how i just got sick of eating chicken, like everything is chicken. Drumstick, thigh, breast meat. Other than that i guess it's fine, the atmosphere is nice, and our seats are very good. Machiam vip table lidat, at one corner with nice decorations.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Last day for common test

Last day for common test. Did the exact same routine i did on thursday, collecting everything in advance and then passed to James, collect the keys, on the air con. The chief invigilator praised me for good initiative to come earlier to collect the papers. I dont know whether should i be happy or not, but of course i'm happy la. Like hard work pay off, people praise you for what you have done well.

Starting to get quite close to 3t8, felt was an achievement. At least they will listen to me, that's all i'm asking for. I don't need people to be the best, or to put up their best behaviour, but at least, i want them to follow simple instruction. That's all i'm asking for, can be quite tiring at times. I dont wanna shout or yell, or be like a typical St Pat's guy. But some times the situation doesnt permit to do so, i had to revert back to my St Pat's personality.

"A choice between a Ruroni and a Hitokiri"

Some times every where i go, students will start calling me Mr Gangster or Ah beng teacher. I dont know is it a good thing?

Since it's casual friday, i'll bring my basketball gear to school, then i'll played with the guys in school. Played from 1-3pm plus abit, some how, my 3 pointer is getting more and more accurate. Even me myself am quite shocked by it, like out of 10 balls i can get in at least 7, or rather the field goal is between 70-90%.

Played afew rounds with the Sec 3s, 4s and 5s. Was an enjoyable game, when it ended up, i left school and went to Blk 155 half courts to find the sec 2s. From there on, con't from 3-6pm and left there for home. Need to do Jap, so need to rush!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

examination part2

2nd day of common test, this time around, i learn from my previous lesson. I went to the conference room to collect the papers earlier, collect the key from the general office and gets everything set before the morning assembly. When everything is done then i went to report to Mr Wong for my morning assignment.

By the time James came, as usual, he's engrossed in doing his own things. I have no idea what he's doing, i seriously dont see his sense of urgency. . . and i'm getting pissed by his lack of sense of urgency. He's plainly, waiting for instruction rather than doing things out of his own initiative.

2nd half of the examination, i couldnt help out since i had my other work to do.

No breakfast club today, cuz i got lesson during the upper sec recess. I'm in 1e2, but i saw the breakfast club walking past my class. After awhile the 3e2 'prefect snaking club' walked pass too. Doing some >.<>

After i'm done with 1e2. 3e1 asked me to join them for their daily riddles. So i contributed some riddles for them to solve, since i had a single period break before i left for Homec staff room.

After school, went to help 3e2-4 on their Maths and a lil bit of chemistry. Sadly chemistry i couldnt rmb much, but at least i think i'm of much help. So it's better than nothing.

This few days, my brain is filled with nothing but maths. Some how it's quite tiring and very taxing, like maths maths maths and more maths. Still i enjoyed what i'm doing, though it's so tiring. When everything is done, i reached home around 7-8pm.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

busiest day in school

i have alot of post on pending, havent updated at all. But i wanna update this first!!!

Today, is my busiest day in school ever ever ever!!! So busy that i havent been sittin down at all. Running from room to room class to class. Getting scripts from 1st floor, from 2nd floor, from 3rd floor and 4th floor. The worst thing is, it's not my job.

So why am i doing this?

Cuz i'm freaking too RESPONSIBLE!!!!

By right, i dont have to do anything. But the in charge was taking his own sweet time counting the students present, looking at the instruction paper. But for what sai do one need to look at the instruction paper? If there's not scripts, no matter how many times u follow the instruction, you're not gonna start the exam until u grab hold of the exam scripts.

I got damn pissed, i need to go get the scripts for him. From all levels, not only once but twice.

Whatever instruction pass to him, went out thru the other side of his ear. When i asked him, so what's the next instruction given to you, the answer will be either i dont know, im not sure or let me check. What's the logic? Gosh. . . . .

it's the student's examination!!!!!!

I dont spot a sense of responsibility there at all, none. I detect none at all, sorry to say that. So sick and tired of this nonsense. . . .

Another issue was that papers are only to be collected when it ends. So what if student finish earlier? Doesnt mean you can collect and release them early!!!!

For goodness sake, it's not uni exam or what. Finish can go!!!

2nd examination, never collect the scripts. I collected it in advance, to see whether he will go collect or not. True enough, he didnt collect. . .
So if i never collect the scripts, is he gonna spend another 10mins trying to figure out why the scripts are not there?

When it's about time for the 2nd exam, i went back to the invigilating room, he's not there!!! For goodness sake, he's holding the scripts and yet he's still having his breakfast. . . .
Sorry, i got 0 tolerance for nonsense like this.

After 1010, i c0uldnt help him out anymore, cuz i had lessons going on. So whatever it is, i dont know what's gonna happen. As much as i wanted to help, i couldnt. From 1010 onwards, i had 6periods straight on all the way till 215pm.

Rested for 45mins, before going to Hanging garden to teach Sharon Maths. At the same time Umera, Sakina, Suhairah & haziqah asked me for help on their maths too. So i was running on both sides.

Around 330pm, the sec3s dropped me a call on Amaths & i had to move to the canteen to help them out on Amaths. Some random fellows from 3e4 asked me on Emaths too. Follow by Jacky's 3n classes asked me to help out on their graph. So i was like running from canteen to canteen, from canteen to hanging garden back to canteen. Table to table all the way from 3pm till 6+ close to 7pm.

It was really a tiring day, luckily i slept 11hrs the previous night =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

new colleague emerges

I had a new colleague, his name is James, 30-31yrs old currently studying at UniSim. He sells car insurance, luckily he's not very persistent. Some how feels quite weird, like, selling car insurance in school. I mean, it's a good networking strategy, but my point of view, i think it's not very professional.

Nothing much happened in school today. Or rather, i couldnt rmb what happened today. I relief 3e1, the class that gave me a very good first impression. Had an enjoyable time there as usual, with Haziq, nash & the rest of the hyperactive guys. Kelvin was testing my chinese, sadly i have to admit, my chinese is getting worst and worst. Especially my idioms, that's totally crap la.

Thanks 3e1, had an enjoyable stay in ur class.

1045 to 1120am gradually becomes my emo period. I would go to the end of my Homec block, sit at the bench there, enjoy the morning breeze. Students walking past me will ask me, 'Mr Lee, why so emo?' and my standard answer will be, 'this is not call emo, it's call enjoying life.' But, seriously speaking, i enjoy the morning breeze, it feels good. Very good nuan area, n it will be even better if i'm able to listen to music there.

The breakfast club people will always drop by to say hi to me. Asking me who am i doing, then they will gossip gossip gossip with me sitting there. Initially it was weird, but i gotten use to it. Some times i'll join in the conversation, most of the times i'll just sit there n enjoy the breeze. I had a new nickname besides gangster teacher, it's mr 吹风.

After school, i went to 2e3 to look at their performance. They are doing dance on National day, so i drop by to see how good is it. At the same time i realised, Darryl is in 2e2. He's kenneth's brother, my ex tuition kid's brother. Such a small world, by right i wanted to leave at 3, but ended up we chit chat till 430pm. Had to rush to Shannon's place after that.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

side note

it's thursday, come to think of it, the guys are all leaving tml n i'm feeling damn sad. Can't imagine them leaving, although we only worked with each other for 2 weeks and barely speaks more than few hundred sentences. But still, sigh, thinking that if they leave n sorta, in a way, leave me alone. How i wish that they can just work for 1 more week, lol. 1 more week is enough. . .

The more i read too much into his private life, looking at the way he talks, the way he carry himself n blah blah blah. At times when i was jio to go canteen with him, he will leave me alone there while talking to students, i will feel damn pissed machiam volcano erupted. Like, what's the point of asking me over when u're gonna leave me alone there? Of course if i really want to, i can walk around to say hi to students or stuff lidat. But of course, if i do that, i'm no different from him. Just like my principle theory, of course, which was one of the reason why my gf left me. I admit i might not be an upright person, but i'm strongly against behaviours like this.