Sunday, August 31, 2008

Birthday at Copthorne King's Hotel

❤Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday❤

Kway Tiao n Curry FishSatay n OtahTeh Tarik
Congee n etc
Headless Ghost

Last night reached home too late, today sorta overslept again, but i manage to reached your house before 1230pm. Rehearsed and all ready to shake hand with your Dad and say Happy Birthday Uncle, but sadly your Dad wasnt at home. So didnt exactly like shake hand with him. You werent ready at all, n i was thinking "damn i could have snooze for another 30min or so"

By the time you were done, it was alr like 115pm. Your Dad had been downstairs waiting for us for 20min or so. Went into the car, didnt do the handshake thingy just wished him "Happy Birthday Uncle." Then after that, we proceed to Toa Payoh to pick your Mum up. I wasnt really looking at the road, but realised alot of people was horning ur car for what reason: No Idea. But your Mum was damn funny, people horn one time, she will be saying, " buey lun." Horn another time, she would buey lun another time. As the horning continues, the Buey Lun-ness continues as well...

Read Harry Potter n the Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone all the way until we reached Copthorne King's Hotel. Saw your Sister and KorKor, they first thing i noticed bout them is their dressing. Argh!! They wear until like go PasarMalem lidat, n i felt over dressed. But its okie ba, your Dad's birthday, wear abit nicer lo. Spike up my hair thou, actually wanted to do the Shanghai Tan Hairstyle but got threaten by you, so didnt backcomb it.

The stupid hair, cant spike up anymore. Think its too thick or what, or too long then the wax is not strong enough to hold my hair. Even when i use hair dryer, my hair didnt exactly stand also, even thou i adjusted the heat to maximum. Spend quite long trying to make my hair stand, apply wax, blow dry, apply wax, blow dry, twist n turn, blow dry, refine it, blow dry!! Still it didnt stand, guess im just too Noob!! Maybe i should just dropped the idea of leaving long hair, n just go high slope my hair. Short, simple and sweet, triple S!!!!!

In my entire life, not too long not too short, after watching Meteor Garden, I always wanted to leave those kinda F4 hair: long, tied up, straight of course. Although not like Vaness Wu those kind, as long as straight enough will do. After Meteor garden, started watching Anime, n quite fond of those Anime character's hairstyle. Look even nicer than F4's long hair, but afterall its drawing, the author can draw whatever he likes. Below shows the Biography of my hair,

After O level: thinking that i will confirm go Poly, wanted to leave long hair. Ended up went JC, first day of school got caught by 5teachers for having long hair. Idea suspended, Home tutor got into trouble.

After A level: Might have enough time to leave long hair before getting enlisted. Enlistment date right after Prom Night. Idea dismissed. Bye to F4, hi to Botak

After NS: Finally hair getting longer, can tie a very very small ponytail( those kinda very small wan where u will need to clip it in order for it to hold), but irritated, cuz cant do anything to it. Wear hairband is not a solution. Spiking it is impossible. Solution? Pending, to be process.

Back to the Hotel, we had Penang Buffet for lunch. Variety not say alot, but should be more than enough ba. Let me try to recall, cuz they got weird name, so cant exactly remember those weird name. There's congee, sticky congee, that looks yellowish, with towkay youtiao at the side for u to add( I didnt take any of that) Theres Fried Chicken, but can taste that the oil is reused wan, but not as bad as those Foodcourt wan. Then theres Sambal Sotong, didnt try that so cant comment. There's onion stem, didnt take that too. Beside it is the Prawn, the sweet n sour sauce is damn damn nice!! Then they got Satay, which was very tender. Penang Otah, i suppose, too watery, i find it alright but you didnt like it. Watery means it's not cooked ba, cuz i cook Otah at home before.

On the left, there's Curry Chicken( superb), Yellow Glutinous rice( dont like cuz got Pepper in it, those kinda before u grind it) Pig trotter, this wan is damn nice!! But the vinegar taste, too much for me. But the meat, as usual, was very tender( limited vocab when comes to food description) Then there's this Curry fish, and its OMG VaVaVOOM!!!( something new heh, should check thesarus more) Then there's this Rojak, which reminds me of the days when i use to work at Sentosa.

When i work in Sentosa, i use to sell Rojak and Satay. Being young, i was very motivational at the same time if can slack will slack. But whenever there's crowd, i will purposely put alot of butter on the "so call satay Peng-er" and there will be flame blazing like nobody's business. Tourist, as u see, are very curious and will always wonder what's that. So i will tell them this is Singapore Kerba, would u like to try some? Of course, being curious n all wanted to try Singapore cuisine, they will pay 10bucks for 10sticks of Satay n 6 pieces of Rice cube n 7bucks for Rojak. I call them Mr Robert, all willing to get chop. But when u visit this kinda touristm spots, its common especially Sentosa. Yap, agree? AGREE!!!!

They dont serve cold drinks, so i went to the Teh Tarik section. Took a glass of Teh Tarik, add sugar to it, then went to the Ice Kachang Section kope the ice cube there n make my own Teh Peng. Same goes for the TouHua, made the Touhua( its hot) went to the Ice Kachang section to make my own Iced TouHua. lol, smart right.

Back to the food in the Hotel, hmm, where am i? Okie, Curry fish. Damn nice!! Then they got this Kway Tiao, power pack xia!! I kept taking n taking, took like 3 plates. They didnt use the thick Kway Tiao, they used the small small wan, like MiTaiBak lidat. Dessert wise, only got Ice Kachang(self made), Cheng Ting, Wheat with Coconut Milk and kuey. Overall is not bad la, but i think doesnt worth 38bucks. But for birthday celebration, i think its alright la. If casual dining i wouldnt go there wan lo.

After lunch, we went Comex for the Fair. By then, i didnt feel very well. Fever, body ache, feel like vomiting. Damn!! I'm bullimic, but Edmond told me its psychological. Cuz im not use to eating lunch, then when i eat lunch, i felt that im not use to it therefore felt like vomiting. But think as it goes, i will get use to it ba, hopefully.

Back to Comex, went to look at your IPod Touch. Wasnt really in the mood, but i tried to not show any discomfort n acting all normal( although not very normal) You kept asking me for ideas, but i couldnt think of any constructive cuz wasnt feeling very well, of course i did try to answer a few question la. Asked a few software questions, but the guy doesnt seem to be very confident. But dont think that will be a major problem, software this kinda thing sooner or later will be solved or fixed.

You bought the IPod touch, wanted to go 4th floor to find your Didi, n 6th floor to look at hardware. But by then i didnt feel very good, whole body numb, cant exert much strenght. Think thats caused by the body ache, when having fever or cold naturally will feel this way. You quite unhappy, ended up we left n i went home. Appreciate cuz you send me to my doorstep, felt so pai seh. Reached home, bath take Pandol extra knocked out!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Murder Of the Inugami Clan

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Gelare Waffle
Potential Basketballer
Posing after the first phot
Sempang Camwhoring

Had a strange dream today, lol!!
1st dream:

Together with your dad,mum, aunt and you. Your dad say hes not feeling well, so he wanted me to drive his Cefiro. He didnt want you to drive( forgot the reason thou) so i drove your Cefiro. Then at the back he said this is a test for me, a test for what i dont know cuz its a dream -.-
Of course i didnt hear him saying it, the fact i know he said that cuz its in my dream. He asked me to drive your aunt home, your mum to somewhere, n send the both of you to NTU, for what reason i dont know. As i was driving, he was behind observing, marking my every action etc. Whether im driving too dangerous or what. Sound like TP thou. After arriving at NTU, we started walking around, cant really remember walking around doing what, but was walking around looking at different movie screening. Then cant remember the rest!!

2nd dream:

If Claire is reading this do not laugh, cuz i dont know why i'll suddenly dream of this. In my dream, i was driving this Vios around Marine Parade finding carpark slot together with you, but you were driving your dad's Cefiro. In my car, theres HongWei and Alan in it, but you were alone. After finding carpark slots, i decided that one car is enough so i returned the car to my dad n ride yours.

After returning the car, i went to Mcdonald to look for u guys, but HongWei and Alan wasnt there. Inside the Mcdonald, there was Sky, XiangYun and you, the 4 of us. Then Sky said this to XiangYun, "do u know why i buy Mcnugget meal? cuz whenever i order Mcnugget meal, it reminds me of my gf in Australia. She likes Mcnugget meal alot, so whenever i order this, i can feel her sitting beside me eating it with me. Thats why i always order Mcnugget meal whenever i come to Mcdonald"

P.S Sky doesnt know XiangYun at all, thats only in my dream

So many dreams, of course i overslept, n got to rushed down to Hougang MRT to meet you, was late for 15min, then by the time we reached Cine was alr 1pm and the movie starts at 1pm. We didnt miss much, so we faster settle down to watch. The movie isnt that bad, like those typical Kindachi a.k.a Conan, so that who likes mystery novel etc can try watching this show. Spoiler, its not about Kindachi, its Kindachi's grandfather Kindachi. So Kindachi is not the Kindachi u think he is but the Kindachi's grandfather who's name happen to be Kindachi. So the grandfathers name is Kindachi but not Kindachi. As in the grandson is Kindachi, do u understand?

After the movie, felt damn hungry went CrystalJade for lunch/dinner at around 4pm. Ordered my favourite Century Egg and Chicken Congee, and you ordered Zha Jiang Mian, plus Cha Siew Pau, Pork Zhu Chang Fen and a pork rib. Total bill 32bucks, heart pain, every time eat so expensive, bank account depleting, dont know whether got enough money to go Taiwan at year end.

Had a little argument bout paranoid, rationality and emotion. Hence went to Orchard MRT the ticketing Machine to clear her doubts and to reassure her, prove to her what im doing on a certain day certain time and certain hour. Everything was done, although im still not very happy and content, think just let it be i guess.

After that, went Popular to look for Maths Formula booklet for my Kenneth and to buy your father's Birthday present. Had a hard time choosing between the 60bucks and 80bucks pen. But ended up choosing the 60bucks wan, and i decided not to buy the Formula booklet too cuz i doubt he will read it. Quite happy thou, cuz Kenneth sms me told me his grade improve from U to B3 after i started teaching him. Felt quite satisfied and a sense of fulfillment, cuz my student's grade improve.

After that went to look for organiser, n realised it cost at least 15bucks, so dismissed the idea. Instead, went to look for those nice looking notebooks n all of it cost around 5bucks to 6bucks, idea dismissed once again. Ended up, dont feel like buying cuz i find it too expensive. After walking one round ended up i bought this Binder Clips to bind my notes, hope to be more organise this year.

Finally, last but not least, i remember to go Home Fixed to buy my nails to buff up my MJ table. So happy, finally can give my MJ table a make over after several hardship it went through. But dont think i got the time to fix it today, so maybe tomorrow after the Convex trip at Suntec.

Send you halfway thru to your tuition, then i went home to get change to prepare for my 3on3 training at Blk299 with Edmond. HongWei didnt come cuz he went to Tanjong Pagar to play Basketball instead. Left Edmond and me and some unknown people we played with. We played quite alot of matches, quite sad cuz i didnt exactly execute much centre move. Felt so useless, cuz i practise quite hard for the centre move, but the execution wasnt as smooth as i thought. In terms of feet movement, body contact and strength execution wise. Although the Basket count is there, just a cover up from my shooting ability. Not exactly something Centre should do thou. But its okie,
Practice makes Perfect. But on the other hand, Nothing is Perfect so WHY Pracise?

While we were resting at the court, theres this Filipino Kid tossing his small little mini ball( of course it didnt went in DUH) Find him damn cute, started to take photo of him, then he saw the flash n started running towards me to take a look at my picture. So i decided to take another photo of him then he started posing, after that he came running to me again to look at the photos. Then he ran off to drag his fellow friends to come take photo. But i bang them, i kept my camera.

After lights out, felt quite hungry, then Edmond jio supper. Think twice, then say if anyone going then i will go lo. Called HongWei n he say wanna go, so ended up go supper at Sempang lo. Since Edmond got his pay, he treat us to supper, felt quite bad so i paid for the drinks as a token of appreciation. He treated us to Cheese Fries Wing set and Roti John King. But i ate most of the thing since HongWei ate at 8pm, then again ate at 10pm, so when its 12am, his tummy couldnt take it anymore. After the Meal, we CamWhore for 10min plus or so then left home to ZzZ

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day Of School

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤

As said from my previous post, i got damn nervous and excited la, dont know why also, slept at 11pm but i woke up at 3am plus. So laze around, watched abit of D.Gray Man until Episode 92, n thats when i heard this song Musician Piano Solo. Spend the whole night/morning finding the title of this song, singer and author etc. But all i could find is the piano version played by the uploader, not the original sound track, so quite sad.

My dad woke up at 545am, started scolding me for not sleeping, later can stay awake during lecture anot, will overslept anot and stuff lidat. But i just continue doing my stuff, never really listen to him since i know i slept enough and couldnt sleep anymore( actually not enough la, but just couldnt sleep) Washed up, chop chop left house at 7 and go to school. Decided to comb the Shanghai hairstyle, that means back comb all the way.

Reached school around 815am, DAMN EARLY LEH ME!! Waited for Larine to come school, then i saw WeiRen, Marsiling, Jacq and dont know the other girl's name( actually forgot) then this guy sat beside me , get to know him from Banking Finance Lecture, but i forgot what his name. So keep smiling n hi-ing =x Sitting right at the back is YouYi, with some girl i never see before, maybe the girlfriend crushing the lectures.

When saw WeiRen they all, DAMN pai seh la!! Cuz i damn long never go Dragon Boat training after injuring my shoulder, so see them dont know whether to say hi anot. But of cuz, awkward i guess, they didnt say hi to me too. So didnt really bother too, but did say Hi to Jacq cuz Ang's sister ma.

The Lecturer is a Malaysian, who use do part time teaching in NUS. But before going to NUS, he work under this Japanese IT company for 12years, before the company close down. After the company close down, he then proceed to NUS as a part time Lecturer. Soon after, he created his own IT company partnership with Japanese. But few years later, the company close down and hes now back in teaching. Hes look abit like Fly, those super close up picture of a Fly, maybe cuz of his spects ba. Not a very interesting lecturer, but how interesting can a IT person be? He laugh like a gig, those typical computer gig( PMU: just like KingYum no joke!!!)

More of him, his daughter is currently studying in SMU, and his son is a teacher like himself. The daughter is very smart, cuz she buy secondhand book and sell it away (roll eyes every1 does that) The son is addicted to game, since he was young, even till now. The son Operate 3 computers for gaming( i assume the son is setting a server)

Beside that, i couldnt really bother listening to him alr. Cuz the rest are computer history, which im not very interested. Like im going into IT, of course if we talk about other things like how to fixed computer and stuff lidat i will be more interested la. Identify hardware, designing software, writing computer formula. This i will be interested, things like who invent the first computer i aint interested u see.

But there's one thing im quite amused, the first so call calculator, invented by a French Mathematician but failed. 2nd inventor is a German Scientist, and it fails too. 3rd was a Bristish Inventor, completed halfway, but didnt continue. Then the MOST SUCCESSFUL calculator is invented by a BANK CLERK!!!! and it sold a million units. WOW!!! Impressive right, Bank Clerk kicks their ass. So in short, i'm a potential Bank Clerk Wakakaka =x

Lesson dismissed, was asked to buy this Management Information System: Managing Digital Firms, if anyone got lobang do tell me, best if its 2nd hand cuz cheaper. Cuz when i went to popular to check out the price, n is like 50bucks ZzZ. Had lunch in school, damn man, shldnt have eaten lunch in school. Guess im still not use to eating lunch, after eating lunch i felt uncomfortable, felt like vomiting.

But i sorta ignore it, so went to SK swimming complex to swim cuz i wanted to try out the new Freestyle i learn from webby, see whether issit more effective. Swam for like 1h plus, couldnt take it anymore, left the place and went home to rest. Slept from 3pm to 10pm but still got the nausea feeling and migraine. The worst this was, my house ran out of panadol, what the hell!! im so gonna die from the pain!!

P.S I found the musician piano solo and the chords

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Touching Song

❤OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai OyasumiNasai❤

This song is damn nice i tell you, after i listen to it i felt like crying. Especially the melody, ignore the person talking. The combination of the chords and melody is indeed very beautiful, very touching as thou it touches your soul. Its not out in ost yet, so had to wait for the OST to be released then can fully download it. Those available MP3s are all people playing their piano, which is nice too of course. But yap, if got the OST its even better, isnt it?

First time doing double entry, lol.

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

22nd Anniversary

❤Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday❤

In Kun's Fiat Panda
Suki Sushi Buffet

Set my Alarm clock at 11am, but when i heard my alarm ringing it was alr 12pm.
I jumped out of bed run to the bathroom, shower then left my house. Luckily didnt miss the train n everything was quite smooth, but i didnt reach NTU on time which is like 130pm. So i waited for Kun&Clara and you at BoonLay MRT to pick me up.

P.S Clara rented a car to pick her mum up so we got a car for the day =x

By right wanted to go Chinese Garden to play the slide and of course to swim. But it was raining quite heavily, ended up decided to go back to SengKang Complex since they got the slide and also the Indoor pool. Then im like zzz, rushed out of house ended up back to my house again.

Reached SK swimming complex, ended up didnt swim went my house for MJ instead. Didnt have enough time so we only played one round, quite a stalemate thou. When the game ended, only you lost to Kun $5, the rest no win no lose, or maybe Kun covered for Clara which i cant remember. But thru out the whole game, Clara only won 1 5Tai ZiMo.

At 5plus they left my house to pick the sister up from NYP, then think Kun needed to send Clara to her school. But Clara's lesson is at 7, then her mum will be arriving at 715pm, that means Kun need to reach Airport in 15mins time. Dont know hows he gonna do it thou, but u know la, after arriving still need wait for plane to land, belt to move, check passport n Queuing up so here n there will take around 45min.

As for myself, the buffet will start at 6pm, so we decided to go Hougang Mall to submit my JUMPSHOT 3on3 form, btw, for the whole day im thinking of a Team Name for our Team. I came up with names like Genesis, Apocalypse, Naruto =x, Rage, NOob. Then Kong asked me to decide, as for HongWei he suggested like Lee Tang Kong or something lidat. Sorta a combination of our name, but i think its not very nice. So i asked Kun&Clara n you for suggestion, then they came out with names like Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty, Slash etc. But ended up i wanted Apocalypse but when i filled up the form, i wrote Three Amigos. When i submit the form, the cashier said why not Trio Amigos, im like its okie la zzz!

The 3on3, i thought its only 3on3 competition then if u wanna sign up for free throw or dribbling competition u can signed up too. But ended up, its the whole event. That means there's dribbling competition, obstacle dribbling plus free throw. Each event has its own point system, of all the competition, 3on3 has the highest among them, like 3000points. But if u do well for the previous event its like winning one 3on3 match. Of course i wouldnt know how the actual point system works until i go experience it myself. So wait for 13th Sept i will update the point system again. N i heard from Kun that Nike 3on3 is on, so maybe im gonna take part in that too, if im not wrong Nike wan will be damn aggressive. So, need to buff up buff up, sharpen my elbow.

P.S the cashier looks like Ella!!! N it's Michelle's friend.

After that, i wanted to go to Home Fixed, but i totally forgot all about it. Im at the basement, yet i forgot to go there(Home Fixed is located at the Basement), wanted to buy nails to fix my Mahjong table. Although didnt really break apart, just wanted to maintain it, afterall its my birthday present so wanna treasure it u see. So, forgot to buy nail equal cant fix the table. Guess need to wait till tomorrow to go Compass point to buy the nails.

After signing up for the 3on3, went to Suki for dinner buffet. Youth plus 2bucks off so shouldnt be that expensive, compare to Sakae Sashimi buffet. Cuz Sakae Sashimi buffet is like 28nett and Suki, if im not wrong was 20nett, Sashimi style. Ordered hell lotsa stuff, sat down open the Menu started ordering alr. I think the waiter for a shocked too, machiam see 2Yao Gui lidat.

Let me try to recall what we ordered =x
Sushi: Tamago, 2Unagi, Salad, Unknown fish, Soft shell crab
Handroll: 2Soft shell crab, Fried ebi
Fried: Tako yaki, 2Gyoza, 2Tori karaage
Dishes: Soft shell crab, 2Yaki tori, Cheese Scallop
Dessert: 2Mango pudding

Guess thats about it, think still got more, cuz i cant remember what else we ordered for the Sushi. As for the fried stuff n dishes should be something lidat ba.

Damn shagged, slept at 11am, but ended up woke up at 330am, couldnt sleep anymore. Dont know whats the problem also, maybe too excited cuz first day of school. Recently, every night, while sleeping i felt someone watching me. Also dont know why i will have this kinda feeling. Dont care Dont know Dont Bother.

Go back to sleep le, Oysuminasai

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

SK New Swimming Complex

❤Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday❤

Look like Gym locker
Sk Fantasy Island
Indoor Pool
Sempang Bedok

Sucks man, went for Shannon's tuition today. Taught her Area&Volume, seriously, cant really remember much bout the formula of all the Area&Volume. Then afew times i read the question wrongly, so i asked her to solve the question wrongly, damn pai seh xia. Come to think of it, quite sianx.

So i secretly, took a paper and wrote all the formula down =x
For example,
area of Cone is πrl+πr^2
Vol. of Cone is 1/3πr^2h
Area of pyramid is 1/2bl x4+B.A
Vol. of pyramid is 1/3B.Ah
Area of Sphere is 4πr^2
Vol. of Sphere is 4/3πr^3
Not bad right, i took the effort to memorise all this hor!!!

Halfway thru the tuition, heard thunder and the wind was blowing damn hard. Felt quite sianx, cuz suppose to swim today. If rain then cant possibly swim, but luckily the night before you show me the indoor swimming complex at SK. So if really do rain, can go there to swim.

After tuition, HongWei called me to tell me he never bring trunks. So i had to rush to his place to take his trunks for him then rushed to Compass point to meet JiaHui there. We took LRT there, then the stupid west loop make 1 big round before arriving at Farmway. By right if go anti clockwise its only one stop, but due to unpopular demand, west loop only operate one side. So before 3pm, first stop will be Farmway, apparently thats where the swimming complex located. After 3pm, Rendang will be the first stop, and Farmway will be the last stop. So JiaHui and i took one big round to Sk swimming complex, so quite ARGH!!!

Reached there, swim awhile cuz its very very cold. Waited for HongWei to come, then we swim until 815pm, played with the slide. But i only take 1 ride cuz i wanna save the rest for tomorrow to play with you. The place is quite cool u see, theres alot of slides and the indoor pool is superb man! What a waste that the indoor pool is not deep pool!! Their locker also damn ex, 40cents instead of the usual 20cents, but they got this electronic locker where u can find it in gym. The staircase looks like those Function or Ball kinda staircase, those u watch on TV where those Royal Family members walk down from, quite cool.

Left the swimming complex around 830pm, went home to take car then we went Sempang Bedok for supper together with Edmond. Chit chat, talk about work, religion, belief, life and other things. I ordered RotiJohn King&CheeseFries, doesnt feel like ordering Wingset and Prata today cuz on budget, lol! HongWei ordered Fish&chips only( on diet =x ) Jiahui ordered Cheese Egg Onion Mushroom Prata, RotiJohn( w/o mayo, the guy had a hard time understanding what Jiahui wants) fish and chip n 2 Rootbeer Float. Edmond ordered his usual 2Wings and a Cheese Mushroom Prata.

Realised its like 1130pm, we went home cuz Edmond and HongWei need to work the next day. Bid farewell, send them home, UPDATE BLOG!!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Slipper Slipper Where are you?

❤Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday❤

OH NO!!!!!
Overslept again, sms Kenneth postpone Tuition to 3pm( by right is 1pm) Woke up at 2plus then faster bath then rushed down to his place. Raining DAMN heavily xia, then the bus took longer than usual to come also. Ended up reached his place at 315pm.

By right today wanna be nice, give him 2.1/2hour, cuz his Maths prelim is on Tuesday. Then bloody hell the bus reached so late. But actually if i woke up earlier than everything will be fine ba. Anyway did Vectors with him today, tried to explain whats Position Vectors and whats Coordinates, tried to relate Geometry and Vectors to draw similarity so that he can understand Vectors easier. Ended up quite chui, cuz i suppose his Vectors foundation isnt very good, so i had to start from square one.

Vectors Vectors!! Use to be from A-Maths la, those Ang Moh from oversea change the syllabus. Now E-Maths also need to learn Vectors, completely sian 1/2. My Vectors isnt very good either, but luckily Sec school Vectors somehow easier, so can manage. A-maths Vectors got i got j, plotting etc, so afterall A-maths wan is much harder.

E-Maths Vectors is more of Position Vectors and how to shift the Vectors to the left and to the right. The rest cant really recall, cuz theres too much to cover for Vectors. After tuition, i went your house for dinner, then i realised my slipper outside his house gone.

Me: erm, kenneth, got see my slipper?
Kenneth: erm, never leh. (MA, got see teacher de slipper?)
Mum: aiyo, sori leh, i think my nephew wear it out to play leh, i think u wear one of our slipper first lo. My this slipper just buy wan, nobody wear much. So u just wear first then tml u coming again i return u urs lo.
Me: haha, okie lo. No problem. ( KAOOOOOOOOOOOOO )

Kao, that cousin of his wear my Crocs ZzZ. First of all, its hygiene purposes, i dont really like people i dont know to wear my slipper la. Of course if friends its alright la. Secondly!!!! It cost me 50bucks, and i dont know where his cousin wear it to. Maybe he wear it to go play soccer or play basketball, or run in the mud!!! Its like what if la, even when playing basketball i also 不舍得 to wear wan lo!!

So i worn their Lee slipper to your house for dinner, on the way there i still abit buey lun, cant take it that my slipper lidat gone. But of course able to maintain my composure, if not my face sure black like Siao wan.

Didnt went to the Kimly Tsu Cha, went to the one with HupLee wan. Dont know whats the name also, but the Tsu Cha there damn cheap xia. Of course, as usual didnt get a chance to take photos. We had like 7dishes for dinner la, and everything cost $58.50 only, got shocked xia.
Damn cheap until i got a shocked man.

We had Ribs, steam fish, Sambal Kang kong, some kinda mysterious vegetable green in colour n some weird beanspout popping out from some where over the rainbow, Fried Bean curb with minced meat, Soup with mushroom carrot sea cucumber n etc and satay i think. Quite nice, after the meal, i went straight home, cuz i need to collect the form for 3on3 basketball and collect my slipper, since Kenneth Text me saying my shoe is back and he type this " shoe back le" =.=

Went to Sportslink to get the 3on3 form, then asked them for details, apparently they didnt know much so i just got the form from them then ciao ciao. Decided to buy Hor Fun for my parents for dinner, since my mum top up my EZ link card for me, but the Queue was damn long, waited like 20min for my Hor Fun. Then the Auntie told me, i can actually call in advance to make booking before going down. Not exactly booking but order before hand.

So with my HorFun, i went back to Kenneth's place to collect my shoe. The mum made an effort to wash the slipper for me, which was very nice of her. I felt so pai seh cuz it was raining n the slipper i wore became quite wet, so i felt quite bad. Reached home with my HorFun then my parents cooked Laksa for dinner, then they are like Wah so many things to eat. LOL!!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A day@C!+% H@^%#$+

❤Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday❤

My Chicken Curry With Ice 鸳鸯
Emo you
Cute Brandon
Passport Size Photo
S.H.E not

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

❤Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday❤

Virtual MJ

I found out theres this quite cool IQ game call Weffriddles. Its very VERY tricky n u really REALLY need to think out of the box. Its not those kinda quiz that ask u to look at the screen and try to solve the puzzle kinda thing, it involves alot of brain storming and speculation. Superb Game!!

Of course i didnt complete the game, but i doubt many people completed it anyway. I sorta gave up at level 15. For those who are interested to try it out, just login to

You were sick, so we didnt go out. Stayed at your place playing this Weffriddles thingy til around dinner time cuz we were supposed to meet SKY n Kim for MJ tonight. So we went Suki for dinner.

Shocked, when the waitress asked us whether we wanna eat buffet for dinner. So we took a look at the menu realised they changed their buffet lunch to buffet dinner. So the buffet will commence from 6 instead of ending at 6. Next time can go Suki for their late night Buffet cuz i think its cheaper than Sakae, standard wise more or less the same. But one big difference is that Suki u can order items below 5bucks unlike Sakae which only valid for plates that are $1.99.

Ended up we didnt eat buffet cuz we werent very hungry. Ordered quite alot of plates but didnt order any main course. After ordering we realised the price was $1.80 instead of $1.20. But i insist that its $1.20 cuz on the buffet menu they put $1.20 per plate, but on the menu they put $1.80 per plate. So i decided to like act blur n continue eating, then if they asked us to pay $1.80 per plate i will argue my way thru =x

Ended up its really $1.20 so quite heng, cuz i didnt need to argue with the manager. I like the Chicken Karaage, its like popcorn chicken i can pop it into my mouth non-stop. Took this Salmon Skin, which i thought it was Salmon Karaage. Not that fantastic but worth trying it thou. Then after our meal, they gave us this coupon, with alot of discount and everything n im definitely going back for more.

Bought Nata De Coco n a can of Longan planning to make dessert for Sky n Kim during the break cuz everytime play MJ with Sky he will always buy chips or drink and stuff lidat. As usual, they lost their way and couldnt find Punggol Central n keep asking me where is Punggol Road, but the problem is i dont know where is Punggol Road. Then they keep insisting that there is this Esso Petrol kiosk but the problem is Punggol only got SPC.

When they finally reached my house, they said we bluff them cuz there is Esso@Punggol. So i asked them for a distinct landmark, then Sky say "oh, got a 24h XinWang there"
Im like =.= isnt that KOVAN.

As usual Sky bought lots of stuff, like Lays Sour Cream, Twisties Chicken flavour and a Milky Way Chocolate Whip. NICE!!! hohohohohoh

When they arrived, Sky was on the phone with Claire, then somehow or another they hang the phone and started Webcam-ing. Hence Sky went to login MSN, to Webcam with Claire, so that we can play Virtual MJ. Its like Claire say what to hit, then Sky will hit it for her n stuff lidat.

Initially the Webcam couldnt focus on the tiles, so I removed my Webcam from my comp and bring an extra chair in to hold the Webcam. After that the Webcam is too low, so i took out my Dell box to make the Webcam higher so Claire can view the tiles. But due to some technical error, my speaker went bonkers, so we cant hear Claire anymore. So i went to look for my Earpiece so that Sky can hear her, at the same time my that Earpiece got mic attached to it, so he can talk to Claire at the same time.

After awhile Claire said she need to study, so she log off MSN then we resume our 4people MJ. My dad mistook Sky as Kun, cuz they are both very tall. Quite qiao also, cuz Sky&Kun are both from Catholic High, even more qiao, they both from the same CCA. LOL!!

Come to Catholic high, i always sing this song to the Cat High guys i know. Cuz Cat is and high is like 公教的教. So whenever i come across any Cat high guys i know. I will tell them this,"hey, i know your school song leh, wanna listen?"

我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!
Repeat after me,
我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!
(Chorus )
我是公教 ORH JIAO( black crow), Dua( big) Lan Jiao( blue bird)!!!

Around 1am, Kim told us she can only play one round cuz she needed to go. Dont want her parents to get worry cuz she wanna be a filial daughter. So our MJ session ended around 1plus 2am lidat. Sky lost $30, you lost 2bucks, i won 5bucks =.=!!!

Send her home, then went home to ZzZzZ once again!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Badminton is tiring

❤Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday❤

Crazy 10 DishesKing Of MJ Tai
Shy Litter Kun
Shy Little Clara

Woke up damn early, eyes can barely opened, but im meeting Kun&Clara at 10am.
So i forced myself outta bed at around 915pm, but around 925pm Kun sms me telling me he will be late. So i took my time then meet you at Hougang Mall around 1030pm. By then Kun sms me told me he will be late n will be cabbing down, so ended up only you n I had breakfast at Mac.

Luckily im quite hungry so i ate the $2 Mcmuffin combo, change my drink to Milo n yours to Orange. After the meal, we walked to Hougang Sports Hall cuz we were suppose to meet them there. Booked the court, then waited awhile for them, then started playing alr.

The game was quite xiong, alot of running n jumping cuz you worn slipper n i had to run every where around the court. Cuz of your slipper you tripped and fall, stupid dumb dumb!! But wasnt very serious cuz you could still laugh while your face was on the floor =.=

After playing for few hours, got quite drained from all the running, cuz im playing for close to 2 persons share. Quite shagged but it was really very fun, think now im addicted to Badminton, n im quite interested to go buy the Wilson N factor K series Badminton racket which is on sales. 70% discount!!!! Cant believe it right, actually i cant believe it too, 70% is too much for me. Besides that the racket is white in colour, one of my dream racket colour. I always wanted a White colour Tennis Racket, but that was back then when i was still in the Tennis team.

After our game, you went to bath so we waited for you at the Badminton court, while waiting we were watching some Lau Jiao playing. They were DAMN good xia!! Their strokes n smacks are like vavavoom!! Seriously can tell that they had very strong n powerful wrist, the wrist work n foot work is superb, but i think im just too lousy ba.

After that send you to the traffic light, cuz you decided to walk to Hougang Mall to take a train. Saving on Bus ride =.=
See la, the other time ask you to buy the concession lugi 2 days only you dont want. Now you had to suffer for 1whole month =.=

Went back to find Kun&Clara then went to swim with them. Kun is damn funny, hes like a water giraffe. Although he doesnt know how to swim Breaststoke, he can do freestyle which was quite cool. Cuz all along, i had the mentality that everyone knows how to swim Breast stroke, but not everyone knows how to do freestyle( im the classic example)

So Clara spend the whole day teaching him how to do a proper kick, while i do my usual freestyle up and down the pool. Clara said my freestyle looks funny, cuz my elbow isnt high enough. Felt so sad, like a meteor strike on me. Imagine i being learning for weeks n someone came along n say "hey, ur freestyle looks weird"

Tried to improvise, but i think im getting to use to this style, cant change so easily. Guess im gonna continue shadowing other people's freestyle then try to improvise on it some other time ba.

After our swim, Kun invited me for his 10th month anniversary at Hougang 5Star Western( Of course is i intro wan) They had this policy, like together for how long, then they will order how many dishes. So this month is the 10th month, therefore they are ordering 10 dishes!!! Luckily things like drinks and rice is consider as one dish. So they ordered Rojak, Popian, Hak Gau, Siew Mai, Kway chap n Ingredient, Chicken Chop, 2cups of drink n LoMaiKai. Everyone around us are looking at us and i felt quite pai seh. Cuz we like yao gui lidat, 10years never eat order so many things.

Ended up they cant finish the Rojak n Popian so i helped them to finish it off. Kun told me last month they order even more, like Black/White carrot cake, Orh Jian n etc which i cant remember. After our meal i asked Tai to go play Mahjong at my place. Luckily he's free today cuz he everyday also not free, everyday also got programme n stuff lidat. Catch up abit, chit chat abit then the whole session he lost like 20bucks. Felt so PaiSeh, asked him come play with us then ended up he biggest loser.

Send them home, then i went home to ZzZz cuz not feeling well!!!

❤1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks❤