Sunday, May 31, 2009


❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

initially, planning to eat at China town
(the place where they're gonna retire & hang around when they're old, just my prediction)
planned to eat steam boat, cuz it's cheap.
If not gonna eat fish head there
(my assumption is, the rice are free flow)
Ended up we ate KFC for dinner.

He wanted to order a 8 piece meal, with popcorn chicken 6shrimp 2whipped & 1 Cole slaw plus 4 cups of pepsi.
i'm like gosh, 你养猪阿?or 你十年bo jia peng ar?
instead i ordered a 6piece meal with 1 large coke, 2 whipped and 1 cole slaw.
Ended up they can barely finished everything -.-

after dinner is our weekly bitching session.
now i know 口德 is genetically inherit too.
My father kept asking me to wait & see, to wait & see.
my mother kept scolding me for defending her last time.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Carnival@Hougang swimming complex

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Hougang had this carnival
quite cool, free entry, ahahaha.
didnt know there's free entry, so i tan tio.

there's performance like,
life saving by NUS sports club
synchronized swimming by SCGS
other carnival events too

ended up swam awhile then went back.
Bump into my parents when buying Bubble tea
got a shocked, cuz suddenly some one grab my left arm and some one grab my shoulder.
But some how i expect it to be them, cuz i was calling my dad and some one's hp rang from behind me.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

KO night

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

watched KO night at SMU again
nb, they are damn damn damn guai lan.
seriously, honestly and really!!!!
all the guai lan dance step to taunt people.

totally godlike, gosh. . . .

ate Long John, i'm like gosh once again.
the menu changed again, why did it keep changing?
getting more and more ex too, i use to think that Long John is the cheapest fast food compare to Mac and BK, but now i think otherwise.

reached home drop dead, snoreZzZ

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Kbox@Cine leisure

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

K with wt & xf at Cine leisure
ate the k lunch as well, damn nice.
u know why?
cuz it's my fave Japanese Curry!!!!!!!

I didnt choose any songs at all xia.
xf machiam knows what i sing and she practically choose all the songs for me.
guess i'm just too predictable, ahahaha.
the worst thing is i only went K with her twice.

then xf sang all the new songs, all damn nice la.
Everytime sing with her, she always has something new to show us.
really music guru or music wiki.
wt, dont say i nv say you hor, u're english guru okie.
Plus a new music blog, do drop by when u're free

told wt liao, let's merge to boost the utility of the users.
Now, independent, still asked me to advertise for you ^%@$#%
tue/wed lunch on u la &^@%#%

after k, actually gonna take neo print.
but ended up we didnt, ahem ahem ahem.
so yap, went BK to chit chat, update bout ourselves & everything.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤


❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

i'm just tired, probably i'll update my blog tomorrow.
tired from another issue too, probably i'll stick to my conclusion.
i'm just so damn tired from all the damn bull shit.
I need to move on with my life

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Saturday, May 30, 2009

so proud of myself

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

so proud of myself
managed to not go clubbing
even with all the temptation
ahahaha, responsible man.

Need to wake up early, so must sleep early.
Sleep early so can wake up early =)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

on the phone

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

chit chat with Ben on the phone
not sure how long, but i think 1hr?
lol, damn long nv chit chat with some one on the phone.
The last time i chit chat with some one on the phone was tai.
just lie on the bed, chit chat, heart to heart talk.

Send my greeting to my sister, lol.
didnt know Ben is on speaker till i said "hi sister"
and she replied, "wah, so guai ar"
i'm like totally shocked.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Night@SMU settlers

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Called Minds Cafe, it's full sian
called Settlers at Clark Quey, it's full too.
Finally when i called Settlers@SMU, there's slot for 6.
what a relief, but of course, do not fear for Lionel Lee is here =)

Played afew standard games, but thou i played those all the time.
It's still damn fun, especially with people like Han Wan and Wei Min.
Halli galli, Kun is exceptionally fast
Animal farm, Elsa is damn good, cuz nobody rmb her animal's name
Say What, Elsa is damn cunning, everyone falls for her trick, damn!!
This action guessing board game, couldnt remember the name.
As usual, when comes to action and guessing I'm SUPERB!!!!!!!

But the overall winner is Elsa & Tesmmon gang, damnit, i guess 1/4 of the answers for him.
ahahaha, but nevermind, it's fun.

Kun & HanWan gang lost badly, but what can you expect?
It's Hanwan afterall, hahahahaha.
Ps ar Hanwan, just joking, we know u're special =)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Fish & Co

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Dinner@ fish & co glass house.
had the usual stuff and we threw Kun a surprised Bday
which wasnt very surprised too, ahahaha.
but still, we managed to do the Fish & Co cheer.
When he stood up, i shouted damn loud,
"Yao Ming in the house"

took some photos, then Han Wan didnt wanna take any more le
then Tesmmon and Kun also didnt wanna take, kept avoiding me

Talk bout my r/s
what happened?
when did it happen?
how i'm coping etc.

Eventually we went to take photo with Singa the Lion
ahahaha, Lionel the Lion *ROAR*

Happy happy, exam finally over <3

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

one on one date

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

had a one on one date
we ate shin lin XXL chicken together
walked around PS together
window shopping together

drink coffee at starbucks together
so romantic <3

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤


❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

waste of my time, wake up so early some more.
went ICA do something that i didnt need to do.
they say if i didnt go down, ICA will keep sending letter to remind me
and thats ALL!!!!!

All i can do, is to pressure the other side
ask them to faster send the letter to me
chop chop, less than 30min we're done.

Nuan at PS the whole afternoon
chit chat walk around Plaza Sing
did some window shopping, but couldnt afford

Ended up we nuan at Starbucks
chit chat, sit there, talk bout life, talk bour r/s, bout differences, bout maturity, bout mixed school experience, single sex school experience, bout arrogance bout anything under the sky.

talk bout sailing, how the sailors work onboard
their rank, their activities
like smoking, drinking, condom, sex.
so i think if pple doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, doesnt sleep around
will they be outcast?
for them to know, for me to find out i guess.

Last night chit with Tai too
but we chat bout r/s, bout financial, bout school, bout future.

Btw, Maple story 2nd episode is out, wonder should i play.
Rohan is out too, wonder shld i play anot too, lol.
Suddenly so many things to play.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Friday, May 29, 2009

Post celebration (2)

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Happy hour at Shin 8
i was damn late, cuz i went home to drop my bag.
Ended up i skipped dinner, but the funny thing was i'm not hungry.
but nvm, that's not the point.

when i reached, i felt
1) tired, cuz i never sleep
2) pai seh, cuz i was late
3) gosh, cuz i dont drink beer

next, i had a few objectives in mind.
1) to not drink too much
2) to not talk to her too much
3) to be not too close to her

At the end of the day, things turn out the same.
whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Normally supper until 4am, everyone's alright
but staying till 1am on the last day of my exam is like the most difficult thing to accomplish.

I totally speechless and i'm not disappointed surprisingly.
All i wanted to do, is to finish the glass of Martel.
Because i'm not use to drinking Martel
All i wanted to do, is to wash off the Martel taste
by waiting for me to finish a glass of coke raw will cause an Armageddon
so i concluded that by going home 10-15mins later than expected is a catastrophic

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Post exam celebration (1)

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

had our post exam celebration@E hub
it was damn funny, Charm was driving half way
then Ben called,
"eh, Aloha kanna quarantined leh, u sure u all still wanna eat there?"

But ended up we ate @E Hub
the place was amazingly empty
we're the only 4 customers at New york New york
i was quite shocked la seriously, there's really no one there.

Ate carbonara because Ben doesnt wanna eat the Yanky burger with me
the rest thinks it's crazy to eat that
n i think it's crazy to eat that alone.

Ben is really damn funny la, ahahaha.
He's so hyper la can, i still wondering whether do i behave lidat.
Laureen & Charm, shhhh, dont have to tell me the answer.

p.s i didnt shit on my pants!!!!!!!!!!

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

thanks all

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

thanks everyone for sms-ing me good luck for my exams
from the beginning of exams till the end of my last paper
asking me how i did for my papers, can pass or will do well.
*inclusive of msn and facebook of course*

Last but not least Ben's family =)

Thanks everyone for showering ur care and concern =)
Exam's over, let's ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Mugging@Ben's place

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

mug at Ben's place before Audit paper
seriously i had to admit, we're not as chiong as FM.
FM that night we really chiong like hell, but Audit not so chiong.
somehow the mood isnt there any more
all that's on my mind is holiday holiday holiday and more holiday

Damn excited la, 3months!!!!!
couldnt wait for it man, ahahaha.

Ben slept from 830pm to 1230am
i doze off from 330 - 430 then 6.00-745am
i was like SHIT!!!!!!!!
Didnt study much, and it's exam time.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Dinner@Ben's place

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

My favourite Japanese Curry for dinner
ahahaha, i always cook that at home.
So i got damn excited when i saw Laureen cooking it.
the reason i got damn excited, cuz thats the only thing i know how to cook.

Whenever i go Japanese restaurant
thats the only dish i order, ahahaha.
this shows how much i love Japanese curry.

But now exam over, had no reason to go over Ben's place anymore.
So sad. . . .

My sister say wanna teach me how to cook 五花肉
ended up she never tell me, i was so excited
cuz she say this, "come teach u how to make this, can go and bluff girls"

But one thing i'm quite sure, after going to Ben's place
i believe i also can cook.
probably cuz of the things Ben told me, lol.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

studying with Charm

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

study@Sk with Charm
She's preparing for FR & i'm studying for Audit.
Whatever it is, stay strong =)
study hard, focus on ur exam.

I may not be of much help, but i can be a good listener.
Dont keep everything to yourself
i know how it feels to wanna focus badly but cant focus =)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

forgot what i wanted to post

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

this few days very busy
busy watching boys over flower that i got no time to blog.
I'm inspired to be a security guard
because the place where im studying at every night
the security guard is practically sleeping everyday

Where to find a job that pays u to sleep,
damn shiok!!!!!!!!

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Monday, May 25, 2009

stupid things i do when i walk home

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

3-4am, walking home from Rivervale Plaza to Punggol.
Normally nobody on the road, the most cars and everything.

1) So i tend to sing out loud, because cars normally couldnt hear you.
But i din think that motorcycle can hear me
So, the guy, looked at me and laugh.

2) Was doing popping on the way home and everything
was quite sure there's nobody on the road, and no cars.
But i failed to check my blind spot, so the driver was looking at me.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

i think this is funny

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

was at this chinese webby
came across this this few people arguing
i think they're local la.
it goes something like this.

A: wonderful!~I'm very like it !~so good~~~the girl aer very beautiful..yes,the boy are so handsome~~~~like it!!!

B: 语法太烂,拼写错误,不要写英文了!

C: kinding me ? 么不是kidding吗? 还说别人, OH MY GOOD

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

the day she went away

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

read this E-mail, it was so touching.

the day when i told myself i love her so much, was the day she was about to leave me.
Three days after the day i told myself i love her so much, was the day she neglected me for her friends, and also the day she threw her temper at me when i picked her up.

the day when i bought her a heart shape chocolate, was the day she scream at me over the phone because she lost her way. That was my last present for her, before things started to change.

the day when i waited for her below her house, was the day she came home late. That was the day when i told her my hand was trembling, and she didnt bother about it. That was the day she chased me home, when i showered my love and concern at her even though i'm not feeling well. That was the last time i waited for her when things started to change.

the day when i share my interest with her, was the day she gave me a cold look. The day when she declared i'm childish and the day she complained everything about me. That was the last time i shared my fantasy with her and thing had changed. That was the day we broke up.

the day she went away, was the day when i learned how to smile and that was the last time i ever smile.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Sunday, May 24, 2009

episode 15

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

ultimate sadness
and i should be studying for auditing!!!!

"sis, i went Macau to find him, but he became a total different person" *crying*
"listen to sis, gave Jun pyo another chance, he will return back to you, do you believe me?"

this scene, damn nostalgic. . .
reminds me when i went to look for her
she became a total different person.
ahahaha, cute aint it.

I feel like i'm living in the story
but im not rich ^%$@#%

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

episode 14

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

damnit, episode 14.
damn bloody touching, gosh.
i thought my heart was numb
but after watching this episode
tears cant help but keep falling.
plus the song, with such sad melody and lyrics

i'll be waiting for you
you let me know
我不会放弃的 因为是你

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

KO night

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

KO night was fun
i love the popping and the hip hop
gosh, totally re-ignited my passion for dance
this hols, im definitely gonna learn hip hop3 and Bboys.

As for popping, maybe not.
cuz i only like the hand and leg movement.
Not very into it, but i think it looks cool.

KFC dinner with the guys & Juliana
she sat a different table from us
she thought we be hanging out after dinner
but ended up all of us went home.

I thought we be hanging out quite late too.
Started studying@10pm
but was damn tired that i dozed off for half an hour plus.
Never study much the whole night
cuz was smsing, lol.

wt, waiting for ur answer.
I'm fine with it you know, ahahaha.
The conversation with u tonight
made me feel like writing another story.

story bout a caveman.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Saturday, May 23, 2009

not feeling well

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

slept around 8am last night
woke up at around 130pm
seriously not enough sleep
when i woke up, abit headache plus fever.
supposed to meet the guys at 1pm
i'm like fuck man, over slept plus not feeling well.

looked at the weather, damn bad too.
Punggol was drizzling & the sky is very dark.
So ate 2 panedol, changed and ran down to find them.
Indeed started to rain, so went home bath.

Now im thinking whether should i:

1) sleep, wake up later go watch dance comp
2) study until 6 then go watch dance comp
3) go suntec find my mother, then go watch dance comp
4) watch Boys over flower until 6, then go watch dance comp.

AHAHAHAHA, most prob it's option 4

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

first pay check

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

once i get my first pay check

im going to:
buy 3 different colour blazer
a brown one
a black one
and a white one

If i tio toto 3million

im going to:
buy a land
build a 5 storey house
set up a corporation
do my own business

then im gonna say:
"if you dont say sorry to her, tml your company gonna declare bankrupt"

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Friday, May 22, 2009

abit of me

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

When i'm nervous or stress:

1) i'll keep washing my hand, keep washing washing washing.
2) i'll keep washing my feet, keep washing washing washing
3) i'll keep biting my nails
4) keep trying to peel off the outer layer of skin from my finger
5) i'll walk up and down, around my house.

when i'm meeting the girl i like for the first time:
1) i wouldnt talk much
2) even if we sms alot or msn alot, i still wouldnt talk much
3) a gigantic pimple will grow above my lip, some where near the mustache area
4) i appear to be very shy, AHAHAHAHAH.

but of course, let's say we meet long enough, i'll revert back to my old self =)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

hand itchy

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Guai lan ar Lionel Lee, guai lan ar
Hand itchy ar, hand itchy ar.
see for what?
got money meh?
lol, jin guai lan jin extra jin ho chio.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

I deserve a break

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

I deserve a break after all these studying
So i'm not gonna study today and gonna have a good rest
cont all my mugging tml.

So all im gonna do, is to relax.
chilled, watched my Boys over flower (Korean F4)
chit chat on Msn, surf net abit.
catch up on all the manga i missed for the week.

Dear friends taking ELC and other subjects tml
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know i mean it, not poking fun of you guys or what.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Ben's gf

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

i really think it's not simple doing all these.
Not everyone is willing to do all these.
I cant find the correct word to describe this
Noble is too strong a word, impressed isnt very convincing.
shocked is wrong, taken aback sounds negative.
is like "wow, it's very nice of you"
like how many people are willing do these, maybe there is
just that i didnt encounter anyone doing that
But i'm really proud of you, i cant find a suitable phrase for this too.

seriously, good job

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

actual day

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

woke up at 1030am
2 alarms didnt manage to wake me up
but Ben's sinus woke me up, lol.

the whole morning brush up on my MM theory and EMH.
after 12pm, did abit of 2006ZB, sorta gave up.
memorise abit on hedging, EPS, PE etc.

130pm, sms came in, BBoy classes full.
sian half, feels damn sian & sad.
Like im so excited over the class, but canceled.
Reached Expo quite early, but we hang around till 215pm.

Flipped open the paper, read the question.
Sian another half, like wtf, lol.
think this is the only paper i'm not confident of PASSING.
Not talking bout good grades, bout passing only.

So yap, damn sian.
Wrote an essay full of my personal hypothesis
no key terms measured, all in simple non financial terms.
But i feel i catch the gist of the essay, just that the terms i used are not professional.
If this essay is recognised, maybe i'll pass.

So i'm praying damn hard.
Oh, and i learn something today
"Am I happy? Nope, but are u Happy? if you are, i am"
it means, even if im not happy, but some one is happy
i should be happy for that person, so that no one will be sad.
If no one will be sad, every one can be happy.
If every one is happy, the happy one dont have to hide his feeling fearing that he will hurt the one who is sad.
The one who is sad, can feel happy, because he not only make himself feels happier, he also makes people around him happier.

But this is only a assumption, if the assumption is realised
it will become a theory, if it becomes a theory.
it can be carried out, if it succeed.
It will be something natural.
Of couse, this only applies to my friend.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

the bed

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Ben's brother bed reminds me of her bed
not so identical, but the feeling it gave me was the same feeling.
Probably cuz it was a foreign bed
thats why it felt like her bed.
The aircon, the blanket & everything.
Some how i tot i was lying on her bed, lol.
Funny right, but nvm, that was in the past.
Even the way i roll up, it feels the same.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

through out the night

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

Watched the Prince & Me
Watched America Idol
did 2008 ZA with Ben
did prelim paper again thru out the night
did review question from study guide thru out the night
read EMH from PBF, from FM, from notes.
read a lil bit bout MM hypothesis
did 2008ZA alone this time, to strengthen my concept

finally, slept at 330am.
but i dozed off at 430am after Ben came in.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤


❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

I think Ben's mum is damn cool, hahahaha.
i dont know why i think so, but i just feel that way.
I have never kanna bang by someone that many times
Ben's mum is really the first one man
bang until i dont know what's going on.
Maybe not dont know whats going on la
more of like, stun, dont know what to say.
first time see people's parents so happening one.

Me: hi auntie
mum: aiyo, why u call me auntie again. Tonight u sleep on the floor
me: *aha, speechless*

mum: i asked my younger son not to come home, so u can sleep on his bed
me: what? serious?
mum: ya la, if not let u sleep sofa meh? feel bad anot?
me: ya la, i feel damn bad leh
mum: ahaha, bluff u one la
me: *aha, speechless*

mum: see, Chris Allen is so good that Lionel stopped eating, turned around and watched
me: actually no la, i finished eating alr
mum: wah, you good, later you sleep on the floor
me: *aha, speechless*

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

staying over@Ben's place

❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

planned to stay over at Ben's place to mug fm tgt
all the things i dont know i can ask Ben
we can do calculation tgt, so that anything i dont know can consult him too
i believe fm is my worst subject
so i need all the help i can get from some one who knows what's going on.

Uni really sucks man
my sec tuition teacher bluff me
she told me JC and Uni is the time to have fun.
phew. . . . . . . . . .

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


❤ 1 2 3 3 2 1 Lionel Lionel Lionel Rocks ❤

this is the day
this is the day
that the lord has made
(that the lord has made)
we shall rejoice
we shall rejoice
and be glad in it
(and be glad in it)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

tale about a Cinnamon donut

this is a funny story:

i had this friend who didnt wanna eat the entire donut
for whatever reason im not sure la, most prob cuz too sinful.
so she asked me to share half with her, and im alright with it
i went to clear my plate, so when i return
i so happen to stand behind her

at the correct timing, correct angle

she was pinching the edge of the donut, putting it into her mouth
but she explained to me she was trying to make it more proportionate =)

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

@Ben's place

studied Ben's place right after IS.
quite stress for FM, cuz FM really very difficult.
Seriously i hope today & tml can brush up as much as i can.
If not, thursday is really Doom's day.

luckily got Ben to teach me FM xia, if not i think i really die.
now is pray damn hard i can just pass, thats all.
praying damn damn damn hard to just pass can alr.

nowadays, see Ben's mum really pai seh xia.
Really super dilemma, dont know whether should call her Auntie, or call her sister.
if call sister, like quite rude, if call auntie, later she sad.
So every time i saw her, i'll like mumble abit, hi shh shh shh pss pss.

the mum cooked yong tau fu today.
i think it's nice
all the ingredients i never eat before, because i'm not use to eating it.

but i always believed, if people cooked for you, basic manners must appreciate the food.
So i finished everything.

tomorrow, gonna go Ben's house to mug
so tonight mug at Mac first, got qn, tml whack.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

studying IS before the exam

woke up at 10am to study IS
first time ever in my life i study right before examination.
I have never ever, study a subject right before the exam
because i deeply believed it will make me more nervous
being more nervous, i'll have mental block.

But i guess im damn desperate.
studied all the way till 1230pm, my dad came to pick me up.
who knows he said we're gonna eat lunch together, zZz.
if i know im gonna eat lunch i wouldnt have eaten at home.
Ended up eat so much, got less time to revise.

Reached Expo@145pm
did some last min revising before entering the exam hall.
went in, first thing i did is counting how much marks i can get
hmmmm, i think can pass la.
But maybe due to some freak of nature, fail, i also lan lan.

So, went in at 230, left at 415.
Confident right?
No, nothing to write anymore, lol.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

story bout a guy & a girl

one of my guy friend told me this:

while walking home, he saw a group of ah pei playing chess under the void deck
so he decided to stand there and watch as he will always stand around to watch them play.
While he was watching, his gf was sitting at some benches quite far away from him.

Suddenly one of the Ah pei ask him to siam, cuz the Ah pei wanna bio char bo.
So the guy siam, to let the Ah pei bio, n he turned to see who was it.

It's his gf!!!!

So shld he be angry?
or shld he be happy?

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

truly seriously sadly Lionel Lee

gosh, i didnt think of this.
Edmond told me my muscle become fats -.-
fats is lighter than muscle.
So i lost muscle weights, gain more fats in the process.


❤I want nobody nobody but you❤


i am your angel of music
come to me angel of music. . . . .
Christine, ANGEL!!!!!

in sleep he sang to me, he dreams he came. . .
that voice which calls me near, and speaks my name

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤


had a weird dream
dreamt that i went db O
before that, my uncle gave me a lift there.
Stopped over at this db O alternate entrance.

So i got myself a Lychee Martini n a complimentary Bourbon coke
who knows i kept drinking in his car and i got drunk.
the next moment i woke up im at home.

Everyone told me i was dead drunk before i even stepped into db O
wow, what a dream of me getting drunk.

I was so drunk that i didnt know what i was doing
No recollection of stepping into db O or anything.
But there's photos of me, couldnt rmb what's the photos about.

Some can see this as a normal dream, others can deem it to be a nightmare.
whatever it is, it's a dream of me getting drunk.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

truly seriously proudly Lionel LEE

i thought my house weighing machine gone wrong.
So i decided to weigh myself at Ben's place.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

studying@Ben's place

another studying session@Ben's place
an enjoyable one as usual.
I seriously think their house damn happening la
the food was so nice, was quite pai seh to eat.
i seriously, dying to learn how to cook.
So i went down to bought a bottle of coke as a token of appreciation.

Before i left, chit chat with them for awhile.
Think i'll be going back tml, to brush up my fm.

for now,
Jap classes (ticked)
Bboy classes (ticked)
salsa classes (pending)
cooking lesson (ticked)
baking lesson (ticked)

only left,
korean lesson
diving course
biking lesson

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Monday, May 18, 2009

funny but true

90 people get swine flu & everyone wants to wear surgical masks; 20 million people have AIDS & nobody wants to wear a condom.

❤I want nobody nobody but you❤

Sunday, May 17, 2009

in the library

reached around 515pm
feeling quite tired, i dont know why.
kept sneezing and sneezing, feeling very very cold.
Luckily i brought a jacket, so not that bad.

studied till around 6pm, i couldnt take it anymore.
decided to take a nap, but fearing that the librarian will wake me up
i faced the shelf, pretend to be writing something.
nap for around 15min, some one poke me and i woke up.

I was thinking, "seh, the librarian got so zai anot, lidat also can catch me sleeping"
but ended up was this small little boy, around 3-4yrs old poking me.
He's very very cute looking, look as if he had blusher on.
the hair style, n the degree of roundness, made him look like some Jap or Korean kid.
So i looked at him, touched his hair and smile at him.

sorta went back to sleep.

He poke me again, so i turned around and remove my ear piece.
i smiled at him n said, "hello, do you need something"
when he spoke, he had a slang.
Like those ang moh slang, "can you help me to find star wars book, i couldnt find it anywhere"
So i stood up, kept my watch, hp n psp and went to look for his Star Wars.

Not very successful, but got one, which isnt the one he wants.
he was quite disappointed but, bo bian ma, lol.
so i went back to my place, feeling damn awake.

But still, not very comfortable, so went back at 8plus.

found a job

i found a job =)
hopefully it will be good
had to go negotiate on terms and condition.

1) fri & sat im not going to work
2) if i have language lessons going on, im on leave
3) im only doing what im supposed to do
4) working for 9hr or more is my choice
5) only the customer can scold me
6) i want weekly pay check
7) lunch and dinner on the company



the first time i dropped my hp in St James
Mingtai was with me, his first reaction was
"WTF, lionel calm down calm down, i let u throw my phone"

the 2nd time i dropped my phone was at mac,
Edmond was with me, his first reaction was
"Lionel, relax, why u so gan chiong, relax, i know u drop ur phone but relax"

the 3rd time, i didnt dropped my hp, i accidentally bang against the table
Hongwei was with me, his reaction was

conversation with ******

this friend shares her story with me
but this time, it's from a different pov.
sorry ar, not i wanna niam niam niam.
But i find it very meaningful, so decided to post it up.

Miss x: I got self control, cannot so easy fall for every guy that treats me nice right. Like that, even if i leave my bf, next time i will leave him for some one else.
Me: *blah blah blah*
Miss x: makes sense ma, after awhile every r/s also will be sian sian. Cfm will think "this guy is more exciting" then run away with the new guy.


sk library

hmmm, im either allergy to the carpet
or i drank too much sweet drinks
some how my legs felt damn itchy
but i believed it's the carpet bug thats biting me.

today, thou i started late, cuz i woke up late.
But i think it's quite effective
still, i think im so gonna fail IS & FM.

probability of failing FM is higher, how how how?!?!?!?

Saturday, May 16, 2009


i lost 6kg
happy happy happy
never even attempt to diet -.-
mcdonald everyday -.-


I just woke up!!!
die liao die liao die liao.
today study sai liao!!!

but, i had a nice dream

to edmond

people always feel that police training easy
but they never think that thru out their army life
all they do is yes sir yes sir 3 black full.

We have to face public, we have to deal with cases.
We have to rmb our SOP when dealing with subjects
We have to face subject who carries wpn.

I admit during war time, they do more than us.
But now?
We're doing more than them, whats there to complain?
We have the right to say police slack, cuz we deserve to say that.
We earn respect and not demand.
the reason they say police slack, cuz their muscle is bigger than ahem.

Conversation with xy

talked to xy
she feels that i sounded quite positive
she tot i slimmed down, but upon double checking
that guy wasn't me.

But i feel that i sounded quite positive
maybe cuz of everything that happens
sorta fell, then i climb up by myself
fell again, climb up by myself again.
fell again, depressed, my friends lifted me up again.
fell again, but this time i had a different mentality.
I believe that, in order to live strong, u need to learn to fall first.

My life has been smooth sailing
Mostly ups and close to no downs.
Now, after going thru all this shit.
My pov has changed drastically
ups and downs in life, this is a test.

A test for me, whether im worthy to live my live to the fullest.
Some how i think i passed it

There's moment where im depressed, stressed, sian.
But once u cross that barrier, u become a better person.
U grew stronger, u gain experience.
U dont cry when the bee sting
U feel okay when some one lie to u
U dont bother anymore when some one cheated u.

Of course will feel sad, of course will feel the pinched.
But, u tell urself, it's no big deal.
this is part of life, u overcome it and not dwell within it.
There's a saying, forgive and to forget.
I believe i can forgive, but i'll never forget.

If i say i never curse, i admit im lying.
Curse and swear is normal, who dont.
But karma, i always believe in karma.
Now, i can finally sleep peacefully.
This is a gift, the present.
the rest are histories, tml will be a mystery

I seriously believe in Karma
and i'm waiting to see what will happen.
Abit bad to say this, but im waiting.

Edmond, i cant be like u.
Come out from exam hall thinking fail alr fail alr.
If pass happy, fail then as i expected.
But I have a different mind set, i cant accept failure.
thats why when i fall, it hit me so hard.

SK library

Surrounded by 3 babies
all crying, damn irritating.
But quite fun playing with them
teasing them
smile at them
do funny faces.

IS Sucks big time

im totally not a computer person
Info System totally sucks
I couldnt digest a single sai
Im feeling so dead
I'm thinking whether shld i fail IS
Concentrate everything on FM.
Or skali, IS fail, FM also fail.

I read thru the text now
the next moment i forgot everything
Hate text!!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


took a nap at 9pm
my dad supposed to buy me dinner
who knows he ate my dinner cuz im sleeping
argh!!!! Damnit!!!!

I woke up at 145am, hungry.
unproductive, cuz he's supposed to wake me up n i'll go Mac to study.
Nuan whole day msn whole night!!!
sian, wasted one night away just lidat.

wt couldnt sleep, so sms for awhile, guess she dozed off afterall.
Half an hour later, she said she cant sleep again.
ahahaha, serve you right!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


exam was quite bad
damn sian, as i expected.
Hopefully the upcoming few i can do better.

Thanks Edmond for sms-ing me to ask me how's my paper.

conversation with Glenn kee

Glenn saw my depressed msn nick
told me bout his friend committing suicide
due to depression over relationship and exam
Couldnt handle the stress so commit suicide.

the first thing on my mind was wtf?
u're serious, gosh!?!
Thats damn bloody serious.

I told him that recently i kept washing my hand
so he told me thats a sign of depression.

G: brother, u okie anot? Depression leh, dont scare me leh. My friend just died from depression commit sucide.
L: fuck? serious?

blah blah blah blah blah blah

G: what for u think so much? i also go thru this before, but i also still alive. My r/s 5years some more, also never see me die.
Everyone has their hard time, get thru it, its a test in your life.
dont fail yourself, your family, your friends and people that care bout u.
Cherish yourself more than anything.

Now u will be sad, just forget it, she choose him, so be it.
You are sad, she also dont care.
So why be sad over this kinda girl?
lots of girls out there, i also same casse like u.

his r/s *pte and confidential* blah blah blah blah

then i end it with, you are STUPID and GOOD LUCK.

after talking to him, seriously i feel damn enlighten.
i was thinking, why the hell i avoid her at Hougang that night.
I shldnt be avoiding her, she shld be avoiding me.

I shouldnt be avoiding at her stare, but i shld stare at her.
after talking to Glenn, another building block towards my foundation.
All lying properly and nicely.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

not i wanna blame anyone or what
but this break up, really really really affected my exams.
Took me one month to settle down to study
partly, cuz i couldnt stablise my mood.
But, this kinda thing is hard to control.
20hrs to exam, im damn depressed


how ar how ar how ar?
die la die la die la!!!
damnit man, lol.
i dont wanna study whole night
then not enough sleep, couldnt concentrate for tml's paper.
cuz i got 2 paper tml, seriously sian. . .

not prepared

i'm totally not prepared.
i need one more month to study
i'm damn sian now.
shit man, i feeling damn stress.
i really got this feeling im gonna fail 2/5 subjects.
If suey, 3/5, this is no joke man.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Went Sk NPC to lodge a report
verify some details plus what's my course of action
what am i supposed to do
what's my legal rights and everything.

Saw Cres@Sk library, chit chat awhile
thanks for the good luck, lol.

studied at hougang mac

mainly cuz too poor
waiting to eat free food at Hougang later.

Studied until 845pm
went hougang to walk around.
Actually wanna buy plaster from Watson
but the price was ahem ahem, too ex for me now.
I decided not to buy any.

Went popular, to look for TYS for Shannon
sucks, they are not publishing TYS this year, dont know bout next year.
So this sucks too, no teaching material for Shannon.

Ended up ate my fave white kway tiao with no hum no noodle no black sauce

everything settled

everything settled
payment made
contract signed
burden off
but still guilty

Usual, life sucks.
For now, hopefully the exams be easy, maybe that will brighten my hols.

lets review

- Ballroom dancing (out)
- hip hop III
- spanish class (out)
- korean class
- jap class
- cooking class
- baking class
- biking session (out)
- diving session (out)

Need to find a job urgently, first time in my life, i felt that i got no money.
shucks man

Monday, May 11, 2009


i felt so guilty, that i really feel like crying.

am i too emotional?

Lady luck

when is my lady luck gonna shine upon me again?
everything's going against me
suddenly feel so lost again
one blow after another, even if i'm a superman
i couldnt get over the mental torment.

once again, i'm feeling so tired. . .
so so so tired. . . . . .
exam stress, r/s stress, family stress.

where is my 背后的女人


sorry dad, as a son, i betrayed ur trust.
i failed u so badly, it's even worst than the break up.
I felt so guilty, sigh. . . .

Sunday, May 10, 2009

to hongwei

ytd, was really the first time i hear u speaking ur mind out.
My first time meaning, openly voiced it out w/o me asking ur opinion.
maybe a few other occasion, just that i couldnt recall.
though just a sentence, but at least i know how u think & feel bout certain things.
I dont know whether issit 我想太多
but when u said that, i can see ur emotion & rage towards this kinda people.

Maybe like Wu said, just to make me feel better.
But suey suey of all people bump into tai
then if she would have said hello to tai, tai might not have told me
until probably after my exam.

I just woke up, lol.

studying@Mac on sat

studying@Mac with Hongwei and Edmond again.
Both of them were nuan-ing while i study.
Edmond is lapping, and hw is reader digesting.

I brought my Adam Khoo for him to read, but he didnt wanna read.
I think it was a very motivational book, but nvm.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, ahahahaha.

I was damn damn damn bloody productive today.
The thing i did today, is something i'll take 2 days to accomplish.
I feel so damn proud of myself, lol!!!!
Cam whoring abit here and there, lol =x

Guess i can throw pbf aside for now, focus on my IS & Micro.
See how things go i guess, tml gonna study for Micro.
Night will be Happy mother's day-ing


not very shiok, but i can feel myself aging.
my bones are getting old, especially my elbow and knee.
Think i'm gonna get alot of problem when i grow old.

Everytime i released the ball, i can feel my elbow breaking apart.
When ever i steal some one's ball, my elbow hurts.
Layup was okie, but attempting basket was really sad.
I couldnt keep up the pace, it's really very sad.

Guess i'm joining the team, it will do me good too.
NTU & NUS, wait for me!!!

i'm the fisherman

I caught the fish faster than i expected.
it was truly hilarious, lol.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

common joke

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
CLASS: Maria.

TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.

TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.

TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher


study@Mac alone.
Hongwei and Edmond came over to nuan with me.
Productive anot, hard to tell.
But at least i sorta get my work done

But Edmond's lappy is really distracting, lol.
Not like i wanna use la, but i kept kpo-ing.
Looking at what he's doing, so kinda wasted alot of time there.

Especially when Mingtai login msn, i got the urge to talk to him too.
ahahahaha, damn jia lat xia.

Seriously cant wait to go baking lesson, the reason is because.
ahem ahem ahem, wt u'll know =x


tried studying at home, but it's proven
super unproductive.
so yap, gave up, i think it's better to study outside or at some one's place.

i'll keep looking at my comp, keep walking around my house.
if some one msn me, i'll reply and chat with them for awhile.
return to my work, then when they msn me again, i'll reply them again.

So conclusion: Lionel can never study@home

Friday, May 8, 2009

tae yang - look only at me

need my daily dosage on internet before i can proceed to studying.
but shall limit it to half an hour.
today i'm gonna try studying at home, cuz Ben inspired me.

Activities after exam

i'm praying damn hard to faster get over and done with.
List of activities waiting for me after exam.

- Ballroom dancing
- hip hop III
- spanish class
- korean class
- jap class
- cooking class
- baking class
- biking session
- diving session

some things i couldnt do, and now i'm free to DO!!!!!

another thing i being pondering whether to add in
that is, i decided not to seek for another r/s for the time being.
people get into a r/s, doesnt mean i shld get into another r/s too.

there's few types of people, one of which is those must be constantly in love, and another type that can wait for the right opportunity.
Why rushed into things when I can enjoy now?
I dont know what you told ur friends to make me look bad, cuz it doesnt matter to me anymore. So whatever i told my friends bout you, is my own private thingy.
Take it or leave it, not happy, dont read.
i like to bitch, but i dont make up stories =)

the world is construct in a way that it can meet everyone's need, but not a person's greed.
the person refers to YOU =)
the you is for those who feels guilty conscious, if anyone doesnt feels anything, then this sentence wasnt meant for you.
