Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dinner with parents

Seriously hate eating with my parents
they like super yao gui, 10yrs never had dinner lidat.
order this & this & this & this
order that & that & that & that
seh, i eat until i damn bloated la.

usual, talk cock session 1 2 3.
talk bout r/s etc blah blah blah.
the usual stuff etc, and everything.
Abit of comment here and there blah blah blah.

On the way home, wanna buy you tiao, zui kuay + + +
i'm like gosh, so many stuff.
Count me out, lol.


never know i can make changes to people
never know i'm so outspoken
never know i can make people feel inferior

so shocking, but lol.
Actually wanted to add something, but i said that's gonna be my last word.
It will be la, lol.

Su lang bo su seh

Cleaner in trouble

Due to the things i burnt outside my house
cleaners were there to clean it up
re-paint the wall, clear up the ashes.
Omg, i felt so pai seh.
Of course, act ignorant and proceed to school =P

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last word

I dont think i'll be posting my draft anymore.
Just let this post be my last word

The only regret i had for this r/s was Huiting

that's the only reason why i'm behaving so uptight
probably that's the reason why i'm only a bf to Chloe, bf means boy friend.
i was unable to bring out my affection, not to the level she really wants.
Due to my own psychological barrier, i had never being able to love her 100%.
All i did was to be there when she needs me, do the things all couple does.

I'm there to protect her from harm, thats my belief
from some other jerks, or some other guys.
Wrong mentality i guess, after all this while.
It's time to admit some things, the reason i'm so frustrated & angry & everything is because i sacrificed another girl's happiness for her.

This will be my last post bout my r/s.
i'm getting tired of posting my r/s, u all are getting tired of reading some immature guy posting all his immature thoughts.
But trust me, this thoughts are the exact same thoughts that's going thru Zac Efron mind when he wants to save his marriage.
If any of you feels that the movie is very nice, the thing i posted is nothing different from the movie.

Dont say anything bout me not blessing your r/s.
i'll give you my blessing, treat him nice & be happy in it, in a r/s it's all give and take.
accept each others weakness and be happy it in, when we get tgt, we promise to read Man from Mars and Woman from venus.
Why did we do that for?
cuz we didnt wanna repeat whatever mistake there is in other people's r/s, we want a happy r/s and a happy ending.
I thought i can be there for you when you need me, but apparently it's not enough.

As for me, i'm a very petty person, i dont think we can be friends anymore.
Maybe 4-5yrs from now, or maybe no chance at all.
So yap, from today onwards, me is me, you are you.
Good bye my dear, thanks for the happy memories, i'm really very happy in this 2yrs 5months. Your unconditional love will not be forgotten.

I believe i can be happier if i know you first & not thru Huiting.

Thanks all viewer and friends who had been reading my blog all these time,

on the train

i saw this guy on the train
he looks quite cute & everything
but his behaviour is very very niang
So niang that i think he's actually a gay.

The guy beside him is so touchy too
both of them are touchy actually, the worst thing is he kept looking at me.
Probably cuz i sat right infront of him, so he had no where to look but in front.

On the train, wt was messaging me.
rach was talking to me.
Whatever the message was, it all carries the same meaning.
But at least it's better this way, it's better she hate me.
So that she will enjoy her current r/s.

to have no regrets leaving me, to have the worst impression of me.
that will make her next r/s happier, cuz what's left of me are nothing but bad memories.

Day 2

okie, that's good.
cut down on cb & knn.
Maybe not really on nb, fuck & fucking.
some other words like bloody, bitch, bastard will be quite difficult to cut down.

I had to go school soon & i'm definitely late.
Choosing the right mask to wear to school later,
be it smiling, laughing or happy.

i have decided, i'm gonna wear the smiling mask out later.
Damn sian, another day of 虚伪 to spend with people.
Had to act i'm okie, i'm alright, i'm happy.
Fuck man, so tired of acting all this for the past 28days.

Man from Mars & Woman from Venus

I rmb a lil bit from there

"man & woman will constantly look for new partner, hoping that they find some one who they truly love. But without understanding that man are from Mars & woman are from Venus, both man & woman will only be constantly looking for some one who doesn't exist. For both Martian and Venusian to co-exist, they must first understand that they are of a different species."

Sian, i thought i climbed out from that fucking black hole, only knowing that i got suck right back in. wtf x10

April is not the month

My april post thrash the rest of the months.
If this keeps going, 1 april maybe be equivalent to one whole year of 2008 posting.
I'm amazed at what i can do, of course at the same time amazed at what she can do =)

*i posted 9 post today, it's pretty amazing as well

Chain of thoughts

My chain of thoughts are divided into 3 session
afternoon, where i first received the news
evening, where i begin accepting the news
night, where the news start spreading thanks to Edmond & tai

All 3 thoughts are so different
afternoon, it's full of vulgarities.
evening, it's full of hatred
night, it's a mixture of feelings from everything.

Night is the most sentimental i guess.
Why need to be sad when you can be happy.
Why need to be sad when seeing people happy.
Be happier than them!

How to be happier than them?
Actually i dont know, behaving like a loser makes me feel better.
at least for now.
I asked Edmond, issit okie to scold lidat?
"He told me no, thats fine what, at least makes u feel better, why need to think of what other thinks. They dont like, fuck off la, dont read ur blog la. Also never say name, so sensitive for fuck."
I told him, lidat not like some fucking loser meh?
"siao, where got, lose what? U're telling everyone what u're feeling what, telling pple what u feel, wrong meh?"
tai chit chat with me over the phone,
"wanna meet up anot? i can emo with you, i whole night free, we can emo tgt."

But sorry la tai, i dont feel like seeing anyone tonight. I'm so sian, that i bought one cup of ice and started throwing at cars on the overhead bridge.

For those who didnt know i broke up, they will ask me,
"how's my gf"
"oh, she broke up with me"
"huh, why?"
"oh, she 2 time me"
"yap, it's fuck up, but well i'm coping fine"

well, some might thinks that i'm a bastard, some might think that she's a bitch.
But at the end of the day, whoever's happy who win.
If u're happy, i'll make sure i'm happier than you.
If u're not happy, i'll be even happier.
Why should i suffer when i lose something that doesnt belong to me?

10ways to make urself feel better.
Maybe i should write a book on that.
But who will bother to read it, no one i guess.

I'm still enjoying my green cap =)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Picture time

in my draft

there's some things i left in my draft.
Maybe i'll release it when the time is right.
It will be quite painful knowing the fact.
so yap, when the time comes i'll published it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Tai stayed over at my place.
felt very terrible when i woke up
it's like want to vomit, but couldnt vomit
went to the toilet, trying to puke everything on
but there's nothing coming out.

went back to bed, but after awhile, feel like puking again.
back to the toilet, nothings coming out again.
Repeated this 3-4 times before dozing off.
woke up at 3pm, still didnt feel that well.
back to sleep & finally woke up at 5pm feeling so much better
but still, i had this tingling effect down my throat
& constantly feel like shitting, when i know there's no shit

Joke of the day:

Little Red Running Deer went to the White medicine man and complained, "Big Chief, no shit"

The medicine man picked up one of his herbal remedies and said, "Give this to Big Chief, it will cure his problem immediately."

Little Running Deer took the medicine and disappeared, but he was back in two hrs. "What is it now?" the medicine man said. "Big Chief, no shit."

"What?" the medicine man pondered for a moment and then rummaged through his collection of remedies for a stronger potion. "Here, give this to the Chief. This will cure him."

Little Running Deer Disappeared, but he returned again in two hrs. "Big Chief, no shit."

Now, the medicine man was really irritated. He picked out the strongest potion he had and took out a huge, white horse pill. "Here, give this to the Chief. If this dun cure him, nothing will!"

Little Running Deer disappeared, but this time he was back within the hour.
"WHAT?" roared the medicine man.
"Big shit, no Chief."

Sat drinking session

Saturday gradually becomes a drinking session
to some, we call it emo night, to others maybe it's another havoc night.
go to ktv pub, and start drinking & drinking.

When i drink, i dont rmb anything
when i drink, i dont feel anything
when i drink, i feel so happy
when i drink, i throw all the unhappy things aside.

We went Shin 8, ordered 2 bottle of drinks.
only rmb i kept taking the Ace card, after that, couldnt really rmb what happened.
Next deepest impression was Hongwei slamming the glass door.
Next deepest impression was we went Mac to sit down till close to 6am
shared a cab home with Baoli, Tai came over to my place and stay.


watched 17again, i think it's super nice
Zac Efron is super cute too, his smile and everything.
A turn back time movie, where a person gets to go back time
given a second chance to do what he had never done
to fix his mistake, to understand his family better.

afew touching parts, really very touching.
i felt as in i'm watching myself.
Maybe, i didnt have a family, thats the only difference.

Movie will always be a movie, no matter how much i wanted to
i believed i'll never get to see my spirit guide.
I love the part when they were dancing, that was so beautiful.
I can feel how the actor is feeling, his emotional up downs.
It feels so real, that it hurts.

nice movie, a must watch =)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bloody Emo Elmo

sai la, chit chat with that emo freak until 4am.
tml skipped first half of the lecture
confirm now dozed off, alarm 100% couldnt wake me up
If not for the fact that u're emo now, i would have gone to sleep at 2am

i'm not in the position to lecture u la
but i dont feel like poking u
if i poke u, u sure nb poke me back wan
ended up i whole night no need sleep alr.

Everything u going thru now, i have gone thru.
I'm not going to make u feel better, but i'm not going to make u feel worst too.
I'm not gonna say "Edm, it's okie one la"
i'm not gonna tell u "Edm, this is part and parcel of life."

But I'm definitely gonna tell u this, " nb, tml let's bury our sorrow knn"

2 bottle of Chivas, bottle up, puke drunk wasted or whatever there is
wake up the next morning either ur ass gonna tear, or my ass gonna tear.
next week, another 1 bottle of Corden Bleu and 1 bottle of black label.
Either tai's ass gonna tear, or Hongwei's ass gonna tear.

The phrase that u're going thru, is the exact same phrase as what im going thru 3weeks ago.
People can say that they understand what u're going thru
But i dare to tell u that, i know the exact feelings u're going thru
it's still fresh and warm within me

I may fine & i may look okie.
But when i'm alone i'm not as courageous as who you all think i am
So Edm, one phrase, from Baoli to me, and now me to you
(Me to you is not the bear, it's me)
Let time heals all wound, nobody can help you except for urself.
I can accompany u everyday, but u must stop thinking bout it urself.

Sleep tight, good night.
Thanks to u, it's 415am.
i'm complaining!!!!
For you Edm _|_
But u must understand, i still love u =)


studying@subway i realised something
Quite a weird sighting, maybe i usually study@Mac so didnt notice this.
Out of 10couples, 9 of them, the girls are the one that's buying the meal.
If i gonna say out of 20 couples, 19 of them, are the girls that's buying the meal.

Seriously weird, i dont know why it's weird but it just felt weird.
If it's me, it will definitely be me buying the meal.
but who cares, as long as the girls are okie with it not my pa sa, lol.

just weird, but i'm so kpo. LOL

Fallen angel

shit la, i had a story to write about fallen angel, i forgot what to write.
I had a modern version of Adam and eve, i also forgot what i wanna write.
I wrote it on my revision paper the things i wanna blog when i reached home
But i forgot the moment i sat infront of my comp.

nvm, forget it.
More or less should be not satisfy with something, but i couldnt remember, shucks

Friday, April 24, 2009

Adam and Eve

From the Bible:

God took some clay from the ground and made the shape of a man. Then He breathed gently into the shape. The man's eye's opened and he began to live. God called him Adam.

The Lord made a beautiful garden for him to live in. The garden, called Eden, was full of many wonderful things. Beautiful flowers grew everywhere. Birds sang in the trees, streams flowed through the valley and animals roamed across the fields.

God hade made the man in His image to keep Him company and look after the world.

God brought all the animals to Adam one at a time to be given their names. "Elephant", he would say, or "Tiger", or "Porcupine".

But God felt sorry for Adam. "None of these animals is really like him," thought God, "he needs someone to share his life. Someone who cares for him and who he can care for."

That night, God took a rib from Adam's side and made a woman. When Adam awoke the following morning, he found a wife, Eve, lying asleep beside him. Adam was so happy. He took her hand and she woke up. She looked up at him and smiled.

God told the man and woman that it was their job to take care of their new home. God blessed them, saying, "All this is for you. Help yourself to anything you like. But never touch the tree in the middle of the Garden. That tree gives knowledge of good and evil. The day you eat its fruit, you will die."

God did not mean that Adam and Eve would drop down dead the moment they ate the fruit from the tree. He meant that in time they would die with out His Spirit dwelling in them.

One day, Eve was gathering berries for dinner when she heard a silky voice behind her.

"Has God told you that you can eat the fruit from all the trees?" the voice asked softly. Eve turned around to see a snake talking to her.

"God has told us we can eat all the fruit except for what grows on The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," Eve told the serpent.

"Oh come now, that's silly! I hardly think such a lovely fruit would do you any harm," the serpent lied. "God knows that if you eat from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you'll become just like God, and will be able to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong."

The woman looked at the fruit and thought how tasty it looked. She thought how wonderful it would be to be as wise and powerful as God. She believed the serpent's lie and ate the fruit.

She felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. She fidgeted and wondered what was wrong with her. Suddenly she realized that she was feeling guilty -- she had disobeyed God and knew she'd done something wrong.

Eve hurriedly picked some more fruit and took it back to Adam. They ate the fruit and sat in gloomy silence. As soon as they ate the fruit a change came over Adam and Eve. They became unhappy and fearful of God.

Adam and Eve heard God calling them. Without thinking, they dived into the bushes, but God knew where they were. When God asked them if they had eaten from The Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil that He had told them not to touch, they blamed each other for their sins.

God was sad that Adam and Eve had disobeyed them. He told them that they had to leave the Garden of Eden, "From now on you'll have to scratch a living from the soil. You'll need to make clothes and grow food. Nothing will come easily -- not even childbirth. And one day, you will die."


Good men are either taken, dead or gay.
An example of a good man is like Kun, see, that's why he's taken.
Another example of a good man is like my grandfather, also he's dead
last but not least, the last example, me who is gay.

Sigh, the world is fair =)

International dance, baking and cooking!!!!
Topic of the night *grin*

Kun & Clara, actually tonight those things shouldnt have said, cuz i not very shou with Jee peng, if tell both of you only not so pai seh.
But nvm, also say alr, catch up with u 2 soon =)
Come for the BBQ okie!!??!!??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

renting out my room

My parents were discussing whether to rent our room out to Shuen
since she's out now, we might as well just rent our room to her.
Extra income, my dad always wanted to rent out to air crew.
dont get to see them much, yet paying the same amount of money.
Some more it's some one we know, maybe easier to communicate.

But of course there's down side
what if like too shou, then very sui bian
then my dad had to dress properly at home
personal space and privacy no longer there.

Since she moved to the west, so far away from airport.
can rent out cheap to her.
She wouldnt be in Sg often, so it's definitely a plus.
But have to see the outcome of their discussion.


this father brought his daughter to Mcdonald
she's at most 2years old i think.
He was feeding her ice cream
thru out the whole half an hour
all he did was keep smiling at her

Of course the daughter kept smiling back at him.
I felt so happy for them.
I always picture myself taking care of kids
but seriously i would give up when they started crying or started throwing temper.

I love kids, like to take care of them.
but who doesnt like to take care of obedient kids.
when i looked at him, i got drifted away and i started picturing myself as him.
the way he feed the daughter, so 无微不至

Even when the daughter started shouting
all he did is smile, and the daughter stopped shouting
so 幸福, i can totally picture myself going home after work
cooked dinner, take care of my child.
As for my wife, i seriously dont know what the hell she's gonna do.

Things will be different when living under one roof.
Hahaha, i cant wait to have children!!!!!

social r/s & school days r/s

had a conversation with another friend of mine.

she told me that she's quite envious with r/s like mine
school days, so simple unlike r/s for them working adults.
r/s are so tense for people like them

when people work, they are so tired.
parents have different expectation
people are looking for a wife/husband & not a gf/bf

stress from work that result in physical abuse.
What kinda physical abuse i had no idea?
but if i had to decipher, it's more or less this few options.

balanced work with r/s, r/s with friends, r/s with colleagues.

of course i recalled the previous conversation
started to ponder r/s for working adults and marriage.
Maybe i'll just adopt a child and show her my mother's photo when she's young
"look here boy/girl, this is ur mother"

Everything sounded quite stress to me
Like so complicated, but i think cuz i think too much.
I had no idea how i'm gonna react when i enter the workforce.
But at the end of the day, it's still give and take.

Fm sucks

studying fm everyday
i'm gonna die studying fm.
Dont understand a single sai from it
Super zZz

the worst is, the notes are useless
the study guide is useless
the examiner report is useless too
i'm gonna be damn useless. sian

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Married man

had a conversation with my friend who was working
She told me alot of guys working, who are married doesnt seem happy with their marriage.
married guys tend to flirt around in the office & stuff lidat.
send other girls to work rather than send their wife.

As for woman, they will rushed home after work to look after the children.
the guys will have excuse not to go back.

Is this marriage?
Will i be like the man?
or will i be like the woman?


@Baoli's office

before i went back to the lift, i heard some one said this
"who's that guy ar? not bad ar, quite handsome leh"

while studying
baoli smsed me this

My colleague and the receptionist were like, "wa not bad looking leh! so nice"

um chio during the whole studying session, just kidding

Story of Mr X and Miss Y

Heard a story, i think that it's good to share with everyone.

On a fateful day, Miss y broke up with Mr x.

Miss y asked Mr x to stay away from her.
Mr x insist not to do that
Miss y said, if you're not gonna do that i'm gonna be nasty.
i'm gonna reject all ur phone call, block you on msn, delete all you sms.
Mr x listens to her.
Miss y said, i need to concentrate on my exam please dont disturb me
Mr x listens to her and failed his exam
Miss y said, do no privatise your 部落格

Mr x listens to her
Miss y said, why did you analyse me and makes me look like a bitch
Mr x apologise
Miss y said, dont delete all the photos from 肥死簿
Mr x went to upload all the photos back to 肥死簿
Miss y said, give me ur blessing when i find a new Mr z
Mr x said, okie i'll try to
Miss y said, dont post my friend's name on ur 部落格
Mr x said, okie n he removed all the names.
Miss y said, be my sister
Mr x said, okie i'll be ur sister

3 weeks later, Mr x think and think bout it.
why the hell did he listen to her by opening his 部落格
why the hell did he care whether she's gonna be nasty or not
why the hell did he not disturb her and make her fail her exam
why the hell did he remove her friend's name from his 部落格
why the hell did he care whether is she a bitch or not
why the hell should he give her his blessing
She didnt even listen to him, and she wants him to listen to her.

thats the joke of the century
thats the cruelty of reality
thats a stupid Mr x standing there allowing Miss y to slap him up down left right inside out.

Mr x privatised his 部落格
Mr x spam smses, msn and phone call her to disturb her
Mr x put all her friend's name on the 部落格
and started bitching
Mr x curse her whenever he can
Mr x is eventually was caught by the police and was put behind bar for suspect for being panel code 32

Morale of the story, dont be like Mr x, be a more meaningful person by letting everything go.
what comes around goes around, when the times is up, it's up.
No point forcing, 因为勉强是没有幸福的 =)

day by day

Edmond is getting more and more mushy day by day.
My hair is standing every single night.
"oh Juliet, Juliet, what have thou done to Romeo!!!"

"bring back, oh bring back, bring back our Romeo to us"

"in the heat of the night, we are having a fiesta, Romeo is growing mushroom right at the back of the forest"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dinner with Shuen

Headed back to Vivo for dinner
By right i thought i'll be meeting Shuen slightly later
but who knows ended up meeting her at 5.30pm

She looks different from the last time i saw her
i think she slimmed down alot.
Had alot of catching to do as usual
Chit chat alot and everything.

We went in Sushi Teh at around 545pm
but only started ordering at 6.45pm
Alot of things we wanted to eat
but was quite worried that we couldnt finish
so ended up ordered 2 main and one side dish.

After dinner, we chit chat for awhile and stuff lidat.
Back to the topic, she wanna treat my parents to dinner
plus coming my house to 做客
So re-arrange our schedule and most prob gonna do that after my exam.

She told me she moved to west side
so i'm thinking of whether can stay over at the place during my sch days
lidat can wake up later, sleep later, cfm wouldnt be late for lecture.
but next sem onwards then see how again.

B&J anniversary

Today was the first day, me wearing my new outfit.
white leather + berms + shirt = new outfit
Baoli looks different too
first time seeing her wearing pants n shirt.
Some how looks different from usual
All ready and buff up to get free B&J
But i didnt wanna eat, so planning to give mine to Baoli

Who knows after lunch
when we went to collect the cone
the queue was damn bloody long la
all the way from B&J to Carls Jr that side
so freaking long, n so freaking hot.
Ended up we didnt collect the cones.

Actually i wanna collect one for Baoli
but ended up didnt cuz she insist
eventually we went for Starbucks instead.

Around 1.50pm, Edmond left for his roadshow
so i went PSA building to study
nice environment, quiet and peaceful
love the environment man, and it's near the toilet.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleepless night

Couldnt sleep the whole night
woke up too late last night.
rolling on the bed the whole day
Ended up abit half dead during the lecture.

time passes quite fast thou
w/o realising what happened and the lecture is over.
went cotton on to buy the berms i being eying on during my bday
Realised it's 70% discount so i bought 1 brown and 1 black, lol
typical kiasu Singaporean

Dinner with my parents@Changi V
seriously they eat like pig lidat
Ate 3hor fun, went Hougang Mall to eat orh wah.
Chit chat with them, quite fun, especially my dad.

When driving home, he asked me need to go straight or turn left anot
i'm like hahaha, funny ar.
My mum is like stop spiking ur son.
She started all her philosophy again, blah blah blah.
i'm like yayaya.

i think this song suits me


i still think this song suits me more than Edmond. lol

sealed it away

Hate and love is only a thin line apart
to love is to be hurt
to hate is to stop urself from being hurt


hatred is the best medicine
at least it doesnt make some one feels terrible
Ultimately, let time heals all wound

Afew quotes i came across, quite meaningful.
NoNo is so ke lian =(

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sleep sleep sleep

Slept my sunday away
woke up at 8-9pm, damn sian
One studying day gone just lidat + ytd = 2 days

At home no mood to study, read manga all the way until now.
Hopefully tml can study.
from 4pm to 10pm in school. lol


tuition ended well
initially wasnt feeling well.
i think must be the Vodka/Martel/Tequila mixture
Morning lao sai like hell xia
damn weak when i reached her place

Now gonna take an afternoon nap
go later go hougang study, can buy my berms from cotton on.
But ex xia =(

Jenny's Bachelor Party

Met up with Jenny around 7pm @cck
Tai reached slightly later, around 7.20pm
took 300 to her place and walked till everyone was sweating.
When we reached her place, all the kfc delivery and pizza hut delivery was there alr.
All of us enjoyed the feast, she took out a Martel & a Tequila

Initially we played Black jack, but i felt the flow was too slow
Ended up we played smallest card drink.
I was quite shocked Jenny didnt drink much
the Ang Moh friend Samantha didnt drink much too.
Charmaine was the only one drinking, with mixer of course.
Only Tai and i sorta on the rocks, but in the end Tai drank abit of coke to wash off the Tequila taste.

Shared cab with Jenny & Venecia
Reached St James around 11pm
hang out awhile at Boiler, went to power house shortly cuz Boiler got no dance floor.
The first thing Tai and i did was hitting the Podium
But after awhile got bored and we went back to find them.
Venecia was talking to another one of their sec sch friend, Angela.
Wasnt drunk, but drank quite alot there.
Cuz they bought alot of jug so i just koped, guess the % was pretty low.

We were stoning for awhile, then after that Tai saw his friend, Paul, and they went out to smoke.
But after their smoking break we stayed at the dance floor the whole night.
First time ever, i was surrounded by girls and i'm not dancing with tai.
tai kept pushing me urging me to go ahead.
the scenerio was quite funny.
For the first time, i'm really looking at what's around me.

Everything was fun i can say, normally i'll isolate at one corner or dance with the guys only.
But this time round, i don't know how to describe.
Perhaps no restriction, i don't know.
Or maybe it's this thing that made me do this?
I dont know too, it's just something i wouldnt thought of doing.
Never ever i can say.

Things change, people do.
I learn it thru the hard way.

While waiting for the train
Chatted with Tai, then after awhile, Paul's friend, came to talk to us.
She's damn good man, she can keep talking and talking and talking.
Keep talking and talking until i abit amazed, at how can she talk bout anything under the sky.
Paul was talking bout how good looking i am, i was quite shocked too.
Normally where got people talk bout such thing one, whether is he saying for fun or not.
Inside me, i'm damn high la of course.
But i kept quiet and laugh it off.

signing off at 8am, need to wake up at 12pm for tuitions.


took 61 tgt with Larine
Larine accompany me to Ikea thou she can cross the road which was faster.
Dinner with the rest, didnt eat much since i had a heavy tea break.
So i ate a Potato Salad & a chicken wing.
Baoli bought 2 wine glass *she broke one today*
they were busily helping her to wrap it.
Hongwei ended up did the best among the rest.

Bought my white leather shoe from Pedro
took a cab back home for mj.
Baoli sang for me all the way back home
Quite nice listening to her sing.
During Mj, everything was fine until the song 最长的电影
I merely replayed it, then Edmond started singing 再给我1hour.
Abit du lan, kept quiet for awhile.
Then during the mj, he suan me abit more then i buey lun alr.
i poke him back, then he point at the photo frame.
When he pointed at the photo frame
my whole weeks accumulated du lan-ness reached the limit.

Things got abit nasty, but of all the thing.
The worst was for Baoli, i can get du lan and everything.
But i think Baoli was very poor thing, she kanna all the shit at the end.

My wound had split opened once again.
It was fucking painful.
Baoli, so far being very nice to me, i guess she had suffered quite an amount of dmg last night

chit chat


Chit chat with wt & xf again.
again, xf needs to leave early.
xf needs to watch the sister's convocation
i'm imaging myself graduating in 2 years time
So left with wt and I as usual.

We walked around the school few rounds but failed to find any empty benches.
So we went to Comp lab to do our work/gossip
Ended up we gossip for 2hours instead of studying again.
The both of us can never study together, we will end up chit chatting the whole day.

Evening had Micro lecture tgt with Larine.
Both of us are like 2 mice scurrying around
Taking plates and koping food from the convocation.
I kept taking the shepherd pie and roti john.
Larine kept hitting me and pulling me every where
"Why are you wearing green!!! Everyone's wearing BLACK!!! U're standing out la, n you still dare to take so much food!!!!"

Halfway during lecture, went out to take photos.
Took photos for 15min plus
The mother really damn good man
kept suggesting different pose and location to take photo

Saturday, April 18, 2009


灯光也暗了 音乐低声了
窗外阴天了 人是无聊了
电话响起了 你要说话了
是你变了 是你变了
灯光熄灭了 音乐静止了
天下起雨了 人是不快乐
电话响起了 你要说话了
是你变了 是你变了
灯光熄灭了 音乐静止了
天下起雨了 人是不快乐

By Zhang Xue You, I like this song.
Baoli sang it so nice.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Little Miss grumpy

One day, Mr Happy saw Miss Grumpy.

Mr Happy: Good morning Miss Grumpy
Miss Grumpy: what's so good about the morning?
Mr Happy: hahaha, it's good morning for a reason Miss Grumpy
Miss Grumpy: it's not good at all Mr Happy, you think everyone is as happy as you.
Mr Happy: hahaha, tell me about it Miss Grumpy.
Miss Grumpy: i broke up with my Mr Z last night
Mr Happy: hahaha, what? Again? What happened this time?
Miss Grumpy: Mr Z fails to sms me consistently, so I broke up with him.
Mr Happy: Isn't that the same as Mr Y?
Miss Grumpy: No, Mr Y fails to call me every night.
Mr Happy: Isn't that what happened to Mr X?
Miss Grumpy: Mr X doesn't care about me.
Mr Happy: hahaha, don't worry Miss Grumpy. One day you will find your true love and both of you will be happily ever after.

10 Years down the road

Mr Happy: Good Morning Miss Grumpy
Miss Grumpy: what's so good about the morning?
Mr Happy: hahaha, it's good morning for a reason Miss Grumpy
Miss Grumpy: yaya, whatever!
Mr Happy: What happen this time Miss grumpy? Tell me about it.
Miss Grumpy: it goes for Mr A, blah blah blah, Mr B, blah blah blah, Mr C, blah blah blah.
Mr Happy: hahaha, Miss Grumpy, don't be so grumpy anymore. Come, let us be together.
Miss Grumpy: really? *touched*

30years down the road

Mr Optimistic: Good morning Miss Grumpy, where's Mr Happy?
Miss Grumpy: we divorced and don't ask me why.
Mr Optimistic: sure sure, have a nice day.
Miss Grumpy: yaya, whatever!

Conversation with my parents


Dad: She got sms u? got call u?
Lionel: never
Dad: why never?
Lionel: never means never la
Dad: never even asked you how are you?
Lionel: never
Dad: huh, this kinda girl u still thinking of her?
Lionel: never
Dad: see your face, bu lui bu lui wan, look like some one just dumped you
Lionel: some one did dump me what
Dad: then dont think alr la
Lionel: orh
Dad: orh 你的头 orh
Lionel: aiya, ya la ya la
Dad: this girl can really just dump you and dont contact you ar
Lionel: people exam what
Dad: my son also exam what
Lionel: ya la ya la ya la

Exact same conversation, exact same sentence, exact same answer exact same question for the past 1 week.
Give me a break, alamak!!!

Mum: later see her in Hougang how
Lionel: what how?
Mum: what you want me to do
Lionel: what what you want me to do?
Mum: aiya, what u want me to do la.
Lionel: just cooked la
Mum: want me to say hi
Lionel: up to you la
Mum: she got face come see me?
Dad: blah blah blah
Mum: blah blah blah
Dad: blah blah blah

Slowly but surely, i got left out from their conversation.
Parents are running out of topic, nowadays, i'm their main topic.
One good thing, they started giving me money out of the blue.
Wu eh bo eh, put $50 on the table.
Wu eh bo eh, top up $50 in my ez link card.
like wah!!!


Bought a shirt for $59.90
Damn ex come to think of it
Didnt know why i buy that shirt for, like so waste money.
I think $59.90 i can buy 4 long sleeve shirt.
But hack la, also spend alr.
Wanted to buy shorts, but ended up didnt buy.
The cutting is abit wrong, so didnt wanna buy.

Most prob going to Top Man or Cotton On or places lidat to get the shorts.
Tml most prob going to get my Pedro white leather shoe, but i didnt know what to wear for tml.
Hack la, maybe tml wake up see whatever's ready then i'll wear it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

O town

I thought i was strong enough, but i was wrong
it's the fact that, i treasure her more than she treasures me.
You know I'd fight for you but how could I fight somone who isn't
even there
I've had the rest of you now I want the best
of you I don't care if that's not fair

Cuz I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all



quite a nice song =)

Change of Image

Plan to change my image
got sick of my jacket dressing, slippers or adidas superstar
Need to take out everything in my wardrobe
Stop wearing all my T-shirts & jackets

Packed everything with button shirt, be it long or short sleeve.
Buy a few nice shorts and a white colour leather shoe.
that's what i'm planning to do.
Got a black leather shoe to go with my jeans
Now i only need to get white leather shoe & a shorts and i'm ready to go

hitch a ride

chatted with wt for too long, 30min late for lecture
Charm and Crens sat behind me, i sat beside Larine
Couldnt really concentrate during the 3hr lecture
Didnt talk to Larine much also, dont know why also
Maybe abit emo, so didnt feel like talking

During the 15min break, i just lied on the table
Closed my eyes, rest awhile
Larine was gone n i didnt know.
Suddenly, some one from the back put the arm over my shoulder
had a shocked, but it was comfortable.
Comfortable as in, i feel like somehow, i'm not alone kinda thing.
I opened my eyes, saw Charm, she was asking me am i alright n stuff lidat.

The whole lecture, i didnt really look at Larine too.
Maybe abit pai seh, cuz i didnt go for afew lectures.
After the lesson, she went to popular and i went off with Charm.
But ended up i took Crens car home, since she's driving back to sk.
get to know her friend, Xinyi.
Went home tgt, but i was so tired i dozed off at the back.

Quite pai seh again, cuz normally quite rude to sleep when people is driving.
But i just couldnt resist the temptation.
It's like a childhood thing, since young when i couldnt sleep, my father will drive me around until i dozed off in the car.
Thats why, even if i'm not tired, i'll automatically dozed off on a car.

So yap, thanks crens for the ride, nice knowing you Xinyi.
I heard both ur conversation, okie!! lol


Lunch@Sim with my Jie meis
Chit chat for few hours
talk bout me, bout wt & why xf nowadays so quiet

when xf left@2pm
wt and i went to the library to chit chat for another few hours
talked bout ideal partner
what we see in our partner
talking bout seeing myself like her now

Ended up we reached a conclusion
that's to go learn baking tgt
She told me it's useless to learn cooking
why not learn baking, that will be better.

Come to think of it, i agree with her.
It's better to learn baking, in future can bake those heart shape cookies
or bake cake during people's birthday.
That will be so nice and sweet.
Clara mentioned bout baking, but we just briefly talk thru it.
After analysing it with wt, baking sounds like a good thing

Sorta like a plus thing
maybe she's gonna learn with Kang Li, then all of us can learn tgt (inclusive of Clara, but had to ask her first)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

this song again

再给我两分钟 让我把记忆结成冰 别融化了眼泪 你妆都花了 要我怎么记得 记得你叫我忘了吧 记得你叫我忘了吧 你说你会哭 不是因为在乎

再给我两分钟 让我把记忆结成冰 别融化了眼泪 你妆都花了 要我怎么记得 记得你叫我忘了吧 记得你叫我忘了吧 你说你会哭 不是因为在乎

再给我两分钟 让我把记忆结成冰 别融化了眼泪 你妆都花了 要我怎么记得 记得你叫我忘了吧 记得你叫我忘了吧 你说你会哭 不是因为在乎

再给我两分钟 让我把记忆结成冰 别融化了眼泪 你妆都花了 要我怎么记得 记得你叫我忘了吧 记得你叫我忘了吧 你说你会哭 不是因为在乎

This song started popping out again, kept singing this line for like? 2hr?

New Fave song



Nice and touching, very meaningful

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

GV to cancel ticket

Woke up at 11am to go hbf
Damn early, super not enough sleep xia.
Met up with Wu and Baoli for lunch then went to do the ticket.
Quite fast thou, went there chop chop replaced ticket reprint ticket then done alr.
But ended up got to cancel tuition, stayed at hbf Mac studied the whole afternoon.

hbf/Vivo, so much memories there.
do my work, surf abit of net, think abit of her
con't to do my work & everything until 6.30pm.
meet up with the rest at 6.50pm

First time seeing the legendary Juliana
Think she's quite friendly, hahaha
During the movie, first time ever in my life too, throwing popcorns at each other.
Was quite fun, if not for the heavy dinner i would have eaten the popcorn instead of throwing them around.

'The knowing' not very nice but definitely better than Dragon Ball.
When the show ended, slowly walked down forever21, Topshop, River Island, Poohs and Bears. Everyone was quiet too, started day dreaming too.

Just couldnt help it la, there's an auto-trigger stuck in my head.
Wondering what she's doing now, probably mugging for exam, waiting for exam to end then can enjoy after the exam.

Dinner@Ishi Mura

to Clara

Thanks for sharing Kun with me =)
psps for being a light bulb =P

Conversation with Clara

had a funny and weird conversation with Clara
I really dont know whether is it funny or weird
but it's really funny.
I dont know how to put it but yap, hahaha

I dont mind having one more Jie Mei, lol.
Clara, wanna be Jie Mei anot?
I got so many jie mei le, another one more doesnt matter de. lol

Let's wait till kun's exam over and ahem ahem, lol.
You know, he knows, i know.
But it's really okie wan la, hahahaha.

P.S the last part of our conversation, what i was trying to bring across was "low crime doesnt mean no crime", but i thought was "low crime means no crime"

Studying@Yishun Library

Studied at Yishun Library with Kun
At this pace i'm going i think i'm gonna fail my exam xia.
Die die super die, zZz.

Ate at this Japanese Village
not bad xia, the food there quite nice
most prob i'll be returning there to eat if possible.

Nuan at Kun's house after dinner and went straight to AMK Mac
studied awhile then all the issues starts popping out
Booking of Movie tickets and no. of people going
Damn sian xia, i took around 1h to settle everything
By the time settled alr Kun & Clara wanted to leave soon
Ended up didnt study much at night

That's beside the point
Now i'm going to cancel tuition tml
wake up early, reach HBF early
if everything failed, had to buy another 5 tickets.
I dont see this as part of my duty
Wu doesnt think i need to go to that extend too
If i'm the only one who miscom, nothing to say, Wu had the same conclusion as me
If 2 people reached the same conclusion, it's really not my duty of care.

But if i'm gonna do all this right
Should at least let me know i'm appreciated for doing all this
Dont think that it's 应该的 (extracted from Wu)

There's nothing as 应该的
everything is give and take one.
We're going the extra mile, doing the extra work
Wu had to rearrange his side, i need to cancel my schedule.
Do you know ur sms was very rude and sarcastic?

Respect is earned, not given.
You wanna change, we can help you
what have i been doing all these years?
What have Mong, Kok yee & Dong done all these years?
Your friend Alan? Giant?

Dont take things for granted until you lose it
Treasure things around you before it's too late.
That applies for me, for you, for everyone.
Everything i say, you always dont listen one
Even if you listen, next moment u face black black with me
but all these is for your own good.

You have your principle, but i have my pride.

P.S Sat i wasnt late, i reached at 435pm, i was waiting for Baoli. I changed my mind when she said she be reaching by 5.30pm instead of 5pm.

Monday, April 13, 2009


My mum removed all her photos.
Asked me not to look at the photos anymore.
Asked me to blue tooth them my photos so i did.

Ended up they say they gonna go back to their company to find a gf for me
I'm like wth, totally speechless, zZz.

Quote from friends over the week


* Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me!,"


* Example - "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me!"; "Who is to blame?"


* Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything for a few more days."; "I will give my life savings if..."


* Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"

Example - "It's going to be okay."; "I can handle it with change" "It's time to move on"


These are some actions and virtues you practice on people on a daily basis

Family and Loved ones: Treasure, Cherish and Sacrifice.
Yourself: Love yourself, Prioritize and Acceptance of limits.
Friends: Patience, Presence and Choice

Enemies or ppl who refuse to get off your back: IGNORE, if they get overboard. TAKE ACTION. GET EVEN.


Always love yourself more than loving others
Eventually you wouldnt get hurt


You need some one who can tolerate all your nonsense
If those who cant tolerate your nonsense, they are not yours to begin with


Telling a white lie is by helping urself and helping others
Ended up, you be happy the person be happy and everyone will be happy.


Loving yourself is simply prioritizing your FUTURE as the topmost thing along with family friends and.... 'love'

simply because years from now, people may move on, things will change, but your future still remains with you.
Loving yourself means making yourself so much more than just a simple person,
Social skills, Hobbies, Languages, Musical Instruments, Physical, Career, Money, Cars, House, Ambition, Shopping.
if you hone urself to be so much more, and always remain sincere and nice, when love fails on you. you take a step back in life, but you still have so much more there for yourself.

but don't let it destroy your future away, or compromise a huge chunk of it.
remember that life ALWAYS has more than one priority at anytime, and most of the time, they include studies and family.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Edmond told me

Somehow sounded quite familiar
heard of it some where before, this trait of being "too straight forward or maybe not really straight forward but some where there" will offend pple easily.

He says it's okie to tell lies some times
Tell lie, he happy, you happy everyone happy.
I dont know whether issit being hypocritical anot


my parents favourite hang out place.
Looking at all the old people there
Couldnt help it but to imagine my parents gonna be like one of them soon, hanging out there everyday or maybe day and night.

Had their favourite fish
Enjoy their company and realised how much i had missed out
My parents always go out in pair & i believed they feel happier when i'm around with them.
I rmb what Estee use to tell me bout family value and how everyone has to make an effort and play a part so that the family can work.

My dad told me dont hurry to get into another r/s
enjoy singlehood and the whole night my parents are pointing at girls, say this one we dont like that one still okie dont get this kind that one not bad blah blah blah.
I think i need to tell them i'm interested in guys, show them the one i kissed Tai and made out with Wu.

Declare once and for all, i'm not NIANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every guy has it's feminine side.

The song from my mum


this was the song she asked me to send to Chloe