Friday, July 31, 2009

last day for the guys

today is gonna be a memorable day, the day when the guys are going to leave me alone and move on in their each individual life. Cheelin going to NUS doing engineering, tse wei going to NUS doing double degree in Chem engineering & Business, Jiahui going to NIE doing diploma in teaching there after proceed to teach in primary school.

2weeks, not too long, not to short. But more than enough for some one to know each other fairly well. It made my stay a memorable one, they were really very helpful.

My NSPI from alpha, but i was never under him. He enter the unit while i left, i would have seem him if i didnt clear leave. But i know quite alot bout him due to jiahui, bout his seriousness, attitude in work, ability to differentiate etc.
He help me out alot, because he'll always check out my time table for me, telling me at this point i should ask Mr Wong what can i do, if not find Mdm Wee for CD. Other than that he will bring me to staff room for other admin stuff or lesson materials. I do appreciate it =)

he's the school idol of the year. Everyone knows him in school, everyone will call out to him wherever he goes. cheelin, tse wei and I always need to wait for him. Every few steps we take, he will need to stop for awhile, chit chat, then con't walking, stop awhile, chit chat then con't walking.
Calling him the idol of the school is an understatement.

silent killer, who has a fan club in school. Every where i go, i'll have people asking me where is tse tse? If not, did you see my tse tse. Man of few words, but he hate me. He hate me due to some ahem ahem stuff, and more ahem ahem stuff. It's not within my control, but still he hates me. His favourtite line, "i hate you la, hhmph."

Dont worry guys, like what jacky says, he's going to create his new legacy. Be assured that he will con't your legacy :)

farewell party

Homec stuff prepared alot food for the guys. We had fried chicken wings, pizza, curry puff, cup cakes, bread pudding. It was indeed a feast, far too many food for so few of us. I heard cheelin wanted to order large pizza but luckily he didnt, if not i think i'll become damn fat. 4 medium pizza is more than enough to kill us.

Outside the homec room, it's flooded with students trying to say good bye to them, students baking cookies and cakes for them. Very very very crowded. Photo session every where, from jiahui's digital camera to Suzi's digital camera. Student's camera phone too.

Students asking me to take photos too. I'm like, i still got till the end of the year, so relax. But they still asked me to take, so i just took photos with them. But until now i still havent received the pictures plus i dont know who are they. . . .

jiahui(female version) took my hp running around taking photos of everyone and herself. Lively bunch of students, truly reminds me of myself back in St pats. Damn wasted, last time camera phones are not even out yet. If we had camera phones back then, maybe i'll have more memories of myself back in sec school.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seventh day in school

School is getting monotonous, repeating the same routine, the same classes and same faces everyday. One thing that doesnt change is the ever-changing attitude of students. The way they try to mingle their way thru stuff, trying to see where the limits are.

There's days i'll open 1 eye and close the other, like what people always say, no matter how good the cops are, they can never catch all the thieves in the world.

Still, everyday, i'll be reading books on how to interact with the class, if not will be books on how to discipline the class, how to let students open their heart to you. It's tiring, but i believe it's my duty as one to act like one.

Like what i said, i love to take test, because that's the only time everyone wouldnt be running around shouting and making noises. Obviously, that means less interaction, but interaction doesnt mean u had to interact with them in class. In my opinion, it will be easier to run the class if you know everyone by their nature. Doesnt mean by intervening their private life, but by knowing them better.

By right, i wanted to play games with 1e6, but too bad their english teach gave them a last minute assignment so tada, no games for you guys. That's quite sad, lol, cuz i was looking forward to it. But nevermind, i had few more months to go, so it wouldnt be an issue.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sixth day in school

Being there before, but went there to write their assignment of the day. Other than that, this is consider my first entry, quite a cheerful bunch of people. There's this guy called mark, n he super look like Show lo, especially the eyebrow.

Had a nice conversation with them, Jiahui, Alina, Mark and Michelle. Today, tse wei didnt come and i unintentionally talked to his favourite student. Because she asked me some Amaths qn, and i solved it for her.

This is the only class where i rmb the students by index no. cuz i thought it was quite fun. 16 is jia hui, 18 is michelle, 21 is Alina and 34 is Mark.

Quite a familiar class, because my basketball friends are inside. They had geography assignment to do, but as usual, most people wouldnt be doing it when relief teacher is in there. I think i was quite nice to their class, but i guess the next time i go in, i'll be abit more strict.

thereafter i took over jiahui for ART. Gosh, after looking at them drawing, i felt so incompetent. They way they paint, colour, n etc etc etc. Sorry, i'm not an art teacher so skip the technical term. Didnt start off well with 4N6, so probably the class still couldnt meet me in the eye. But no choice, couldnt please everyone.
Jacky took over me after that, i heard he forgot to lock the art room door. . .

hou yong's class, he's the captain of compassvale pri who play basketball at 299. I had no assignment for them, but i made them do a revision chapter for measurement. Ended up those who finished i gave them sweets as rewards for finishing their assignment. I dont know whether issit a good approach but hopefully this will give them the impression that doing work is rewarding.

Personally i'm more strict towards lower sec and more lax for upper sec because i believed upper sec are young adult, being a young adult they know what they do is right or wrong. But probably i'll be stricter to sec 3. I dont know why i say so, but that's the impression they give me.

Unknowingly, i gain a nickname in school. Students called me the strict and fierce teacher. Or other than that, they called me the Ah beng teacher. That's good, because that's the kind of impression i wanna create.

Monday, July 27, 2009

fifth day in school

I have been working in school for the past 1 week and time really flies. All this time in school brings back memories of me in school, be it JC or be it Secondary school days. All the mischief i have done, all the prank, trouble i have caused to teachers and my rebellious nature. Getting sent out, see the principal, see the vice principal. Gosh~!

i had assignment for them, but who knows the assignment is supposed to be their homework. Everyone is behaving very rowdy, couldnt help it thou. Because the assignment is a homework, but of course there's some other people who didnt complete their homework.

One thing i dont understand, why must people walked around. I try to recall by then when i was in sec school, did i walk around and stuff lidat. Of course i couldnt remember!!!

Nice and good experience, the class is very well behaved i can say. Maybe because they have work to do, n it's O level, so need to get serious and stuff lidat. At the same time, i ask around and see who is very good in art so i can ask him whether he can help me in designing my friend's birthday card. That's how i got to know Junior Pang, the helpful prefect and some one who is good in designing :)

After that i'm back in 3E4, gosh, they are getting more rowdy now. Practically everyone is standing up walking around and stuff lidat. Ended up i manage to calm the class down, but i'm seriously helpless when comes to girls, lol. Guess i had alot more to learn.

As for me, i feels that sec 3/4/5, i wouldnt wanna discipline them that much because i believed they are young adults. Further more age like this is very rebellious, the more strict you are, the further they will bounce back. I guess what i need to do most is to understand them individually from themselves to family to friends so that i can work things out. A lot of work, but i'm enjoying it :)

Last class was 2E3, i have no idea why i call them jh's class. But yap, they are jh's class. First thing i walked in, they are like 'hi Mr Lee', and i'm like 'huh, how the hell they know me -.-' and of course the next sentence clarify everything.

'Mr Goh asked us to give u more trouble'

i'm like totally 'wtf', obviously i didnt say it out loud. As usual my conclusion is when the class has work to do, everyone will be quiet.

Georgina was crying thru out the lesson, i tried to comfort and console her but it just got worst and worst. Whatever it is, i hope she's feeling better and thanks Joey for helping out to console her :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday family day

We had dinner at Tampines, our so call weekly family day as usual. But this time round it's at tampines. As usual i couldnt wake up on time because of my sat late night, so i joined them at 7pm at tampines. Couldnt remember what we're supposed to have for dinner but ended up we had something else at Tampines Mall.

Coincidentally i saw Kun at tampines mall, luckily too, so i get my calculator back from him and now i can finally use my sin cosine tangent function on the calculator :)
Chit chat with Clara and him at Isetan, for quite some time. So i asked a casual question, 'u all can work and talk at the same time wan ar?' obviously the answer was no and i left.

Con't shopping with my parents, they wanted to buy this blazer for me, but ended up we didnt cuz it's still ex after 50% discount or issit that the cutting wasnt good enough. One of those reasons la, couldnt really recall either.

On the way home, we saw this Japanese restaurant so we decided to come here for dinner next week :)

I love hanging out with my family on Sunday, neglected them for quite some time. I'm glad that i found my way back to them, perhaps i'll find my way back to him (",)

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Vivi's birthday

Hip Hop3 at O school new location, but today im going for 3 only lazy to go for the other one. My instructor is back, no longer AnAn. After the dance we had a talk bout the recital, it's for all O school students who are interested to join the performance for O school, and i think im damn interested to join the performance.

All i need to do is to select 2 genres but the problem is i only had 1, but she told me it's okie to have only one. Then i'll just compete using 1 genre and that will probably be none other than hip hop. So currently afew things on my mind. Which is to join open classes to see how fast i can pick up choreograph and whether can i catch up. Cuz if i can catch up, that means i can probably try out for Recital :)

Rushed home after lesson, then rushed down to Raffles place for ViVi's birthday. Meeting Sharlyn at 7pm and she reached around 745pm. . . . If i know she's going to reach around 745pm i'll just go for the next lesson and meet her at 8pm la. . . .

Had a merry go round trying to look for Timbre, the only clue they told me is 'looked for the most happening place', and guess what? Every where is happening due to NDP parade, lol. Everyone is camping for the firework, so yap, it took us another 45min to reach Timbre.

Reached there, dont know anyone. Form our small little clique at this area where the fan is constantly blowing at us. There after, had some unhappy issues with one of ViVi's guest and ended up we had some one who defend ViVi for the sake of defending her. It's like so lame, n nothing is going into her, as in our reasoning. So for all i care, my impression of her is going lower & lower. Whatever~!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fouth day in school

1 week has gone by, pretty fast i guess. As time goes by or rather tick past, i realised i'm behaving more and more like an ergo-maniac, in simple term it's a workaholic. But probably i didnt go to those more havoc classes, thats why my impression for this job is still good.

Mdm Imelda wasnt here, so my job was to invigilate for 3 classes.

I love giving tests, because that's the only time when i can see and feel the serious attitude in them. Only during this period of them, everyone will be scribbling something on their script, trying their best to score well to do well for their paper.

Of course, there's always afew people with blank script or rather scribble afew lines then let it be. Come to recall & abit of flashback, i couldnt remember anything bout taking test. The only think i can remember is handing up empty paper for geography, so from here, putting myself in these student's shoe. I want to understand why they rather hand up 0 for the script rather than write afew craps get a few marks.

Last time i did that because i hated my geography teacher, so is it that they really hate their geography teacher? or because they really didnt study because they played too much? Probably will start talking to them when i get to know them better :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

third day in school

3rd day in school:

i'm still carry my small file/folder walking around in school, quite a signature i guess, cuz among the rest of the relief i'm the only one carrying files around. Inside the file, i put my marker, my Japanese notes, my red & blue pen and pencil to do maths for my students.

first class of the day was 3T8. Walked in the class, relief their maths teacher, so i went thru their Maths equation with them and after that had to invigilate their Maths re-test. It wasn't as bad as what i thought, as majority of the students are quite hardworking and willing to learn.

But those who didnt wanna learn, were, hmmmm, rebellious i guess. The choice of the words they used weren't very pleasant too. Abit pissed, but i told myself i have to be patient. A rock can never win against a rock, if u try to cut the rock, the scissor will break. The only way to win a rock, u need to wrap it with paper. But paper is so weak that scissor can cut it effortlessly. So, i dont think by scolding them, it will work. The only way is to be patient.

Had quite a long break, but i forgot what i did during the break. Probably staying in the Homec room with Jacky or something close to that. Because i couldnt rmb anything bout walking around in school, because we're not encourage to do so. The rest of the time i was surfing web, doing research for history, about Maritime trade and spice route.

Relief them for history, quite an active bunch of them. But overall it wasnt that bad, they said i look abit like Ji hoon and Yoo Bin from boys over flower. I'm like totally shocked. . . . Lost for words (totally). Despite all these, it was a wonderful experience. Now, i had a different opinion on sec1 kids.

History once again, the same piece of assignment. But i have more active people like TIM!!!! The whole lesson, i'm Tim-ing around. Tim, why u like to walk so much? Tim, why are u still walking? Tim, what u doing there now? Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim!!!!
Mingle around abit more with the rest of the class.

relief them for racial harmony speech. Tell them, on a racial harmony day, what should we do and what should we not do. Our view and prospective regarding racial harmony, consequences of racial conflicts and how riot has changed the life of Singapore. At the end of the lesson, i was asked to ask them to do a Racial Harmony pledge.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Second day in school

Mr Wong totally forgot bout me. So my name wasnt on the time table, then i took over Chee lin, did his share and Chee lin went to do admin stuff. His schedule is pretty easy, break all the way until 12pm-215pm.

I was practically rotting from 740-12pm. It was bored not able to do anything, and i couldnt stand not doing anything. Initially i thought i was a pretty good stoner, cuz i can always stare into blank space and start day dreaming for hours. But i guess 4hours was abit too much for me, and i really wonder how Chee lin spend his time.

Finally it was 12pm, i was looking forward to it, who knows when i reached the class, there's something wrong with my time table. Very disappointed, strolled back to staff room, con't to nuan and stone for another 1hr. Eventually i couldnt take it anymore, i took out my MP3 and started listening to it and dozed off for an hour.

1pm!!!!!!!!!!!! Like gosh, finally!!!!!!!!!!

Strolled to 2E2, by right i'm supposed to take 2E1 then Jia hui swap with me. After that tse wei swap with me too. So ended up, i had to take 2E2. No preference, cuz every class is the same to me since i'm damn new.

Shocked, surprised, stun!!!!

Half the class is gone, all claim to be at sports heat. Fine, think i'm noob, so nevermind. I took down the name of everyone in class, those who aren't in class just let it be, those who are in class, of course u're safe.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First day in school

First day in school, rather nervous, or i can say damn nervous. Dont know whats the dos and donts, dont know whats right or wrong etc etc. Punched in, blah blah blah, intro abit here and there, but at the end of the day i still dont know who is who, and what are they doing.

At 730, damn classic thing happened, the sole of my left shoe dropped out. So i walked like im flat footed, luckily it wasnt very obvious that one sole is missing. After that, saw chee lin, said hi, then intro me to tse wei and the late comer Jacky.

First class i went to was 4n6. Nothing much of an experience, was quite well behave, just that the students there are abit rebellious, but what more to expect. When i'm that age, i'm more or less as jia lat as them. Some how brings back memories. Some names to rmb or rather i wouldnt forget. Zhang wen and Yao on, 2 very nice and supportive guys i know from that class. English rep Sandy, quite attitude but the more attitude u are, the more i like. Kah Sheng, the birthday boy. Gabriel, some one that totally reminds me of me, lol.

Before proceeding to 5N1/5N2, the right sole dropped out. Dont know whether to be happy anot, cuz im able to balance now. But heck la, cant be bothered too, cuz dropped out at least im able to balance.

5N1/N2, combined physic, seriously damn jia lat xia. Because i dont know who is there who isnt there. It's like those people who take physic will come to my class. Of course, they will sure chao/pon if they see me right? Cuz thats what i do last time. Ended up the class is like less than 3/4 presents. Everything is fine, talk around joke around since O level student, treat them as young adult, some one who knows what's impt and what's not.

Suddenly, this guy took the chair n attempt to throw at his friend. Although he's just playing and fooling around, but seriously i have 0 tolerance for nonsense like this. I yelled at him the way i yell at criminals, guess the whole class got a shocked, and eveyone kept quiet. Bo bian, so i just proceed to do my things.

Angie, nice n pleasant girl. Came to help me in the temperature taking, took down everyone's name and stuff lidat. Damn helpful i must say, i got a shocked, i thought normally no one be bothered about it. Her actions deserve praises.

Right after N1/N2, i proceed to 3E1. Mischievous class, because they like to hide people's stuff. One of the student hide my file -.-, but eventually i found it, but i act as if i dont know where's my file because people always say that the more dangerous place is the safest place. Might as well just leave it there, so they wouldnt disturb my file anymore.

Other than that, 3E1 really very helpful. I dont know why, too helpful that i felt so uneasy. Telling me what they having now, they only have 12 physic students etc, telling me sports heat what time, only who's leaving etc. Too nice to be true, but i like it. Especially Haziq, he's very enthu. Hui Ying, Eunice are very curious people i guess. Or rather plus Haziq n nash, all are curious people. So we had a period of 'guessing how old is Mr Lee'

First day experience, fun i guess. But i still dont feel good cuz i yell at that guy. . .
sigh. . .
tml be a better day

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ice Age 3

Watched ice age 3 at cathy, plus collecting this book from Chan@orchard. He had 30% discounts for books, due to member price, so i asked him to help me get this book for Edmond. It was quite dumb, cuz i was at Dhoby and he said to meet at Orchard. So i went orchard, but he thought we're meeting at Dhoby. He came Orchard, but the bus stopped at somerset, then i took a train back to Somerset from Orchard. We're like playing merry go round xia, lol.

Bought the tickets at Cathy, the Edmond smsed me whether have i bought. But i bought alr, so if i add one more slot, i dont think he can reach on time also. Juliana reached around 5+ abit, then we went to buy some snacks at PS b2.

The not bad ba, but not as nice as i thought. Stil it's quite funny, but 10bucks for the movie is abit too much, lol. We met Edmond for dinner at Sakae, then they complained when we sat down that sushi village is cheap #$%^&*(

After dinner, went home. Edmond took till punggol, then we chit chat till quite late then he walked home. Form of exercise.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Parents cooked at home. we had chicken, abalone with broccoli, shark fin soup & fried omelette with silver fish. Damn nice man, lol. Especially the chicken and omelette. Because the chicken is coated with honey, and when they roast it, the skin becomes damn crispy & tgt with the honey it's like vava voom. Omelette was nice too, by itself, it's quite plain, but tgt with the silver fish it brings out abit of natural taste.

My parents as usual, the same topic for 3months. They can keep talking n talking n talking bout it. Never fail to feel bored, but probably cuz they got nothing else to say so they just keep talking and talking n talking bout it. But there's new issues now, issue bout my car accident during may. My mum, still believed that it's her who cause me to got into that accident. My dad told me he thinks so too, but didnt wanna mention bout it.

From there, they kept saying how i was bewitched during the accident. My mind was occupied with her, kept thinking bout her & stuff lidat. That's why i got into a car accident due to lack of focus blah blah blah. . . .

Personally, i forgot why i got into an accident alr, lol. It was so long ago, but it's was definitely some where after the break up, so couldnt eliminate that possibility.

How my parents think, i couldnt stop them for thinking. Because people this age are stubborn, they have their way of thinking and thoughts.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


we went to yw's grandma's wake.
among the teenagers, it wasnt as solemn as it seems.
as in, i dont know, i thought funeral should be solemn.
never really being to one, so i dont know how issit like.

The table i'm seated, they are talking bout cold jokes.
if not, like, going up to one of the cousin's house cuz cooler.
Or wanna go up and nua & stuff lidat.
If not bringing lap top to watch movie.

I dont know, i just thought it was inappropriate.
But yw said, the grandma like noises and laughter.
So it will be better, so her grandma will be happier.

My personal perspective, is somehow different of course.
I believed it's a form of respect you have for some one else.
You respect the person, you dont joke & laugh.
Probably, you dont need to cry or shout in despair.
All in all, it's the attitude and behaviour that matters.

Jigsaw Shopping

Late for dance cuz i went for an afternoon nap. . .
woke up like 330, im like fk. . . . .
grab my stuff chao and ran.
Sat becomes my weekly jogging routine.
from my house to mrt station, from lavender to Old School.

After hh2 and hh3, had to faster pack up
cuz meeting Ben & Laureen@Suntec.
Who knows, i saw my sister and her sister & also Ben's sister.
They asked me to dance the wonder girls - nobody.
i'm like, ehhhhhh, 'next time when i drop by ur house la'

So we went jigsaw shopping tgt with Juliana.
Bought a nice one, and we left.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Jap lesson

tai is here to help me reformat my comp.
As usual, me and him 8zi bu he.
every time help me reformat comp also got problem wan.
this time, i'm lacking of drivers, cuz dell doesnt provide drivers.

So contradicting right, imagine i dont have Ethernet driver.
How to login online?
If cant login online, i cant even download what. . . . . .

Had our weekly routine Chicken rice with Ben & gf.
Jap then supper with parents as usual, home sweet home. . .

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Borders with Edmond

met up with Edmond at Lucky plaza at 7pm
wanted to check out his diving equipment.
See whether the price okie anot, n stuff lidat.
Of course i dunno anything, i just follow and see.

After that went Borders to check out his books.
Cost 72bucks xia!!!!
Luckily i saw chan, he's working there so we got staff price.
Like 30% discount for all books.
Now come to think of it, maybe i'll buy LOTR full set, Harry Potter full set & Twilight full set.

Walked from Borders to Meridian hotel for Korean food.
He told me it's damn nice so we walked all the way there to try.
I ordered beef and he ordered chicken, very very nice!!!!
But it's 8bucks so ex. . . .

Chit chat abit, had a bet on vampire 2 and 3.
The stake is loser will treat Simpang wing set with cheese
heh heh heh heh


by right today gonna learn baking n cream puff.
but who knows, last min, some one attitude, so everything canceled.

the reason i think she attitude is because of,
1) everyone drag n drag n drag, dilly dally, so wasted quite alot of time
2) some of us got to leave early, so cannot do the baking tgt.
3) we say cancel the baking and go some where else

explanation, a step by step guide to correct answers.

1a) she didnt call everyone, so it isnt very nice to just leave like this. When people ask where u're going now, cant possibly everyone says go home n left at the same time. The rest didnt wanna portray a clique impression, so they dilly dally.
1b) some of them are going to holland for attachment, so they need to stay back after sch to ask the lecturers some question bout overseas attachment.

2) actually notify them ytd le, but dont know why insist that everyone must stay till the very end.

3) due top option 1) & 2), she's unhappy, so she just say cancel the baking n do something else. Ended up everyone just agree, so she became even more unhappy. Asking us, how come we said we wanna go baking then last min cancel, isnt that wrong?

Ended up the group of us went to play arcade/lan then i met edmond for dinner.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

minds cafe

stone outside lido for awhile, then i made a reservation for 10@Minds.
Juliana gtg, cuz she's meeting her sister.
Sharlyn will be replacing her, jasmin needs to work so wouldnt be there.
At minds was quite low too, everyone is so not energetic.
The game they play are all so weird, and too many people la.

yy, sit one corner cam whoring, taking photo of herself.
Same position same posture, same angle.
Dont know take for what also. . . . .
Xinyi, at one corner, beside yy, so quite isolated, nothing much she can do.
Sharlyn, reading newspaper, yw keep complaining she's tired.
Norman messing around with his lappy
ww not enough sleep, only left with Melvin kenneth and me.

Play play play, until damn sian, cuz the girls keep cheating.
Kenneth, norman & me dont feel like playing le.
Melvin keep saying, under the law, the girls are always protected.
So it's okie if they cheat. . . .
Whatever la, this is the kinda guy yong hai always like to describe.

went home with Norman, had a damn good chat.
Cuz he's from SJI, pri school is St anthony.
gosh!!! De La Salle Brotherhood!!!!

All thru the school hall the voice is resounding
promptly respond to ur duty sweet call!!!!!


since im going to carousel, might as well just go far east for a hair cut.
I thought she wouldnt rmb me when i went back there.
Ended up she does rmb who am i, so asked me whether i want back the same style.
I did consider whether should i leave it as it is, or cut back the usual hairstyle.
But nahz, ended up i told her to cut like those korean hairstyle.
Thou the end product is abit disappointing, but i believe afew days later my hair will grow all the way back as it is.

went straight to Royal scott after my hair cut,
wanted to go there and poo poo, who knows they reached there the same time as me.
So we went there for high tea buffet, not that bad thou.
But quite limited, all i ate was sashimi & kebab.
Maybe abit of rendang, laksa n tempura ebi.
That's all, wasnt very full, but wasnt very hungry too.

One thing i'm not very happy, like since the seating arrangement is like this.
Why some people wanna change seats and stuff lidat?
Why not just sit there for the time being, maybe until after the meal then change or what la.
Like abit too much, the worst thing was, she just carried the guy's plate while the guys wasn't there and put it at her place and she just shifted to his place.
When the guy came back, he's like 'erm, where's my plate, did anyone see my plate?'
just dont like la, come out as a group, must act like a group not divide into cliques.
If wanna divide into cliques might as well dont call other people to come, ask them to come and then outcast them, too much.

Really too much, kua le jin buey song.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Supper@Al Ameen

went bukit timah for Al ameen prata
owe ww a favour to supper there, so yap, there we are for supper.
If not from bukit panjang, he comes all the way down to Bedok/Geylang to supper also abit weird. Not say weird la, but too far for him.

Ended up we didnt have supper at Al ameen
we have prata at this place beside Al ameen which i cant rmb the place.
I only know their satay is called 'power satay'

After supper, went juliana house to nuan.
then she helped me to do hana, dunno whether is that how u spell it.
She drew a sai & a turtle, then yy drew juliana on her ankle.
then drew a rabbit and heart shape on my hand.

nothing to do, so we started to have pillow fight.
Ended up with juliana trying to remove my leg hair with her leg removal thingy.
hmmm, what issit called. . . .
nvm, lol.

ion NOT

didnt plan to go ION at all, cuz i thought i'll be going to Pasir Ris.
Ended up, after much persuasive by yw, i went ion@orchard.
reached there around 6plus, by right can reach quite early,
thats if i go off earlier at 5pm.

Walked 2 rounds around ION, failed to find the entrance.
I seriously thought they were inside the building.
So i con't walking, i even thought the entrance is at LV.
like walk thru LV, then exit from the building's entrance.

Gave up after my final attempt, cuz i wasnt wearing very atas.
Walked back to MRT and i saw them there -.-

I told them i couldnt find the entrance, n they're like
'thank you Lionel', of course im like wtf?!?
Eventually went mian zhong mian@Far east for dinner.

Not a noodle person, but nvm ba, just ate whatever's there.

tuition NOT

tuition at 4pm with Shannon.
bloody hell!!! She over slept!!!
so i was trapped outside her house for 20min.
i called her, sms her, ring her bell, call her house phone.
Nobody answer at all, so i assume the parents not at home too.

Repeat that for 15-20min then i left and went RM walk walk.
Asked her to give me a call when she woke up.
Until 5pm, i left the place and went compass to shop for wrapping paper.
Cuz gonna hand make a card for YY.
Sian, dont know what kinda dress to get for her.

Rebel/Lunar *update*

Vodka Orange (just entered Rebel)
Suaku, first time in Lunar
3rd-5th cup, YY gone
Are u thinking what im thinking?
after rebel, the guy with goatee is one weirdo
Cam whoring with yy, there's like 145 same photos, same pose but different location.
caught Sharlyn & Jerry red handed
Ba Chor Mee, but sold out.
Jerry (think he looks like Ray)Couple tada

Sunday, July 12, 2009

sunday wasted

Sunday wasted again, woke up at 5-6pm.
but agar agar is lidat wan ba, cuz i slept at 9am plus plus.
i need about 8hrs of sleep or more a day.
But if start work, i think i'll definitely tone down alot

When i woke up, the first thing on my mind was SHIT!!!!
Dinner with parents, but strangely, my dad didnt call me.
So i smsed him asking him dinner at where.
Guess what?!?
Suntec -.-
Been quite some time since i last frequent Suntec.

We walked around Suntec to check out what to eat
ended up we ate at food terrace.
My parents newest topic is her and I.
3months alr, they been talking bout the same topic every sunday.
keep the details ba, too much to digest.

Happy Birthday YY!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

henderson wave *update